The other party suddenly approached silently, getting closer and closer, so close that Li Chubai felt that his a little nervous breath sprayed on the other party's face.

"You want to—" She shrank back in fright, but there was the back of the car seat behind her, and she had nowhere to escape.

The man said with a cold face, "Be sure to fasten your seat belt before getting in the car. I've said it several times, don't you remember?"

With a face close at hand, Li Chubai was so nervous that he stared at the man fastening his seat belt. She didn't dare to move, and didn't dare to breathe.

Finally, Huo Dongqing backed away, and she let out a heavy breath, almost suffocating.

"Mr. Huo, today's meal is yours, and I will make it up next time." Li Chubai once again emphasized that he is a person who keeps his word, but unexpectedly, the other party gave her a blank look.

"Who cares about your meal? You do your job well, even if you repay me, you don't need to ask for a meal." Huo Dongqing started the car, and turned the steering wheel to the right.

After hearing Huo Dongqing's words, Li Chubai let out a sigh. In fact, she really wanted to invite him to dinner this time.

and many more?

Li Chubai, who had suddenly come to his senses, raised his head abruptly, "No, Mr. Huo, we are just a cooperative relationship, so it's not like I want to repay you, right?"

This man really can fool himself.

"I'm a shareholder of your company." Looking ahead, Huo Dongqing's speed was not fast, and the number of cars around him gradually increased, but seeing this luxury car, few of them dared to approach it consciously.

"It's a shareholder. That's the relationship between you and Mr. Tang. It's not directly related to me." It's really strange to want her to repay him. If she didn't find his feet, she would still want to kill him , to solve the hatred of the previous life.

Actually this girl wants to repay him by herself, it's ridiculous.

However, Huo Dongqing didn't continue to argue with her, and directly drove Li Chubai back to Lin Zhi.

Originally, Li Chubai thought that they would keep in close contact every day, but who knew that after Huo Dongqing sent her home, she didn't see anyone from Huo Dongqing for at least a month.

"Chubai, the company asked me to go for advanced studies. I may not be able to meet you until next month. Don't forget me." The company sees that the relationship between Huacha and Li Chubai is not bad, although before Tang Chao deliberately replaced the scented tea, but saw that the scented tea was studying hard.

So after waiting for several months, and after Yaxing and Li Chubai gradually set out on the road, the company decided to let Huacha do systematic learning.

"How is it possible." Li Chubai rubbed the top of Huacha's head, feeling that although this little fan took care of her every day, she felt that Huacha was like a sensible and responsible little sister.

And as long as she has something to do, this flower tea will definitely jump higher than anyone else, and she must stand up for herself in everything.

"I didn't expect that Tang Chao would let you go to further studies. Didn't you talk back to them before?" Not only did you talk back, but you also made Tang Chao very angry.

To this day, Li Chubai can still recall the scene of Tang Chao blushing with anger. "I really lured wolves into the house! One by one, do you want to unite and rebel?"

The people Tang Chao scolded were Xiao Xiao and Huacha, and of course the wolf he was talking about was Li Chubai.

Recalling this incident, Huacha also pursed her lips and smiled, looking shy and innocent.

"That's why Tang is always a person who does big things. Arguments are nothing but quarrels, and he hasn't stopped doing any of the important things that should be done." Could it be that Huacha said good things for Tang Chao? Li Chubai raised his eyebrows, and the two looked at each other and smiled .

Afternoon flower tea, I took the flight with the rest of the company, leaving only Li Chubai and Yaxing.

However, Yaxing is a top manager after all, of course it is impossible for him to have only Li Chubai as an artist in his hands, more often, only Li Chubai takes care of his own affairs.

After all, she is a newcomer who has just entered the industry. Since she has chosen this path, it means that if she has to do everything by herself, she will be very tired.

"Miss, or I'll help you." Wang Dong couldn't stand it any longer, and rarely stood up. Half a month had passed, and Li Chubai had lost a lot of weight.

She still has to be busy with family affairs, and those who know her well will feel unbearable.

"Mr. Tang, are you okay? Are you trying to exhaust Li Chubai to death?" The announcements continued day by day, Xiao Xiao couldn't see it, and stood up to speak again.

"Of course I'm good. The bad thing is you. You don't want to go to the notice that was scheduled for you. You still have time to report your injustice to Li Chubai. She did these things voluntarily. If you ask her, have I forced you?" her?"

Sitting in the office, Tang Chao checked the itinerary of the advanced training class. There was still a week left, and Yaxing obviously couldn't make the schedule here.

Li Chubai only had a few unfamiliar assistants by his side, which would naturally tire the artists, but in this way, it was rumored that Li Chubai was living in a hurry.These are positive exposures, is there anything wrong with that.

"Xiao Xiao, don't worry about it, Mr. Tang really didn't make things difficult for me." Not only did she not make things difficult, but the industry also spread the title of Desperate Saburo, saying that she is the most dedicated artist in the new world.

In fact, Li Chubai couldn't understand better than that. Naturally, she had her purpose in such a desperate effort. She came here for revenge. If she didn't let herself become stronger, what strength would she use to fight.

Tang Chao raised his eyebrows and glanced at Xiao Xiao, "Okay, you care about Li Chubai, why don't you take care of yourself? Back then, I liked Li Chubai because of her strength. Since you are her friend, why don't you take care of yourself? It can’t be that your strength is just playing lip service.”

Hearing Tang Chao's rebuttal, Xiao Xiao couldn't get angry, "How could I think you were so insidious and found loopholes in my contract." Tang Chao didn't sign the contract with her, but signed the contract with her agent.

It made her very passive now.

"Okay, Xiao Xiao, stop arguing, I have to make an announcement tomorrow, so don't delay any longer." She wanted to drive Xiao Xiao back to Linzhi, and naturally wanted to urge her to leave quickly.

Xiao Xiao obeyed Li Chubai's words, picked up the bag on the sofa, snorted, and was about to leave.

"Li Chubai, wait, I forgot to tell you that all the announcements for tomorrow will be canceled for you. You should go to an awards show tonight. Take more time to tidy yourself up. If you have time, you can also sleep. The dark circles are a bit It's heavy."

Hearing that Tang Chao made a lot of arrangements, Xiao Xiao, who had already reached the door, wanted to go back and complain, but was pushed away by Li Chubai who was following behind.

"Okay, you and Tang are always at odds, and you quarrel whenever you talk about something." Li Chubai felt the phone vibrate, and she quickly took it out to check the news.

It was the company secretary who was in charge of the arrangement and sent a text message, and the details of tomorrow's itinerary were clear at a glance.

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