Sir, please send money

Chapter 306 Xue Hui's Identity

"I'll take a call first."

Lin Muhan blocked the name on his phone and walked to the door.

There should be news from Zhou Ze.

"what's up?"

"President, the identity of that person has been found, but it's a little special, and I might not be able to explain it clearly on the phone."

Zhou Ze's voice was a bit dignified. Although Lin Muhan hadn't seen the documents Zhou Ze found, he could tell from Zhou Ze's tone that this matter was rather difficult.

"Where are you waiting for me now, I'll be there right away."

After Lin Muhan and Xia Mujin greeted each other, they called Zhou Hong over.

He looked at the trembling child and said impatiently.

"I'm going out for a while now. You take good care of Miss Xia here. If I find something wrong, I'll take care of you."

Lin Muhan kept this woman because Zhou Hong was Aunt Zhou's relative, if it were someone else, he would never let her go so easily.

"Young master, don't worry, I will never let anyone come in and hurt Miss Xia this time."

Hearing what Zhou Hong said, Lin Muhan felt relieved.

"Mu Mu, I put your cell phone here, if you need anything, please call me immediately."

"I see."

Xia Mujin looked at Lin Muhan and nodded, but did not respond.

Now she hopes most that this man will leave, and after Lin Muhan leaves, she can have a good night's sleep.

After Lin Muhan left the hospital, he rushed towards the company.

As soon as Zhou Ze saw Li Yunyi, he looked at him solemnly and said.

"President, this person's name is Xue Hui. His situation is a bit special. It seems that he is not what we saw at all."

Zhou Ze handed a document to Lin Muhan, which found out the places Xue Hui had been to and the people she had contacted in the past few years. What is strange is that she and Xue Mei's father only started to contact each other in recent years. No matter what Zhou Ze did, he couldn't find any trace of Xue Mei's father and Xue Hui going in and out together.

"Why are Xue Hui and his husband never together?"

Lin Muhan also noticed something was wrong, and he looked at Zhou Ze with some doubts.

But Zhou Ze was also at a loss.

"Another strange thing is that Xue Mei's family is actually not very rich, it's just an ordinary family, and this Xue Hui doesn't make money at all, but the places Xue Hui goes to are always high-end places, and some There are places where only money can’t go.”

Zhou Ze became suspicious of Xue Hui when he investigated here.

Lin Muhan was also a little puzzled when he heard Zhou Ze's words.

"what are you thinking?"

"President, I don't think Xue Hui's husband can support him to do these things. Do you think it is possible that Xue Hui was brought by someone you found? For example, a mistress or something like that?"

Xue Hui has always taken care of herself very well. Lin Muhan can also tell from the communication with this woman that she is a very smart woman. If she is really a mistress, those old men will also like it very much.

But this guess is too far-fetched.

Lin Muhan looked at the document Zhou Ze gave him, and found that this woman had a decent job before.

"Look, Xue Hui was a high-level white-collar worker before. If he really thought what you said, why did he resign and marry Xue Mei's father?"

Xue Mei's father is just an ordinary bank employee, how did they know each other?If Xue Hui was so greedy for vanity, why would she resign and marry a bank clerk?

"Yes, and one more thing is that Xue Hui has been to a hospital before, which hospital is a maternity hospital."

Maternity hospital?It stands to reason that Xue Hui should only have this one daughter. Could it be that he had lost a child before?
If this is the case, it is not impossible for Xue Hui to marry an ordinary bank employee, but Xue Hui's name reminds Lin Muhan of a daughter of the Xue family who ran away from home before, but Lin Muhan forgot the name of that person. He just heard his grandfather mention it.

And that person has no whereabouts until now.

But even if Xue Hui is really the daughter of the Xue family who ran away from home, why is he so nice to Xia Mujin?

"Then have you found any connection between Xue Hui and Xia Mujin? For example, is there any relationship between them?"

"This is a bit absurd."

Zhou Ze looked at Lin Muhan with some embarrassment, and his expression was also a little dignified.

"How absurd? You can just say it directly. Tell all your guesses and doubts."

Hearing Lin Muhan's words, Zhou Ze hesitated.

But under Lin Muhan's extension, he still spoke.

"What I found out is that the day Xue Hui went to the hospital was the same day as Ms. Xia's birthday. As for Ms. Xia, I heard that he was born at home, so I didn't find out which hospital he was in. "

"is this real?"

Lin Muhan looked at Zhou Ze nervously. If Zhou Ze followed Zhou Ze's investigation, the relationship between Xia Mujin and Xue Hui would not be explained by ordinary relatives.

But it is a bit far-fetched to say that the two of them have that kind of relationship.

"Put this document away first, absolutely no one can see it?"

This thing must not be discovered by others. If this thing is true, then things are really messed up.

After Zhou Ze left, Lin Muhan called the hospital.

He has no way to face Xia Mujin now.

He must now find out about this matter and make up lessons.

It's just that Xue Hui is also a cunning character, and basically nothing he does leaves any clues.

The whole night, Lin Muhan was thinking about this matter in the company, and even forgot the time of the meeting.

If Zhou Ze hadn't reminded him in the morning, he would have been late.

Lin Muhan endured his tiredness and finally finished the company's meeting. After he walked out, he saw Zhou Ze's face was gloomy.

"What's wrong? What happened to Miss Xia?"

At that time, Xia Mujin didn't give herself face in front of so many people, and if Lin Muhan couldn't get off the stage, someone would definitely go to her to ridicule her, so Lin Muhan was a little worried that Zhou Hong wouldn't be able to handle it.

"It's not Miss Xia, it's a director who came over."


Could it be Ji Chenggong?Lin Muhan glanced at Zhou Ze, motioning for him to take him there.

Lin Muhan followed Zhou Ze, and he saw Ji Chenggong sitting there with his head slumped through the glass.

"Director Ji, we haven't seen each other for a long time."

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