After rebirth, Mr. Gu still wants to trick me

Chapter 104: Stay at home obediently

Su Xiaojin didn't sleep well that night, she recalled many things.Even did the previous nightmare.

When she got up, she was in a trance, feeling as if she was in a dream. "Where am I?"

Everything is so unreal, everything is so real.

 Su Xiaojin covered her head and started.Drowsy with his head on his head.Walking unsteadily.

Gu Nanting was preparing breakfast in the kitchen when he heard a bang in the living room.He immediately put down the things in his hands to check.

Su Xiaojin sat on the ground, her trousers were torn, her knees were bruised, Su Xiaojin rubbed her head: "It's really not a dream." It seemed to be self-mockery or muttering to herself.

When Gu Nanting saw the person on the ground, he felt distressed and hugged him? "Why are you so careless? Don't you know how to look when you walk?" He said and pointed to Su Xiaojin's head lightly with his finger.

There is pampering in scolding, Su Xiaojin enjoys this happy feeling.She said: "It's nothing, just come to ask you about my mother. I've been thinking about my mother all night, haven't I had a good rest?"

Sure enough, what happened to Su Rong had a great impact on Su Xiaojin.Gu Nanting had no choice but to let her relax.He said comfortingly: "Don't worry, I've found it! I arranged her to the best hospital. You don't need to worry about the later hospitalization fee, operation fee, diagnosis and treatment fee."

Su Xiaojin let go of her worries after hearing about her mother.I breathed a sigh of relief. "Thank you!"

He touched her head, which was a little hot: "Go back and rest, I will make breakfast, you can sleep for a while."

Su Xiaojin originally wanted to wash up, but Gu Nanting picked her up and put her in the room, so she obediently covered herself with the quilt and slept for a while.

Su Mengning won this one.But Su Xiaojin didn't suffer either.After all, what Su Mengning said had something to do with her life experience, which gave her a chance to continue looking for clues.

"After I made a mistake in this game, it will be more difficult for you to win me." She muttered to herself.

After sleeping for a while, Su Xiaojin slept very soundly this time, and didn't wake up until noon.Su Xiaojin rubbed her eyes and Gu Nanting was doing next to her.

He was gnawing at the papers, concentrating on it.

Su Xiaojin poked Gu Nanting.She just had some strength to move.

Gu Nanting glanced at her, with a spring breeze on the corner of his mouth: "Are you awake? Are you still feeling uncomfortable. What do you want to eat?" She was extremely gentle.

Su Xiaojin's low-grade fever has subsided, she still has no strength, she nodded and said: "I'm hungry, I want to eat ice cream."

"No. It's too cold, you can't eat it." Gu Nanting refused straight away. "There's nothing to discuss."

Su Xiaojin pursed her mouth, and said, "But I just want to eat." In a somewhat coquettish tone.It's more of a negotiation.

Gu Nanting had no choice but to hold Su Xiaojin.I had no choice but to go downstairs and buy an ice cream for Su Xiaojin, which still tasted like vanilla strawberry.

She took a sip and put the ice cream on the corner of Gu Nanting's mouth. "Look, your mouth is dirty."

Gu Nanting directly kissed Su Xiaojin's lips in the next second, leaving behind a piece of melted strawberry ice cream.Su Xiaojin blushed and pushed him away?

"Don't be so naughty. Otherwise, I will clean you up." Gu Nanting stroked Su Xiaojin's hair, and Su Xiaojin shyly hid her face under the quilt.

Gu Nanting received a text message from his secretary.

Gu Nanting clicked on it.It wrote some places Su Mengning had visited and how she found witnesses to help.

Unexpectedly, Su Mengning's mind was so cautious.He usually only thinks that Su Mengning is a lovely person after looking away.

Gu Nanting replied to the secretary: I will go to the company in the afternoon, and you can give me all these materials in detail and make a backup copy.We'll check with those witnesses after I've read it.

The secretary responded, and Gu Nanting looked at Su Xiaojin: "I have to go back to the company in the afternoon and pay attention to the time. Don't go out when you are alone at home. Don't think about these things."

Su Xiaojin nodded cooperatively.She can't do anything so far.

Gu Nanting was about to get up, when she suddenly pulled Gu Nanting back.He looked back at Su Xiaojin: "What's the matter? Is there anything else?"

Su Xiaojin hesitated for a long time before speaking. "It happened yesterday. I had a falling out with members of the Su family before, and I have already severed the relationship. So I will not be a member of the Su family in the future."

Gu Nanting always felt a little lost when she said this.That's right, a place where she has stayed for 13 years has no affection for her, and what she got in the end is hurt and sarcasm. Such a family doesn't matter.

"I see. If the Su family makes things difficult for you, tell me." Gu Nanting looked at the cute little man in front of him again. "Trust me, I can help you."

Su Xiaojin nodded, but she didn't want to tell Gu Nanting that the Su family wanted 5000 million from her.

"I see. You can go to the company this afternoon to do some work." She responded, and began to think about other things in her mind.

Maybe she really should talk to Han Yu, this matter has made Su Mengning take the lead, Su Xiaojin can't just do nothing.

In the afternoon, Su Xiaojin tidied up.Just as she was about to go out, she received a call from Gu Yuming. "Sister-in-law, I'm at your door, open the door quickly."

Gu Yuming felt very angry about what happened yesterday. He has always believed in Su Xiaojin. Su Xiaojin suffered such a big grievance yesterday. As a brother-in-law, he must come to see his sister-in-law.

Su Xiaojin opened the door, and Gu Yuming was indeed at the door.Not only Gu Yuming, but Han Xueyi and Han Yu also came.

It was a coincidence that Han Yu came at the right time.

Han Xueyi jumped out and greeted Su Xiaojin.Today's Han Xueyi is wearing a tight jacket with overalls, looking like a big sister.

Such an imposing person smiled sweetly and said, "Hello, sister-in-law. Are you better? I heard about you yesterday. Is it that Su Mengning? Sister-in-law, I will definitely teach her a lesson."

Han Xueyi also likes Su Xiaojin very much.Feeling uneasy about this matter.Su Xiaojin also likes Han Xueyi's carefree personality.

"I don't need it for now. Some of what she said are right and some are wrong. But I have no evidence to say anything. It's really not easy to trip Su Mengning now."

Han Yu and Su Xiaojin looked at each other, and they thought of a place to go.

"So you agreed to figure out what happened that year with me?" Han Yu asked.

Su Xiaojin replied, "Yes, I have to figure out what happened back then. I need to give myself a convincing evidence so that I can deal with Su Mengning."

Su Xiaojin led them into the living room and poured them tea.

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