As soon as this was mentioned, everyone began to think deeply again, if the prince in front of him really wanted to continue doing this, maybe Master Zhi was the right choice.

But right now, they are all unable to protect themselves, and Mr. Zhi doesn't know what's going on.

"I would also like to remind you that we have to be careful of Mr. Chen, I don't think he really surrendered to our prince."

Someone mentioned this, but the minister in the corner made a sound. He has been silent for so long in order to protect himself, but seeing the prince's actions now, he is really chilled.

The minister who died was once his best friend.

"That person is not Mrs. Chen, but just a mistress of the arms dealer of Country F."

Little three?

This news must have exploded too much, "But he is a man."

"What's the matter with the man? I heard that Chen Binshu is not the name of Mr. Chen, but the name of the arms dealer. The arms dealer is gay and very perverted. He has found many men, but none of them can live for long. Only this Mr. Chen can get the favor of this arms dealer, not only giving him guns, but also giving him weapons."

Hearing this news, everyone was a little bit overwhelmed.

"It's too—"

Unbelievable.But everyone really believed it.

"The purpose of my saying this is that I am only worried that our prince will be deceived by them. I am afraid that they are worried that they will seize the country."

Seize the country?

That would be a big deal, but they won't agree.

"Okay, let's stop discussing these things. At present, we need to contact the senior officer. If the prince is really useless, this Chen Binshu has such terrible thoughts. I think we can only ask the senior officer to think about it for us now." There is a way."

They used to stand on the prince's side, but now it is troublesome to find the magistrate, and they can't get out at all.

"Look, is that a goddess—" Suddenly a minister saw the New World by the window.

But he didn't call out loudly, the situation is too chaotic now, no one knows who belongs to whom.

A group of people squeezed over and took a closer look. It was really the goddess who was favored by the king before. I have to say that the identity of this goddess is also quite suspicious. I don't know if it is an enemy or a friend.

But the goddess can understand the things on the mural, and I don't know what caused the trouble.

"I think we can make peace with this goddess. Maybe this is our chance." The minister who revealed Chen Binshu's details before spoke again.

But obviously everyone couldn't accept it for a while, "Didn't she have contact with Master Zhi before? I think she should be with Master Zhi."

In this case, when everyone thinks of Master Zhi, they all start to favor this goddess emotionally.

"Then how do I get in touch with her?" I don't know why, but the goddess led another woman to climb up the roof dangerously, and everyone couldn't help but sweat for her, after all, she fell from the top , this is no joke.

Everyone watched her unskillfully climbed onto a platform, and then they breathed a sigh of relief, "Come on, let's wave here together, hoping she can see us."

They can't speak out, and can't let the prince know what they think, that's all they can do.

Sweating profusely, Xiaolan suddenly felt that this trip was more exciting than other people's filming, "Chubai, look at the people in their room are so funny, what kind of fuck are they dancing at noon? old man."

Wiping the sweat off her forehead with the back of her hand, Xiaolan used her hand as a fan, glanced at the strange scene on the opposite side, and couldn't help but pat Li Chubai for her to see.

And Li Chubai was still looking at the unextinguished fire on the grass, and even the air was filled with the lingering smell of burnt meat, it seemed that there were not only tigers but also people.

It was appalling.

Following Xiaolan's slapping forcefully, Li Chubai shifted his position and looked over, "No, they are not doing exercises, they seem to be greeting us?"

Xiaolan stopped curiously and looked over carefully, it seemed to be true.

"It's just why they greeted us?" This was something Li Chubai couldn't figure out, since these ministers didn't like him from the very beginning.

It's like the feeling Yelvqi said when he said that he was a great dancer.

After thinking about it carefully, Li Chubai felt that the matter was not that simple. If it was the enemy, they would have called the guards to arrest her and Xiaolan long ago when they found them. It is in the underground palace that she has an advantage. After all, she, a foreigner, can actually recognize the instructions on the murals that none of them can understand.

Greeting herself so carefully in this way, Li Chubai suddenly felt a flash of inspiration, she thought, "Xiao Lan, let's go and meet them."


Xiaolan didn't understand, but there was nothing she could do. Seeing that Li Chubai was following the example of those on the opposite side, after making a few gestures, they found the nearest glass skylight and flipped it down.

"I think she understands it. After all, she is a goddess and she is very smart. Let's just sit here and wait." However, after waiting for a long time, the ministers did not wait for the goddess, but waited for the prince to arrange someone for them The lunch delivered, the three meals a day are delivered from outside.

If it wasn't for the hot weather in Country W, the food would have been cold after so long, but today is a little strange, "Don't eat it, everyone, don't you think it's strange, the temperature is usually not like this."

Maybe it's because of today's incident that made everyone a little suspicious, and they all stopped. Although they were already hungry, the prince's actions were still suspicious of Chen Binshu's. Right now, life is the most important thing, so don't eat this food. Ton is fine.

So several people poured out all the meals, wrapped them with curtains and put them in the corner of the room.

Some people made some food and sprinkled it on the base of the upstairs wall while the people outside were not paying attention. There were also a lot of stray cats in the palace. Even if someone chased them away, new ones would appear every day.

After some time, the person who collected the tableware came and looked around. This action was not done before. The ministers understood it one by one, pretending to be weak and lying down in their respective positions, not even talking more.

 "Adults, is the food not delicious today? You don't eat much."

In order to make the other party less suspicious, it took a lot of effort to pour the food. After all, it was all gone and clean, and they had to get some back.

There may be too much left in some bowls.

"No, it's delicious, but I can't eat it anymore, maybe it's too hot and uncomfortable." When the minister wanted to say a few more words, he was secretly pinched by a colleague next to him, and he immediately closed his eyes to express himself I'm too tired to talk.

Finally the man pushed the cart away.

After seeing the other party leave, the ministers began to whisper.

"Look quickly, that cat is already dead." The previous experiment changed the faces of all the ministers, and it seemed that the prince was going to deal with them ruthlessly.

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