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Chapter 268 The Something Wrong Lin Muhan

Xia Mujin had never been so persistent as she is now, she stared straight at the person in front of her, as if Lin Muhan wouldn't give up until she told herself.

"Mu Mu, you should listen to me. If you want to live with me, you can live here. I have nothing to do with you."

Li Yunyi still wished that this woman would live with him, but if Xia Mujin had a purpose, he would have to think about it.

Xia Mujin looked at the naked man, hesitating and not knowing what to say.

Lin Muhan looked at the person in front of him, and immediately tore the towel off his body.

"Do you want to sleep together?"

Lin Muhan stretched out his hand to look at Xia Mujin, motioning for her to lie beside him.

"Since you don't say it, then I'll leave. Although Ji Chenggong's movie has no chance, I can't just give up like this."

Xia Mujin looked helplessly at the person in front of her. This man was willing to let her go after a lot of difficulty. He didn't want to be a sheep.

"Mu Mu."

Just as Xia Mujin was about to turn around, Lin Muhan grabbed her wrist.

"What are you doing, uh..."

It seemed that Lin Muhan's movements were too forceful, and Xia Mujin felt a pain like a pinprick in her knee.

She struggled to get up and look at her injured place, but Lin Muhan kept pressing her down, almost making herself unable to move.

"What's the matter? What's the matter with you today?"

Xia Mujin looked at Lin Muhan hesitantly and asked, he always felt that there was something wrong with this man.

"It's okay, just let me hug you."

Lin Muhan touched Xia Mujin's head again and again, he buried his entire face in Xia Mujin's shoulders and neck, no one could see his expression.

"Lin Muhan, you are a bit strange today."

Not only was Xia Mujin a little apprehensive, it was the first time he had seen Lin Muhan lose his composure.

Although he was neither hysterical nor mentally broken, Xia Mujin just felt that something was wrong with him, in short, it was like he had never seen it before.

"Mumu, let me ask you a question."

"what is the problem?"

Xia Mujin was a little puzzled, but she still looked at Lin Muhan very gently and asked.

"If, I mean, if, if Ji Chenggong and I had an accident at the same time, who would you help?"

Lin Muhan's voice rang in Xia Mujin's ears, like an echo, echoing in his head non-stop.

"What do you mean? I don't quite understand."

Xia Mujin has never been able to figure out what this man is thinking, and has always been.

"It's not interesting. I just want to ask you. If something happened to me one day, and you could only choose one person at that time, who would you choose?"

Lin Muhan's words were like a prophecy, as if he was really dying.

"Of course it helps you. If you are gone, who will help my sister?"

Xia Mujin deliberately spoke to Lin Muhan in a very relaxed tone, but Lin Muhan kept silent.

It wasn't until Xia Mujin was out of breath that Lin Muhan slowly raised his body.

"Did I hurt you?"

Li Yunyi felt a little distressed.

"It does hurt a bit, but it seems to be fine."

Xia Mujin looked at Lin Muhan with a smile, and got up to leave.

"Stay here with me today, it seems like we haven't lived together for a long time."

Lin Muhan patted the place beside him, looked at Xia Mujin and said.

"it is good."

Xia Mujin laid down beside Lin Muhan carefully, without even taking off her clothes.

"Aren't you going to take a shower? It's too hot now."

Lin Muhan turned on the air conditioner while talking.

But Xia Mujin looked at him tremblingly and said.

"I'm a bit cold, can you turn down the temperature a little bit."

Xia Mujin tugged on the quilt vigorously, as if it was so cold.

"Okay, I've turned off the air conditioner, you can take off the quilt now."

Xia Mujin looked at Lin Muhan vigilantly. He kept his eyes open all night, and he didn't even know how he fell asleep.

Early the next morning, Xia Mujin looked at the person in front of her and said.

"When did I fall asleep? Why don't you call me?"

Xia Mujin looked helplessly at the person in front of her and said, she was almost going to be late.

"What's the matter? You don't have a show today, why are you in such a hurry?"

Lin Muhan stood in front of the mirror and fiddled with his tie, but he couldn't do it no matter what.

"Who bought this, why is it so laborious?"

Lin Muhan pulled off his tie while talking.

Xia Mujin was sleepy and dizzy, and picked up the tie on the ground.

"Of course you can't tie it if you make all the mistakes."

Xia Mujin dragged Lin Muhan to face her directly, but Lin Muhan was too tall, Xia Mujin had to worry about her toes.

"Okay, it should be fine now."

Xia Mujin smiled and turned Lin Muhan to the mirror, as if she was very satisfied with her work.

"Well, it's really good." Lin Muhan was also very satisfied with the way Xia Mujin wore his tie.

However, why didn't he find out that Xia Mujin could wear a tie before?

"Who did you learn from? Or was it taught to?"

Lin Muhan looked as if he was questioning a prisoner.

"I made it for myself. You know, I was also a top student when I was in school. I often went to the podium to set an example for the students. Of course I have to wear a tie properly."

Xia Mujin looked at Lin Muhan proudly, thinking that when she was in school, others tried to imitate her.

"Really? If that's the case, I have to call you monitor?"

"Squad leader is not enough. My ability is not enough to be a class leader, but I am still a study committee member. How about it, it's not bad."

Xia Mujin smiled and patted Lin Muhan. When Lin Muhan smiled, Xia Mujin remembered what she had done.

"Well, are you going to work now? You better go quickly, don't be late. "

Xia Mujin looked at Lin Muhan with some embarrassment and said, if she knew that she would be so presumptuous, he would never tie a tie for this man.

"Why, don't you continue to tell me how good your studies are?"

Lin Muhan felt that Xia Mujin's appearance was quite cute, not pretentious.

"No, no, you go first."

But Lin Muhan didn't leave, but kept staring at Xia Mujin, as if he wanted to see through this woman.

"Mu Mu, if I really help Ji Chenggong, then I will..."

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