Looking at this scene, the old lady didn't know what to say, she shook her head, and took the warm milk from Mama Liu, "I said I can't take care of this matter, just look at it now, because a child, They fell out."

Mama Liu didn't answer the old lady's words, and she didn't hand over a warm towel until she watched the old man drink up the milk one by one, "I don't think we should bother with this matter, Xiao Baibai is a fine person." She has a reason."

What reason can a child have? The old lady felt a headache when she couldn't be coaxed just now, let alone her eldest grandson is a big man.

"It doesn't matter, it doesn't matter, I'm going back to my room, I've had enough trouble with them today, I haven't had a quiet time this early in the morning, by the way, shouldn't Xiao Baibai be at school today?"

Thinking of this, the old lady turned around again, looked upstairs, and the crying stopped long ago.Or maybe they're actually acting.

This kid is a big kid, and he doesn't like to be close to his parents at all, but he likes Tang Chao and Li Chubai.

"Old Madam, you forgot, they are on holiday, winter vacation." Madam Liu walked in front of the old Madam, and she went to the kitchen first.

It's winter vacation. The days go by so fast. In a blink of an eye, Ji Nanting got married and gave birth to a daughter. Her daughter can go on winter vacation, but her eldest grandson has not been found yet.

Should we urge them to get married first?
Thinking of this, the old lady couldn't help but look upstairs again. This Li Chubai was the person that the eldest grandson liked from the beginning. When the eldest grandson asked for his name, she cooperated with him and invited a whole room of people. Dang expressed his favor to Li Chubai.

It is also bringing this feeling to the celebrity circle in Dongjiang City. Everyone knows that the Huo family loves the Li family, but they did not expect that this incident will be twists and turns, and so many things have happened to the Li family. And Huo Dongqing disappeared.

Originally, if you want to lose your memory, you will lose your memory. If you lose your family, you will have no family. This is okay for the Huo family. They don't need to rely on marriage to stabilize their careers like other families, but——

Alas, with a long sigh, they have come to this point. If they still can't make it, the old lady has to obey the will of God. After all, it is God's will that prevents them from doing it.

"Aunt Li, do you think uncle will be really angry and won't come back?" The horrific crying before has long since disappeared. Now that he is eating the height-enhancing meal brought by the nanny, Xiao Baibai is worried about Li Chu. Bai's love rises.

Looking at the bridge of Ji Xiaobai's nose, Li Chubai also felt that he was making a big fuss at this time. There was no trace on the bridge of her nose. She really killed him just now, so Huo Dongqing must be really angry. . "He should be really angry, but this is his home, where will he go if he doesn't come back."

Although it's winter vacation, the little guy still has homework. As a first-grade elementary school student, although there are not many homework, he still has to write, and Xiao Xiao even gave her a lot of extra homework.

At this time, Ji Xiaobai, who had finished his extra meal and played for a while, had to go to do his homework, and Li Chubai sat on the upper floor of the castle alone, lost in thought.

She was bored all by herself, and a question came to her mind, if, as Ji Xiaobai said, if Huo Dongqing didn't come back, then her living here would be unfair.

She also overheard the Huo family's maid chatting before. She knew that she did not belong to the Huo family. After all, she is not Huo Dongqing's wife now, but today she actually murdered him and made the master of the Huo family Run away by the murderer, it's really a skill.

After thinking for a while, Li Chubai began to think again. The old lady's attitude didn't seem very happy either. After all, Huo Dongqing was her own grandson. To the old lady, if there was no Huo Dongqing, she would be nothing. Not any more.

No, no, she had to find this man while it was still early.But where do I go to find it? If I ask Mother Liu or the old lady, they may not know, and maybe they won't let me out. "Little Baibai, are you still doing your homework?"

"That's right, the old lady Xiao Xiao gave me a lot of homework, and she will do it next time." I glanced at the child with crooked words on the homework book, forget it, don't bother her.

For such a young child, she didn't expect to be able to ask anything.

"By the way, do you have a map here?" Thinking of his photographic memory, Li Chubai thought that he should make some preparations when he went out.

Half an hour later, Huo Dongqing came back in a hurry. He had just entered the living room, and he didn't even have time to change his shoes, but he was hooked by the edge of the carpet outside the door, and almost fell down.

The butler was shocked when he saw it, "Slow down, young master."

"Where's Li Chubai, are you back?"

Hearing the movement, the old lady and Liu Ma had already come out, and the two old people shook their heads seriously, "Did she say anything?"

Knowing that Li Chubai was no longer at Huo's house ten minutes ago, Huo Dongqing drove back quickly in his car. If he really knew that Li Chubai would run away from home like himself, even if he was beaten to death, he wouldn't be so young. rush out of the house.

Huo Dongqing, who was full of regret, couldn't listen to anyone's words at this time, and everyone watched him holding his mobile phone and constantly directing others to find Li Chubai.

"Didn't she take anything when she left? Didn't I tell the gate not to let her go out alone!" Huo Dongqing after the call was so anxious that he lost his former composure, with his hands folded Around the waist, the coat was not worn at all when going out.

"I didn't take it, her mobile phone is still in her room, but I heard from Xiao Baibai that before leaving, she asked Xiao Baibai for a map to see."


What is Li Chubai doing looking at the map?
Suddenly a spiritual light flashed, Huo Dongqing was speechless for a while, and nodded his hand in the air, "Liu Ma, this home is considered useful to you."

After leaving this sentence, Huo Dongqing disappeared without a trace in the blink of an eye, while the few old people in the room looked at each other in blank dismay.

The old lady: "..."

The old butler: "..."

Mama Liu was a little embarrassed. After all, being praised in this situation would be a disaster. She clasped her hands and shrunk her shoulders as much as possible, hoping that the old lady would not pay too much attention to what the old lady said.

"Hehe, housekeeper, you just heard that Mama Liu is the only one who is useful in this house. Both of us are old and immortal?"


Mama Liu's face turned blue, "Old Madam, what Eldest Young Master said excitedly just now, they didn't say that about you, you said that, you just wanted to vomit me."

In order to prevent the old lady from caring about her eldest grandson's angry words, Mama Liu tried to get her back. The eldest young master usually doesn't talk much to herself, so if she speaks out at this critical moment, she will kill herself.

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