"Well, it hurts."

Xia Mujin woke up the next morning because his whole body was sore. He couldn't remember what happened last night at all.

She didn't realize the seriousness of the matter until he saw her naked body.

"Lin Muhan, you never knew you were such a person, how could you, how could you do this?"

Xia Mujin kept a cold face, but she didn't even want to look at Lin Muhan.

She would think about what happened to them yesterday, but she couldn't remember anything except that she had drunk a lot of wine.

"What is your hatred here? You don't think I forced you, do you?"

Lin Muhan turned over and went back to sleep, as if he didn't care if she was late or not.

"Isn't it? If you didn't make me drink, how could I be unconscious?"

Xia Mujin has now blamed Lin Muhan for everything. In her opinion, if it wasn't for Lin Muhan, how could she be lying here now.

Lin Muhan looked at Xia Mujin amusedly, probably because he just woke up, so Lin Muhan's eyes seemed to be a little hard to open.

"You're blaming me for everything now? Xia Mujin, didn't you take the initiative yourself? Think about it for yourself. Is it me taking advantage of others, or is it you who have sex after drinking?"

Lin Muhan was not in the mood to sleep anymore, he threw off the quilt very roughly.

If I had known this earlier, I should have videotaped it at that time, so that Xia Mujin wouldn't just blame herself.

"Me, did I have sex after drinking?"

Xia Mujin looked at himself under the quilt in disbelief, he really couldn't remember anything.

Could it be that he had sex after drinking?But why did Lin Muhan drink for himself?Why didn't this man push himself away when he was impulsive?

And how did you drink too much?
If this is the case, is it really his fault?
Xia Mujin pinched the quilt vigorously with both hands. Although it was not the first time she had had such a thing with this man, Xia Mujin still felt ashamed.

Haven't you already mentally prepared yourself?Wasn't the reason why you were willing to sign such an agreement with this man in the first place already mentally prepared?
Why can't I accept it now?
Xia Mujin was at a loss, she couldn't even believe it, he didn't know what to do, it seemed that everything was beyond her imagination.

Everything is no longer under my control.

Until Lin Muhan tidied herself up, Xia Mujin didn't move for a long time, as if she was a broken doll that was randomly thrown by the master.

"Aren't you going? Today I will allow you to go out for a day. It happens that the company has nothing to do. I can stay with you at home."

Was it because of guilt that Lin Muhan asked Xia Mujin this gentle question for the first time?Or are you willing to give yourself a good look because you are satisfied?

Xia Mujin didn't know anything, and he didn't want to know.

Seeing Xia Mujin's dull expression, Lin Muhan also sat beside Xia Mujin.

If he knew that Xia Mujin couldn't accept the two of them now, he wouldn't do anything.

I don't know how long it took before Xia Mujin looked at Lin Muhan as if regaining consciousness.

"Lin Muhan, you still owe me a question, don't you?"

Xia Mujin didn't know what she meant by asking this question, maybe she simply wanted to give herself a chance to talk to this man.

"Normally, I won't answer you anymore, but seeing your situation today is very special, so you can ask, if I know, I'm still willing to answer you."

Xia Mujin knew that this man would never answer her question so easily.

She smiled wryly and asked.

"My question is very simple. I just want to know, was it really me who got drunk and had sex last night? Didn't you guide me?"

Xia Mujin didn't believe that she would do such a thing.

This is not his character, how could he not be able to hold it?How could she take the initiative towards a man she had hated so much for so long?

This is not me, this is definitely not me.

Lin Muhan watched Xia Mujin curl up after asking himself this question, and tentatively held Xia Mujin's hand.

It seems that this woman is not particularly repulsive to herself now.

"Mu Mu, imagine for yourself that I've already left, and it's you who dragged me back."

Lin Muhan didn't know how to explain this woman to believe it, and he was a little ashamed to say it, after all, this woman was unconscious.

But as long as he is a man, it is impossible to watch the cooked duck fly away after reaching his mouth.

"I, I can't remember, I don't know anything, I don't know exactly what you mean."

It's not that Xia Mujin can't remember, but he doesn't want to think about it at all.

He didn't want to think of how he worked hard to seduce Lin Muhan.

Seeing Xia Mujin's nervous appearance, Lin Muhan felt a little helpless.

"Mu Mu, I don't know what you think, but everything has already happened, so why don't we just let him take its course? And isn't it already familiar to us?"

Lin Muhan didn't understand what this woman was struggling with, it was obvious that he was easy to accept before.

"What do you know, you don't know what I think at all, you don't know anything at all, you just keep possessing and plundering, what's the difference between you and those selfish people?"

It was the first time that Xia Mujin talked to Lin Muhan in such a hysterical manner. Lin Muhan looked at the woman in front of him and was a little stunned.

"Mumu, what do you mean by this sentence? Do you hate me? Have you forgotten how you fell into my hands like that? Now you tell me that I am selfish and only know how to rob, you Don't you think you're a bit extreme?"

Xia Mujin's current appearance made Lin Muhan a little disgusted. From this woman, he saw those women who wanted everything without giving anything.

They are all so greedy.

"I, I don't know, I'm a little excited."

Xia Mujin's whole body didn't hurt anywhere, maybe it was because Lin Muhan had treated her with respect for so long, so he was not used to it all of a sudden.

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