Of course Gu Nanting knew that Su Xiaojin would be very worried about his mother.He simply kept silent, listening to Su Xiaojin swearing a lot beside him.

"This incident is my fault. It happened suddenly, and I forgot to tell you afterwards. I'm sorry. But you have to trust me in cash. I will not harm you, let alone your mother."

Gu Nanting said sincerely, Xiao Yiming glanced at the two of them.For a moment, he felt that Su Xiaojin and Gu Nanting were actually a good match.

"Gu Nanting, before I trouble you to do something good, can you think about whether others can accept your kindness? What position do you put me in by doing this?"

Su Xiaojin was actually very moved when she heard that Gu Nanting cared about her and helped her and her mother in order to share the pressure for herself, but he was more angry because Gu Nanting made a decision without telling him about the series of things that led to it.

If it weren't for her mother's disappearance, the Su family would not have turned against her so early, and Su Mengning would not have started forging evidence to expose the events of the year and frame Su Xiaojin when her mother was missing.

Su Xiaojin didn't mean to blame Gu Nanting too much, what happened to Su Mengning would happen sooner or later, but what happened now really caught her by surprise.

This can be regarded as forcing her to find out what happened back then as soon as possible. Su Xiaojin didn't want to start so early. She felt that there were potential factors around her that would interfere with her.

"I know, I will tell you later." Gu Nanting's tone softened, and Su Xiaojin nodded.

She said: "I'd better return the 5000 million to you. Although I don't know who borrowed it in my name, it's a disaster to put it here. I don't want to be caught by the Su family."

Xiao Yiming actually didn't think the 5000 million was that important, although his company was not as powerful as Gu's company.But 5000 million is still available.

Since Su Xiaojin wanted to use it, he would naturally give it to him in an emergency.As for paying back the money, he didn't think much of it at all.

However, Su Xiaojin's temperament is relatively stubborn, and he will definitely return the 5000 million he took. Xiao Yiming just wanted to use this excuse to communicate and get along with Su Xiaojin more.

"Okay, if you are flirting, you two go back and talk. Now that you have made a decision, let's start looking into this matter." Xiao Yiming felt his eyes dazzled when he was beside these two people, and his heart was sour. of.

Gu Nanting also agreed with Xiao Yiming's point of view, Su Xiaojin returned the 5000 million to Xiao Yiming, and made a voucher in case of emergencies.

Since someone has attacked her account, this sum of money will definitely be talked about.

"You still don't need to use your account for a while. I will open a new account for you, and I will open it in my name. You can transfer money or something. I will upgrade your account and make another one. confidentiality measures."

Gu Nanting sat here by the way and opened a bank card for Su Xiaojin, so Su Xiaojin had no choice but to take that card. "I'm going to find Han Yu tomorrow, and his mother seems to be a witness to this incident."

"Then I'll check the evidence Su Mengning said. See which ones are true and which ones are false." Gu Nanting nodded.

Xiao Yiming also said: "Then leave the news about the person who borrowed money under the guise of your name to me."

The three people have a clear division of labor.

That night, Su Xiaojin slept soundly.

The next morning, Han Xueyi and Han Yu came to visit. "Sister-in-law, we are here. Gu Yuming went to play a game today. I heard that the FF team has got a good sponsorship. It seems to be a sponsor."

Su Xiaojin raised her eyebrows when she heard the words, she had already guessed who it was in all likelihood, and wondered if Gu Yuming had guessed it. "Okay, then silently wish the FF team a smooth match."

"In the past two days, people in the Gu family seem to be still discussing my topic, especially Gu Nanting's mother, He Yu, who seems to care about me."

Su Xiaojin frowned, she didn't want to hear too much news about this matter, but her news could cause a storm in the Gu family.

Sure enough, people who are on the cusp of the storm don't feel very good. As Gu Nanting's fiancée, Su Mengning is not the only one who has his eyes on her.

It is estimated that many members of the Gu family also stared at this piece of meat.

Su Xiaojin packed up and followed Han Yu and his siblings to the hospital.

Han Yu took him to his mother's room, and before opening the door, he said to Su Xiaojin: "You and your mother are still very similar, when you go in later, you stand behind me, so that my mother will not see you so quickly You, otherwise I'm afraid she will suddenly fall ill."

Su Xiaojin nodded.

Han Yu pushed open the door, the first thing Su Xiaojin saw was a woman sitting on the hospital bed combing her hair.She has a rosy face and is well maintained. If it weren't for this hospital, this woman must be a delicate wife.

"Mom, my sister and I came to see you." Han Yu grabbed Han Xueyi's clothes, and the brother and sister came in playfully, and Su Xiaojin hid behind them.

The woman said softly with a smile on her face: "Come in, child, you and your sister often come to see me, it reminds me that my family seems to have two children, but they seem to be only three or four years old."

It was only then that Su Xiaojin realized that the current woman was indeed relatively normal, but she had lost her memory. She was watching the woman's actions from behind. The woman was already in her 40s, but she behaved like a person in her 20s.

Is this amnesia in my original memory?

"Mom, my brother and I are here, why are we still children?" Han Xueyi posted it with a smile, and sat by the bed to comb the woman's hair.

The woman smiled, and stroked Han Xueyi's hair: "You, you are not young, don't dye your hair this color all day long. How can you find a boyfriend?"

Han Xueyi didn't speak, but cared for women in her eyes: "Mom, this color is very popular, very cool, and very beautiful. I already have a boyfriend, and I don't need to find another boyfriend!"

"Look at this child, hahaha." The woman looked at Han Yu again. "Xiaoyu, how can you hide from a girl? Let him come out and let auntie see, okay?"

Su Xiaojin gestured with her eyes, and Han Yu nodded. "Mom, this is my classmate."

Su Xiaojin slowly appeared in the woman's field of vision. He observed the woman's expression, which slowly changed from kindness to panic, followed by fear, and then the woman started to cry out in shock: "Why is it you?"

After speaking, he subconsciously crawled under the bed.Han Yu grabbed the woman's arm. "Mom, you must know what happened back then, can't you tell us? Mom, can you stop hiding? That man has already left us, so don't worry. "

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