She is really a woman who can talk big. Yaxing just took some information about Li Chubai from Tang Chao's hands, although he thinks that Li Chubai has a good background.

However, she was not born professionally, but also a passerby who brought money into the group.With such an identity, he still speaks such big words.

Perhaps this is a common problem of the rich second generation.

At the end of a meal, it's hard to say whether it's pleasant or not. Everyone has different ideas. Yaxing even has the idea of ​​telling Tang Chao not to take over.

But he hasn't set such a precedent yet, so he has to bite down Li Chubai's stinky stone.

In the afternoon, the training of professional courses will continue.

In this state, the three days of training have been completed.

"Take a day off tomorrow, you are exhausted." Yaxing tidied up the materials on the table, watching Li Chubai still watching those videos.

No matter how much he disliked Li Chubai's arrogance, Yaxing admired this woman for being able to endure hardships.

"It's okay, Teacher Ya, let's go first, I want to watch all these videos here before leaving." These videos are actually the essence of Yaxing's own collection, and they would not show them to Li Chubai at first, because she is too focused on studying , The absorption is also fast, and the previously scheduled courses are over in half the time.

Seeing Li Chubai's expression that he thought he hadn't expected it, he took out these things from the bottom of the box to show her, no matter what, he couldn't let the newcomers look down on him.

"Are you going to read it today? You can't finish it, and you only read it once, how much can you remember?" Yaxing didn't agree with Li Chubai's cramming learning method.

But looking at her focused expression, he really couldn't help it, "Okay, then I'll pack it up first, you see, I'll take it away later." He didn't want to give all this information to Li Chubai.

After all, it is my painstaking effort for many years.

Hearing the sound of the door closing, Li Chubai didn't even look up. At this moment, she was absorbing all the knowledge like a sponge.

Only then did she realize that this industry really needs to know a lot. Fortunately, her Daliang Dynasty also has a lot of things that can be used. No matter what, she came here and entered this entertainment circle.

She has to be a king in order to have the capital to defeat Huo Dongqing. After all, this man will be her ultimate goal.

It was twelve o'clock at midnight, and the lights in the meeting room of the Starry Night Building were still on.

Yaxing, who had come back from playing outside, stood downstairs, frowning and looking upstairs.

"I'm going crazy. What kind of woman is Li Chubai? Are you still watching at this time?"

Maybe he fell asleep upstairs. Yaxing thought he had overestimated this woman, so he rushed upstairs a little unconvinced.

"Li Chubai, are you crazy? You are still watching at this time." The people in the room changed their positions and continued to watch, so the person who is going crazy is not Li Chubai but Yaxing.

He touched his computer, and sure enough, the power supply was hot. "Even if you don't take a break, let my computer take a break. If you play like this, this computer will be scrapped half the time as soon as possible."

Regardless of the video Li Chubai was still watching, he turned off the video at once, "Why don't you let me watch it?"

Li Chubai really enjoyed watching it.

"What are you looking at? I'm convinced of you. Take it back and read it slowly. Anyway, you'll be fine tomorrow. I'll make an announcement later and I'll contact you tomorrow afternoon." That was his treasure at the bottom of the box.

Even Tang Chao himself didn't expect that he would give this thing to Li Chubai and ask her to take it home to read.

I can't afford to offend you, I underestimated this rich second generation.

Li Chubai, who didn't know that Yaxing had so many inner dramas, happily went downstairs with his hot notebook in his hands.

After going downstairs, I immediately contacted Wang Dong, and Wang Dong drove over in a short time. "Why is it so late today?"

It was rare for Wang Dong to take the initiative to speak, but it was indeed too late today.

After getting into the car, Li Chubai realized that his mouth was dry. "Because I have to study, do you have anything to drink?"

Without further explanation, Li Chubai directly asked Wang Dong for water, "It's just right, I went back to Linzhi today, and this is the peach gum that Sister Juan gave you."

After taking the thermos from Wang Dong, she took a sip. It tasted good and was not too hot, so Li Chubai drank it in big gulps.

Seeing that his young lady could live a very easy life, Wang Dong couldn't understand why he had to live a more tiring life than ordinary people.

"Thank you." Handing the vacuum flask back to Wang Dong, Li Chubai found out that the times had changed, but the treatment she received now was no different from that in Daliang.

And there is not so much pressure, she just needs to make achievements in the original circle, so there is no reason for her not to do her best.

Li Chubai, who has always been very demanding of herself, swore that no matter it was for Yuanshen or Huo Dongqing, she would either not do it or do it best.

The ideal is plump, but in reality Li Chubai fell asleep until the next afternoon, and she didn't wake up until Yaxing called.

"Didn't you, you just woke up?" Yaxing didn't look unhappy when he learned that Li Chubai had fallen asleep until this time, but felt like he was turning the corner.

Flattening her mouth, Li Chubai rubbed her long hair, she didn't know that she would sleep for so long in this one session.

Because I slept so soundly that I couldn't wake up.

"Okay, then have you read all the materials?" There are so many, even if you read them for three days and three nights, you won't be able to read them all, and Yaxing doesn't believe that Li Chubai has a reason to be a liar.

People can watch it all, but the machine can't finish it. On this point, Yaxing is very confident.

"finish watching?"

Hearing the different answer from the handset, Yaxing was stunned, "Impossible!" How could it be possible.

Hearing Yaxing's tentative voice, Li Chubai raised his eyebrows, "I've finished watching, and fast-forward most of the time."

Fast forward to see what you can, it is better not to watch.

Hearing this explanation, Yaxing was a little angry, feeling that he was cheated by Li Chubai and wasted his efforts and his computer.

"It's true." Li Chubai simply talked about the content he had read, the big and small titles, and the general content on the other end of the phone.

Yaxing was even more stunned, unable to speak clearly, "You, you, you really finished watching."

Well, this incident directly changed Yaxing's view of Li Chubai, maybe he was an alien, aliens are not so strong.

With this knowledge, Yaxing had a new idea, "Okay, I won't contact you this afternoon, you will have a real rest at home tomorrow, and your hand must be fully recovered ,do you know?"

The manager's tone suddenly changed, and Li Chubai wondered if the other party had made some new decision.

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