entrance?This Li Chubai knew about it, but she felt that it was wrong in her heart. After all, that position was outside, and Li Chubai felt more and more impossible.

"Wait, no, that must not be Ji Xiaobai."

Originally, the child disappeared, and now there is another girl falling into the pond outside. It is easy to associate it with each other.

But Li Chubai denied it so positively, Liu's mother was very surprised, what she thought was, after all, Li Chubai is not Xiaoxiaobai's real mother, so naturally she has the energy to think here, and she won't be like Xiao Xiao. Geng let run over.

She also had to go and have a look, but she just turned her head, and replied to Li Chubai with a blunt smile, "It's not my child anyway, we have to go and have a look."

Li Chubai felt Liu Ma's expression of displeasure towards him, but she didn't understand what Liu Ma said, so she looked at Huo Dongqing.

"It seems that Mama Liu also has times when she doesn't care about the seriousness. I think sometimes our Huo family has to change blood occasionally, otherwise someone will rely on the old to sell the old." Li Chubai understood this, and she quickly pulled Huo Dong Qing, "Okay, don't say any more."

It was just how she felt.

However, after the person who ran out to inquire about the news came back, soon Mama Liu told the old lady what happened in the living room.

"It's really not Ji Xiaobai, I just said how is it possible that my daughter is so smart." Hearing Ji Nanting's afterthought, Xiao Xiao expressed that he didn't like it.

Pushing Ji Nanting hard, "Okay, don't be ashamed of yourself here, it's not like Xiaobai is not here now, don't you need to look for it?"

Although the girl who had the accident was not Ji Xiaobai, it was a fact that Ji Xiaobai was not there.

So the brigade began to disperse, "I may know where Xiao Xiaobai is." At this time, Li Chubai naturally couldn't wait any longer.

She originally thought that Ji Xiaobai would come back soon, but as it got dark, she was worried that Ji Xiaobai would not be able to find his way back.

Why is this kid so curious about that kind of place?What should I do if something goes wrong?

The team followed Li Chubai all the way from the garden to the location of the construction hole, but after arriving, Li Chubai was dumbfounded, "Obviously there was a hole here just now, why didn't it disappear?"

The security guard at the side looked at it and frowned, "Miss Li, there used to be a hole here, but it was blocked half a year ago." So they didn't know that Li Chubai was pointing here for such a preparation.

You must know that although Li Chubai has lived in Huo's house many times, the security guards who guard the Huo's house know the location of Huo's house. I'm afraid no one else has known about it for a long time.

Hearing what the security guard said, Li Chubai was a little dumbfounded, "We went in here before, and there is a big grass field behind it, and the grass on my body is all from there."

However, Li Chubai was puzzled this time. After all, Huo Dongqing still believed in him just now, but what this expression doesn't say now is that he doesn't believe in himself.

"Get someone to come and knock down the wall."

Everyone: "..."

Including Li Chubai also looked surprised.Just now he looked like he didn't believe in himself, why did he start to execute it the next second.

Pulling Li Chubai back a few steps, I saw the workers started to smash the wall. Looking at the hole in the wall, Li Chubai was even more sure that this is where she and Ji Xiaobai came before. As for why the hole disappeared , she is also very strange.

Huo Dongqing asked someone to pick up the bricks on the ground and inspect them, "Report to the president, it's new bricks."

It turned out that he was raped later, no wonder, Li Chubai really thought he saw a ghost.

In order to facilitate entry and exit, Huo Dongqing had someone knock the hole in the wall very large. "Do you want me to carry you?" Looking at the beige piece of withered grass higher than the head outside the wall.

Huo Dongqing always felt something strange and indescribable in his heart.

"Can you find the way?" Huo Dongqing wanted to recite Li Chubai several times, but was stopped by Li Chubai. It wasn't because she was afraid of being laughed at by the people around her. After all, she was an adult and came here with Ji Xiaobai before. , now if something really happens to Xiao Baibai, she feels that she will not be able to make it through.

After walking for a long time, I always felt like I couldn't get to the end, "Are you sure you didn't go the wrong way?" Huo Dongqing was very surprised at the feeling here, but he came from Daliang after all, and it should be someone else who was even more strange.

But when they turned around, Huo Dongqing and Li Chubai were stunned, but no one followed, which meant that there were only the two of them in this barren grassland.

Obviously, Ji Nanting also followed before, and there were a bunch of people. Where did the security guards and bodyguards go?

"Look, it's right there—" Pointing to the vaguely dark black not far away, Li Chubai recognized at a glance that this is the dirt bag that he and Ji Xiaobai saw before.

Going around to the back, you can see a hole, so this is not a dirt bag, but a cemetery. As for who it belongs to, Li Chubai has no way of knowing.

Holding Li Chubai's hand tightly, Huo Dongqing followed her to the back of the dirt bag, "There is a cemetery here?" Huo's house is located in the city center, how could there be such a piece of land, and it feels quite spacious.

He even thought it was an illusion.

Everything is full of strange things.

"How did you find out?" Looking around the entrance of the cave, there was no sign of Ji Xiaobai, only the wind was blowing, and it was quite loud, which made Li Chubai a little scared.

She followed Huo Dongqing down the pit. Originally, Huo Dongqing asked her to stand on the edge of the pit. After all, there was no light source here, and the sky was not bright at this time.

Everything has a weird feel to it.

Just when he was able to see more of the scene in the cave, Li Chubai suddenly pointed his finger and raised his voice, "Huo Dongqing, look quickly, Xiao Baibai is lying there."

Looking in the direction of Li Chubai's finger, Huo Dongqing was a little surprised, it was really a villain lying in it, and if he looked carefully, it wasn't Ji Xiaobai that little elf who it was.

"You stand here, wait, I'll carry her out." There is still a high distance from the mouth of the pit to the pit, and Ji Xiaobai is lying in another corner. It is a miracle to say that it is so high, and how could it be? Lying here, if you fall and faint, it won't be so far away.

Because there wasn't much light, Huo Dongqing himself felt strange in the cave, he didn't think too much about it, he quickly hugged Ji Xiaobai in his arms, and walked to the place where he just jumped off.

Thinking that maybe this guy fell down but couldn't get up, he shook the girl in his arms, but there was no movement at all, then reached under her nose and found that her breathing was normal, which shocked him, after all, this It is the treasure in the palm of Ji Nanting and Xiao Xiao. Others say that these two people don't care, but he knows that this is the way of education of the young couple.

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