Anyway, after reading everything, Li Luowan continued to open the box with great effort, feeling terrified.

Except for the first one that had foreign currency, it was all domestic cash, and there was a box of guns.A total of two boxes of guns and six boxes of banknotes.

What the hell is this Yeluqi going to do? Li Luowan packed up her things one by one, and she didn't dare to make the bed sheets any more, so she spread the quilt on the bed sheets.

Tossing and turning in bed for a long time before falling asleep in the middle of the night.

After a few days, Li Chubai had a clear understanding of the situation around her. She still doubted whether she was dreaming, or why people from Daliang came here. few people.

But it feels pretty good, maybe after a few days of rest, she will be able to go filming with her little niece. She has been a queen for a long time before, but now it shouldn't be a problem to act.

"Little niece, where are you taking me again?" Now that she knew that she was engaged to Huo Dongqing and was still living in Huo's house, Li Chubai said it was very good, and if she had the opportunity to return to Daliang, She doesn't want to go back either.

Although the father doesn't remember himself here, he seems to be living quite comfortably, but Huo Dongqing is the busiest, so busy that he can't see anyone sooner or later.

"Let's go, auntie, I'll take you to my palace." Xiaoxiao took Li Chubai to play every day, but she had seen enough of the corners of the Huo family's old house. They also played very well, so they simply ignored it.

Anyway, the house is safe.

However, no one expected that the Huo family’s garden was so big, and there was a construction hole in the back that was not closed in time. The security guards had always tried to save trouble, and it was a good place to lead to the dormitory building. Ji Xiaobai found it here. A large wild forest.

"Alas!" Li Chubai's head was scratched by a dry branch, Ji Xiaobai walked over, looked at it, "It's okay, come on, I'll give you a whir."

In fact, it didn't hurt, but the hair on the top of the head was messed up, Li Chubai still cooperated and squatted down, asking Ji Xiaobai to "cure" him.

"Okay, it's okay, I hope you won't hurt in a while. Let's be careful this time. Here, there is a mysterious place. I discovered it. No one else knows about it. We will go back after looking at it for a while."

Ji Xiaobai planned to take Li Chubai's hand and walk up this time.

The two of them walked one step at a time, one step at a time, and one step at a time, the withered grass was higher than the head, and no one could be seen at all. "You little guy, can we find our way back later?"

Because her father took her to the amusement park that day, Huo Dongqing almost failed to find someone. She hadn't seen her father these days, and it was said that she was called to another place by Huo Dongqing.

But it's strange to think about it, how could her father become Huo Dongqing's father? According to the Huo family, Huo Dongqing's father is not at home all year round. When the Huo family had an accident, he was not there, so the old lady I hate him very much.

The old father is so pitiful that he has no status in the Huo family.But thinking about it, the old father always opposed him and Huo Dongqing at the beginning, so how could he be treated well now that he is in the Huo family.

It's okay, after she actually married into Huo's family, she will try to make the old father have status.

After all, the old father is also a wit, but he wants to be the emperor in the palace, so the wit's ability has not been brought into play.

"Don't worry, I've been back and forth many times, and I'm sure I can get it back. I won't take you back like my old uncle. It's the safest thing for you to play with me."

Listening to Ji Xiaobai's speech, Li Chubai couldn't help but cracked a smile.

After stepping on heavy weeds, Li Chubai actually saw a dirt slope, which is very strange here.

"How did you find this place?" It's so simple, it's impossible not to be discovered by others, and it's weird for Xiaobai to see a place at this age.

"I just saw it like this. How about it? Do you think it's fun?" In fact, Ji Xiaobai was curious about this place early in the morning. She also told the adults at home, but no one took her words seriously.

It's the auntie, she believes everything the auntie says, otherwise she wouldn't be dragged here by herself.For Ji Xiaobai, the aunt Li Chubai was kind to him for knowing him.

Only she is worthy of this precious place of her own, and she dare not come alone, she can only call an adult, and she wants to say that there is a hole behind Xiaopo.

At this time Li Chubai had already turned around, and Ji Xiaobai naturally couldn't lag behind, so he quickly followed.

"Isn't this a tomb? Look, there is a hole here." It seems that they were all stolen by others.But here is so close to Huo's house, and the house of Huo's house is not in the mountains, but in the city center instead. It's too strange that there is such a place.

Li Chubai has already recognized that this is a cemetery, but it is naturally impossible for her to rush in with a child rashly.

After all, she also knew what happened to the tomb robber before, and she also knew that the tomb is a place where no one is allowed to trespass.

"Okay, we should go back. If you want to go in and have a look, you must call your uncle, otherwise you can't go." Considering the child's safety, Li Chubai coaxed Ji Xiaobai away, and left When it was a little far away, Li Chubai looked back at the previous position, maybe the grass was too long, and he couldn't see anything at that position.

"Go like this, go like this again." However, Li Chubai frowned, looking at the child leading the way, she was reckless, how could she trust a child who didn't know how old, when she came, she felt It is impossible to hit the direction.

It seems that they really lost their way here.

The surrounding area is full of tall grass, and it is impossible for the two of them to trample all the grass here as Ji Xiaobai said.

She doesn't know if they can all be flattened, but she knows that if she really wants to do this, she and Ji Xiaobai will starve to death here.

"Okay, I'll pick you up, how do you see the road?" Li Chubai was a little speechless, but he could only do so.

Up to here, the mobile phone can't get through. From the very beginning, Li Chubai felt that this small box called a mobile phone could not be reliable.

Being picked up by Li Chubai, Ji Xiaobai looked around, as if she was worried that Li Chubai would be too tired to hold her, so she quickly asked to come down.

"Can't see anything, we seem to be really lost."

Li Chubai: "..."

Really convinced, she actually followed the wrong two people, one is the father who can't find the way, and the other is this little girl, is this her luck or blessing?
"Well, let me see the direction, and I'll take you away." At any rate, she is a queen, she has learned everything, she still remembers some of the arguments, relying on her good memory, Li Chubai really brought Ji Xiaobai out up the maze.

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