The national goddess she came from ancient times

Chapter 695 Take This Ghost Thing

Finding witnesses is the key right now, but is Yeluqi really dead as Xiaoyu and the others say, or is he not dead?

Li Chubai, who walked out of the hotel alone, looked at the gray sky. It was not too late, and she had no purpose. Where would she go to find witnesses.

Li Chubai was not in a hurry as he vaguely felt Xiaolan following behind.Fortunately, she had everything prepared early in the morning, and she didn't panic when she had money.

In any era, there must be money in this bag.

Li Chubai touched the jewelry in the bag, feeling really embarrassed, she made an exception today because she needed to be a thief for a while.

She took away some of the gold jewelry from the crew, thinking that she would also need to earn money for filming in the future, so she would return them later.

Standing on the side of the road, because of the cold, she wrapped herself in a hat. She might not recognize herself in the mirror, let alone others.

But how would she go by car?

Because this place is full of strangers, watching the cars coming and going, Li Chubai saw a woman waving at a small blue car on the road, the car stopped, and the woman got on.

It turned out to be such an operation method, Li Chubai also stood at that position and saw a small car approaching, she imitated the woman's gestures before, but unexpectedly the white car did not stop, and drove away directly.

"Could it be that my technique is wrong?" So there was Xiaolan watching Li Chubai dancing on the side of the road as if playing a trick, and she didn't know what she was doing.She also took pictures of these movements and sent them to Xiaoyu, to see if she wanted to pass them on to the president, or what, this was out of her scope of concern.

Finally a taxi came, and when he saw Li Chubai waving, he stopped, and then Li Chubai realized that the waving gesture was just like that.

So he opened the car door with a smile and sat in the passenger seat.

Seeing Li Li Chubai get into the car, Xiao Zhao drove over and picked up Xiao Lan, and quickly followed.

"Just now, did you see Chubai's gesture to hail a car, but I laughed to death." In fact, so many accidents, Li Chubai's amnesia again and again, is really enough to make people amazing, after all, many people have encountered Not last time.

As for Li Chubai, as long as he wakes up from a coma, he will lose his memory, and he dare not do this when filming.

"You look at the road, the car is turning, and catch up quickly. If there is a red light, we will be finished." Come down, or crash into it, then he can only choose to slow down.

In the end, the car was successfully blocked, and it seemed that it was just one parking space behind. Li Chubai's car disappeared, and they were going to turn right without being restricted by the red light, but the car in front of the blocked space was going straight, blocking them way.

Xiaolan's face turned pale with fright, "It's over, I'll get out of the car to chase after you, and you will follow in a while."

It can only be like this, even if they can't catch up, they have to catch up, otherwise if something happens to Li Chubai, if they lose their memory again, the president of their family will probably kill them.

Fortunately, I wore flat shoes when I came out today.

For the sake of her job and future, it was the first time in her adult life that Xiaolan let go of her big feet and chased cars desperately.

However, she couldn't keep up with the four-wheeled car.

At the new intersection, Xiaolan lost track.When Xiao Zhao chased after throwing it, he saw Xiao Lan squatting on the side of the road and already crying.

"What to do, I lost it."

Without further ado, Xiao Zhao immediately reported the situation to Xiao Yu, and Xiao Yu was their leader among the four.

After learning about the situation, Xiaoyu called Huo Dongqing directly, and briefly explained what happened before. If the president wanted to blame them, there was nothing he could do.

However, unexpectedly, Huo Dongqing's first words were not accusations, "Where did you lose Xiaolan?"

"Zhao Yanglu, what's the matter, President?" When replying to the president, Xiaoyu suddenly became agitated, "Does the president suspect that Miss Li has returned to Li's house?"

Because Li Jintang passed away, there was no one in the Li family except for a housekeeper, so for so long, Li Chubai lived in the Huo family, and they almost forgot about this place.

"Sister, do you have a nervous problem? I only accept cash, what are you doing with this damn thing?" The driver looked at the woman who was deliberately pinching her hat tightly with her hands, very speechless.

Since it's embarrassing to come out, don't cover your face. It's really annoying. If I knew I wouldn't take this train, he would have gone home for dinner.

"This is gold, look, what a beautiful gold." The driver looked at the jewelry on the beautiful palm, and at a glance he saw that it was simply a decorative jewelry, and then looked at Li Chubai's beautiful and innocent Although her face was covered a lot, it can still be seen that this is a very beautiful woman.

He sighed a long time, "Forget it, forget it, count me as a good deed, and I won't charge you any more. Get out of the car."

Li Chubai didn't understand this. She looked at the jewelry in her hands. Although it was not pure gold, there was gold on the outside. It was not that she didn't know each other. Moreover, the jewelry from Daliang was not as good-looking as these, and it wasn't that expensive. .

Is it modern worthless?
"No, wait, I don't want to owe you. My home is here." In fact, after Li Chubai woke up, she no longer remembered Li's home, but recently, some memories would come back to her mind from time to time. Just like here, she was able to say Zhao Yanglu in one go.

"Sister Juan, Sister Juan——Juan——" The driver turned his head to look over at the howling voice. Such a big villa should not be someone who came to cheat him of the fare.

A middle-aged woman hurried over and was surprised to see Li Chubai, "Miss, why are you back?" This side hurried to open the door.

"Sister Juan, do you have any money? Quickly help me to pay for the car." Li Chubai naturally remembered this. Sister Juan was a little surprised when she heard this, but soon she walked up to the driver, "How much is it, master. "

"Oh, it's 32 yuan. We're going from the west of the city to—" The driver thought that Li Chubai might be out of his mind, so he naturally wanted to explain it to her family.

But Sister Juan quickly waved her hand, "Needless to say, I believe in you, thank you master, no need to look for it." Sister Juan directly took a [-] note to the driver.

She really thanked the master for bringing her eldest lady here.

"Ah, this—" Seeing that the woman had turned around, hugged the beautiful lady affectionately and entered the iron gate, the driver had no choice but to stop insisting, he collected the money, and quickly turned the car and drove out.

When I arrived outside the community, I was surprised to find that there were so many luxury cars at the gate?

"Sure enough, it's a wealthy area. It's a pity that such a beautiful woman is out of her mind." Shaking his head, the driver drove away.

Unexpectedly, when he was about to drive away from these luxury cars that he might not be able to afford in his lifetime, a row of people suddenly blocked his way.

A handsome man, because he was wearing sunglasses, he couldn't see his face clearly, his legs seemed to be injured, and he couldn't walk very smoothly. He walked to his car window. With such a big fight, he felt that he still wanted to Sitting in the car like this, shouldn't you get out of the car?

"Excuse me, did you drive a woman into the house just now?" It turned out that it was really for that woman who was out of her mind.

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