Just when the two were wondering who the other party was, there was a knock on the door, Master Zhi glanced at Li Chubai, "Okay, no need to say more. It's time for you to go back, Mr. Huo must be very worried .”

After finishing speaking, he led Li Chubai out along the wall.

To Li Chubai's surprise, there was actually a bodyguard standing outside the door to pick up his bodyguard. This man can protect against bullets and bodyguards outside, which is amazing.

"I'm going out like this, in case someone else—" After all, she was out of danger just now, but when she looked back at Mr. Zhi, the other person's expression was suddenly cold, and she looked a little scary.

"That's none of my business. Don't you have bodyguards? Huo Dongqing is not a vegetarian, so let's go." After speaking, he pushed Li Chubai mercilessly.

When Li Chubai turned his head angrily, the door had already closed with a "bang". Fortunately, she didn't rush so fast, otherwise the nose made by plastic surgery might be knocked flat.

Xiao Liao was naturally aware of what happened just now. Fortunately, he called two companions over, and the three of them protected Li Chubai and walked back from the path.

At this time, the main hall was quiet, everyone was evacuated, and the third floor was guarded by guards, and no one else, including the queen, could approach.

"That bitch, I don't think she's that simple at first glance, but I can't let her mess with your father at will, what should I do?" The queen dragged the prince up and down the aisle on the second floor worriedly.

The prince squeezed his brows, and was a little annoyed by his mother's excessive worry, "Mother, it's not the first time father has done this. You have been married for so many years, it's normal, besides, you blocked his woman Outside the palace, he has done so—”

Before the prince could say anything, the queen slapped him. Originally, she wanted to slap him in the face, but the queen was still reluctant to do so.

"What are you talking about? If it wasn't for me, you thought you would be able to keep your position. Now you have no opponents. That Princess Lian is no good at all. Look at your father and don't even look at her."

Of course, how does the princess compare with the prince.

"Okay, it's my fault, don't blame me, you just recruited a woman as your father, don't worry about this kind of thing, besides, I will take over soon, even if your father spoils that woman again, she will give it to you." So what if he gave birth to ten sons, it's too late."

Listening to her son's words, the queen thought that this was the case, but she was still anxious and angry. It seemed that the woman was going for the king's power. How could a young woman like a fat old man.

Under the persuasion of the prince, the mother and son left the main hall, and Mr. Zhi saw all this clearly with a high-powered telescope.

"Master Zhi, I think you can bring the goddess over here. As long as the goddess says a word, you can save a lot of hard work." Looking at the child he raised with his own hands, the secretary felt that the development of country W under the leadership of Master Zhi might be much faster than It's good under the prince's hands.

Apart from standing in that position, the prince is inferior to Prince Zhi in all respects in terms of brains and resources.

Only when there is no one else, the secretary always likes to call the student he likes a prince.

Putting down the binoculars, Mr. Zhi thought about the poor mother who had been repeatedly assassinated outside the palace, he waved his hand, "Look again, except for the teacher, no one is worthy of my trust."

After drawing the curtains, Mr. Zhi and the chief officer turned on the lights to study the pamphlet Li Chubai handed over to them. It is said that it contains the secrets of the ancient W country.

This is also the key to whether he can reasonably take the position.

The main hall was quiet, and the big room was decorated gracefully and luxuriously. If Li Luowan had seen a rich man's house in Huo's house, what she saw now was the king's bedroom.

"The beauty's dance is very graceful, can you dance for me again?" The king has already taken off his coat, and Li Luowan is disgusted by the fat all over, but she has thought about it, if she follows Qin Guang if.

Her life may not be so good, Qin Guang and Ye Luqi didn't treat her as a human being, just because she is now a dummy without identity, with a fake face and a fake name.

How sad, if she wants to survive, she has to be the puppet of those two people. It is enough for her to be tortured by Yeluqi, and it is nothing to add Qin Guang now.

Is she a free bus?
No, such a tragic fate must end with this king. As long as she doesn't admit it, she is the most popular actress in China, Zhou Wanwan, and she is more than enough to match the king of such a small country.

From now on, she, the princess, will step on Li Chubai's head, and the men who have humiliated her, like Qin Guang, Yeluqi, Song Chengzhe, and Huo Dongqing, will all die at her feet.

No, she wanted to keep Huo Dongqing, let Huo Dongqing be her servant, and let him watch Li Chubai die with his own eyes.

Hahaha, this is good, very good.

While dancing for the king, Li Luowan fell into deep conjectures and was overjoyed.

"Who dares to knock on my door?" The king was already in the arms of a beautiful woman. He looked at the alluring Li Luowan, how could he hold back, but the knock on the door became more urgent.

"Who the hell is it, annoying or not!" The king had no choice but to put Li Luowan on the bed, put on his clothes and went to open the door.

No matter who it is, he must ask the guards to chop off the person's head.

When he opened the door, he saw the goddess standing outside. The king suddenly lost his temper and smiled devoutly, "Is there something wrong with the goddess?"

At this time, Li Chubai had already finished his makeup, and was wearing a formal goddess costume, looking at the disheveled king.

The king was naturally ashamed, and when he was thinking about going back to put on his clothes, a hand was suddenly put on his side. "Hey, why is my cousin here too. Do you want to celebrate with the king together?"

These words can be said, Li Chubai felt that Li Luowan's depravity had no limit, but she ignored Li Luowan's words.Instead, he looked at the king, "What do you think this is?"

The king pushed Li Luowan aside with some distaste, now the business is important, and other things are not important.

"You found it? This is the third one, my Goddess, I really want to kowtow to you." The king was really excited when he saw Hongyu, as if he wanted to hug Li Chubai, but he was afraid that he would blaspheme Goddess, stretched out her hand and rubbed it again, then retracted.


"What are you going to do?" Li Chubai didn't want to stay up late at night and toss around with the fat king. She was just afraid that Li Luowan would blow the wind around her pillow and ruin her own affairs. Let the king totter.

Seeing Li Chubai's serious expression, the king quickly explained with a smile, "Of course I want to call everyone over here, and I want to reward you."

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