Up to now, Li Luowan already knew that Country W was delusional. They regarded themselves as Li Chubai, and they only recognized this face, thinking that the face that was so red and purple in the country was her Zhou Wanwan. The exact same face grew on her face.

 But thinking about the prince being able to dance with him for a while, it is worth showing off.

The music sounded, and sure enough the prince came to invite Li Luowan to dance the first song. The people around watched them dance to the music, some watched with a smile, and some talked with others with their ears. In short, the whole banquet was quite lively.

And Li Chubai has always felt a hot gaze turning around her body, but she has never left, but she can know who the other party is without looking.

"Goddess, can you translate that book for me?" The king was not really interested in this banquet. He just wanted to know the secrets of his country quickly. Those experts had been translating for many years, but there was no progress at all.

Putting down his wine glass, Li Chubai glanced at the king, feeling more and more complacent, he should be regarded as a decent goddess now, she can easily handle the king, that is to say, everyone in the palace has to listen to him.

Restraining the ecstasy in his heart, Li Chubai had to pretend to be very serious.

"It's like this, respected king, you know how many pages of that book are broken, it's more difficult, your expert hasn't moved for more than ten years, you can't ask me to make it in a few days, right? .And I need an assistant."

Assistants are also needed. On the other hand, Goddess's assistants are almost in the ten figures, but after all, the assistants are all from their own people. The king just wants to get the results quickly. As for the assistants, they are not under his words at all.

"Okay, then I'll let Mrs. Zhi come over, what do you think? Or—" the king and Li Chubai were chatting on the stage, and the people below were looking for their own happiness. Only those who pay attention to this side will occasionally Look over here.

"No need, Mr. Zhi doesn't understand the language after all. I want to use my boss. Do you think it's okay?" After all, everyone in the palace thought that Li Chubai was Huo Dongqing's assistant.

The king took a long look at the man sitting under the stage. That man heard that Princess Lian liked it very much. The king really couldn't understand Princess Lian's humble begging.

If it hadn't been arranged early in the morning, he would either have someone kill Huo Dongqing, or find someone to replace Princess Lian. Now that the goddess mentioned Huo Dongqing, it would be better to separate the two.

He waved to his servants, "Go and call that foreign businessman surnamed Huo, I have something to talk to him about."

After all, he is the president, and he was called to serve the goddess they recognized. This inversion of the upper-lower relationship may not necessarily agree to Huo, but with him as the king, he will always agree if he exerts some pressure.

After a while, Huo Dongqing was led onto the stage.

"Mr. Huo, I know you. Your business is very big. Do you want to cooperate with us?" For the king, it is already a big face for the king to personally meet a businessman and say this, so Huo Dong Qing should save face.

Of course, Huo Dongqing is also a smart person, so he quickly understood the meaning of the king. If Li Chubai was not there, he might not give the king this face, but he knew that it must be Li Chubai's idea that he was called to the stage by the king. .

He nodded respectfully at the king, "Of course I want to. If the king has any orders, just give them direct instructions."

Seeing that Huo Dongqing was so eloquent, the king expressed his relief, nodded, and pointed to Li Chubai, "I know this person used to be your assistant, but now she is the goddess of our country W, you know, now ask You cooperate with Goddess to do things, you have no objection, and this will not affect your business negotiation with our country."

Of course, this kind of thing is something you can't wish for, but Li Chubai is really afraid that Huo Dongqing will agree to it without hesitation. If the king deliberates about this matter afterwards, he will definitely find problems.

Fortunately, Huo Dongqing understood the meaning conveyed by her eyes, and hesitated there for a long time. When the king couldn't help but want to speak again, Huo Dongqing responded unhurriedly, "Since the king I’ve already spoken like this, if I don’t agree, I’m afraid I’m too ignorant of practice. That’s fine, I’ll just come and be my assistant’s assistant.”

It seemed that Huo Dongqing agreed, but it made the king feel that he was very reluctant. Fortunately, he agreed to cooperate with him in business, so this matter would be regarded as a success.

The king was in a good mood, so he immediately made the arrangement, "Then you guys need to get in touch with each other more. Now that the status of the goddess has changed, Mr. Huo, I also hope that you can cooperate well. You, a big man, must understand what your country says about being able to bend and stretch. "

Listening to the king's explanation, Huo Dongqing remained calm all the time. At this moment, Li Chubai suddenly felt that Huo Dongqing really looked like an old fox, which was really weird.

"Then I won't bother you, I have to meet other people." In addition, after seeing the prince finished dancing with the invited star, he also wanted to dance with this actress who is popular in Southeast Asia. song.

As for Master Zhi and Princess Lian, the king felt that he had to think about it. After all, his focus was on Master Zhi, and Princess Lian was just a cover.

While the king was gone, Li Chubai and Huo Dongqing could finally sit together and talk openly.

But it was noisy here, and they had to get closer to talk.

"I didn't expect you to be quite capable, and you turned into a goddess. Tell me how you fooled the king?" As for Li Chubai's ability to film, Huo Dongqing said that it might be because he was used to seeing those in the palace. Intrigues and deceptions, just show your true colors.

But when he came to this country, he could not only understand the language of other people's country, but also transformed himself into a goddess. This was what shocked Huo Dongqing.

This is really important.

However, Li Chubai just smiled gently, and covered most of his face with his wine glass, "You think too much, I just know it. And if you have time, take a look at the things I asked Xiaoyu to dig out, and see if you are familiar with it." a feeling of."

How could he be familiar with country W, but seeing Li Chubai's mysterious expression, Huo Dongqing suddenly understood, with a surprised expression, "You mean that country W is related to Daliang?"

There is no other valid reason other than this.

Putting down the wine glass, Li Chubai nodded faintly. After all, they were sitting on the stage, and the target was too conspicuous, and she didn't want to fail.

The two chatted very vigorously on the stage, but Li Luowan in the audience was out of breath. Why did Li Chubai become a goddess? What kind of material is she? What qualifications does an adult have to be a goddess?

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