Originally, Yeluqi followed Xiaoxia was a random idea, but seeing the other party's attitude, he didn't come to beg, and he felt displeased, so he simply got up, "If that's the case, then I'll leave, and I won't waste Brother Mo's time gone."

Originally, it was Xiaoxia and Brother Mo's habitual exchange of pleasantries, but Yeluqi didn't understand, and his interruption suddenly changed the atmosphere.

Everyone could feel that Brother Mo was really angry, but he just turned around and looked at Yeluqi coldly, "I'm a place where anyone can come if they say so?"

Hearing the other party's words, Yeluqi felt it was funny, "Brother Mo, I was brought here sincerely by Xiaoxia. I heard that you have ancient jade here, and I didn't come here for fun. Obviously you are the one who treats me coldly."

Suppressing his temper, he managed to explain it well to Brother Mo. Yeluqi suddenly felt that if this group of people could be used by him, it might be helpful to him in things that were difficult to improve, but this Brother Mo in front of him should not A master that is easy to take down.

Brother Mo fixed his gaze, then looked at Yeluqi again, "Do you know jade?"

"Understand a little." After all, I am a high-ranking official from Daliang, no matter what ancient jade or not, I can understand a little bit.

Seeing that the atmosphere is a bit tense, Xiao Xia at the side is trying to raise the temperature again, "By the way, Brother Mo, the brother I brought here is from Yelu's family."

It seemed that he wanted to tell Brother Mo about this before, but he forgot to say it after he came in.

Sure enough, upon hearing this explanation, Brother Mo's attitude softened significantly. "A member of Yelu's family?"

Yeluqi didn't know that his family could still have some status, so he just nodded lightly.

"Well, very good, then I can show you this thing." Mo Ge's words changed, and Yeluqi didn't know where he cleared Mo Ge's thoughts. These are not important anymore, he just needs to be able to win today's prize. That's it.

"Xiaohong, Xiaohong!" Brother Mo walked out of the dining room, came to the yard and yelled towards the upstairs. Yeluqi thought it was a girl when he heard this address, but he didn't expect that the one who stretched out his head was the same shirtless man. "What is it, bro?"

"Go and bring me the thing you brought back the night before. I'll find someone to take a look here."

While talking back and forth, after a while, Yeluqi saw something wrapped in red cloth being carried downstairs.

"Brother Mo, this—" The person named Xiaohong carefully held the things to Brother Mo, and by the way, gave Yeluqi a defensive look.

I don't know what worked this time, Brother Mo glanced at the thing in Xiaohong's hand, "Put it on the table, open it."

I saw Xiaohong put the things on the table, and at the same time pushed aside the wrapped cloth, and finally revealed the true colors of the things. At this time, everyone present saw the excitement on Yelvqi's face.

Brother Mo folded his arms, turned his head and raised his eyebrows at Xiao Xia, as if to say that the person he brought was really expected.

Xiao Xia pursed her lips and smiled, everyone was playing charades, and no one wanted to say a few more words. "Brother, do you recognize him?" Xiaoxia approached Yeluqi at the gesture of Brother Mo, but the other party didn't say a word.

He didn't even pay attention to him at all.


Before Xiaoxia could say anything, Yeluqi raised his hand to stop him, "How much do you charge for this?"

It seems that she really knows the goods, Xiao Xia turned her head to look at Brother Mo, and smiled at him, expressing that she is still useful, and recruited a buyer.

Brother Mo didn't expect Yeluqi to buy it as soon as he opened his mouth. It seemed that this guy wanted this thing very much. He walked over slowly, thinking that he would kill it right away. After all, he didn't want to get this thing.

"100 million." Brother Mo actually just had this data in his mouth, and said it casually, but what he didn't expect was that Yeluqi agreed.

It was so fast that even Brother Mo regretted whether he said that there were too few.

"Transfer the money right away. I have other things to do today, so I don't have time to wait here." Yeluqi thought that he still had some money on his card, and he could get it 1000%. To [-] million.

100 million is a good deal for him.

"Uh - well, let's transfer the money by mobile phone." The others were naturally surprised, who would have known that such a small jade plate could be so valuable.

This person won 100 million things as easily as if he bought a piece of something.Brother Mo thought that he had misjudged and underestimated this brother.

But just now Xiaoxia said who is this from the Yelu family?
But I didn't have much time for Brother Mo to think, "Xiao Xia, let's go." The money and goods are settled, and Yeluqi at this time of course wants to leave immediately.

Before, he wanted to take down Brother Mo and his group, but when he saw the jade plaque, to Yelvqi, there was nothing more important in the world than the jade plaque.

Sure enough, the ancients did not deceive him, this sentence means that there is no place to find when you step on broken iron shoes, and it takes no effort to get it. As for how the Yuanyang Zhenbing in his hand got into his hands, Yeluqi no longer wants to care , as long as he has this thing, there is definitely room for turning everything around.

Transferring 2 yuan to Xiaoxia, it was his hard work, Yeluqi didn't care about other things, and hurried back to his apartment.

It's been a long time since he came to the modern age, and he hasn't improved in anything he does, and Huo Zheng is still overwhelming him in everything, so he doesn't believe that this thing hasn't worked.After searching around, he found a silver chain, and Yeluqi hung it around his neck.

As soon as he put it on, he felt dizzy. Yeluqi immediately took off the chain again. Could it be that this thing still recognizes its owner?

After taking off Yuanyang Zhenbing, he repeatedly confirmed that it was real, because there was a gap under the rounded corner, and he saw this gap in Daliang with his own eyes at that time.

This thing was always worn by Li Chubai. Once, when everyone was arguing in the court hall, Li Chubai announced his resignation from the court in a fit of anger. At that time, he had something important to present, so he followed Li Chubai all the way. Chu Bai ran behind, but outside the main hall, he saw Li Chubai and Huo Zhengqing still arguing.

It was because of this that the two of them had been arguing endlessly in the hall before. In fact, Yeluqi had never liked Huo Zhengqing, even if the two of them quarreled. He looked at it from a distance, but he didn't expect that Huo Zhengqing would suddenly approach Li Chu Bai approached, and even put his arms around Li Chubai's shoulders.

"This apprentice!" Yeluqi couldn't see it, and rushed up quickly, but before he arrived, Huo Zhengqing had already let go, turned around and left, Li Chubai immediately took the jade token from his body Get down and throw it behind Huo Zhengqing.

Maybe it was a royal treasure, but it was not broken. It was Yeluqi who ran over and checked it carefully.

At the lower corner, he saw the same crack as the current piece of jade, so he was sure that this was real Yuanyang Zhenbing, but he didn't know how it fell into the hands of Brother Mo and his gang.

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