The national goddess she came from ancient times

Chapter 444 All the Flowers Are Blooming

Originally, Huo Dongqing was worried that after Li Chubai met Yeluqi this time, his relationship with Li Chubai would return to the original point, but this time it was different.

So this week, everyone in the Huo family could feel the good mood of their president, "By the way, my annual leave has been approved." Xiaohui was very happy. Although he had only been in Huo's for more than two years, There are also half of the annual leave.

"Oh, congratulations, but I hope you can play quickly." Xiao Zhao's gleeful look made Xiao Hui suspicious, and looked over with a disturbed expression, "What do you mean?"

In fact, Xiao Zhao Xin is also very happy, but his annual leave has long been over, "It's not interesting, I just want to say that I got a bonus, so much." Draw out the number on the phone, Xiao Zhao took Show Xiaohui.

However, Xiaohui is still entangled in the previous matter, "Okay, I know you get a lot of money, but not as much as brother Zhao, everyone got the money, okay, you first talk about what I seem to be."

Looking at the stubborn colleague in front of him, Xiao Zhao felt a little depressed, and pursed his lips, "Why are you so twisted, I just told you to go play earlier."

He didn't listen to him, but asked himself, what a disobedient child.

However, another person joined their discussion, which completely turned the matter over, "What are you talking about?" Xiaolan also walked over happily, in such a good mood, she couldn't help walking like a happy little girl who was about to jump. Woke up.

Seeing Xiaolan approaching, Xiao Zhao smiled, "I told him to hurry up and play Xiaohui's annual leave, otherwise it will expire and become invalid."

After hearing Xiao Zhao's words, Xiao Lan knew that the other party was teasing Xiao Hui. Compared with the four of them, Xiao Hui was considered a newcomer.

"Stop talking nonsense, it won't be expired, and we Huo's are not those small companies that don't hang around." After all, the four of them have been together for a long time, and everyone's temperament is somewhat similar. When there is no business, they always play tricks It's better to play with others.

So Xiaolan also started the "but" turning mode, "You'd better take the report back, I heard the latest gossip, in three days, we will go on a free overseas trip with the president."

"Really?" After hearing the new news brought by Xiaolan, Xiao Zhao's eyes lit up. Of course, he knew that every time he went out with the president, it was a way to save money and have fun.

But Xiaohui was a little depressed. If he continued like this, his girlfriend might be afraid.

Xiaolan at the side saw Xiaohui's unhappiness, and this was very strange, "Why are you upset, why not travel abroad for free, and your annual leave will not be voided."

There are two single dogs in front of him, who knows what he is worrying about, but Xiaohui is still unwilling to be ridiculed, and tells the truth about his frustration, "I have been with Miss Li during this period, and I have never had a vacation. My girlfriend is very angry. I I'm afraid she will break up with me after going abroad."

It turned out to be like this, Xiaolan didn't sympathize with her, but she grinned with her hearty big mouth, and beat Xiaohui's shoulder heavily.

"Ah, what am I talking about? My CEO said that everyone can bring a family member." Coming to this kind of company not only has high salary, but also good treatment, even family members can enjoy it. Xiaolan feels that her own Good luck.

In the past, I envied my classmates who were well-established, but now it is the turn of each of my classmates to envy me.Now Huo's is going up even more, if you want to come in to work, it's as difficult as skyrocketing, there are checkpoints one by one, not just any related households can come in.

"Really?" The news brought by Xiaolan finally made Xiaohui smile, "Of course it's true, this is what the president told Xiaoyu, and Xiaoyu just told me. I'm here to inform you Hurry up and hand over the things in your hands in the next few days, that is, the preparations in three days, and our own items to go abroad must be prepared."

It took a while for Xiaolan to explain the incident, and the three of them dispersed.

Turning around, Xiaolan happened to bump into Xiaoyu who was holding a large pile of documents, "Miss Xiaoyu, are you really so busy? Let me help you quickly."

So Xiaoyu shared some with Xiaolan, and the two went back to the reference room together.Of course, girls talk more when they are together.

Shaking her hands, Xiaolan felt that it was very heavy. She saw that Xiaoyu had to put these materials one by one on top of the materials, and felt that Xiaoyu's work was really tiring.Especially when the other party held up that slender arm.

"Let me do it, you're so skinny." As soon as she pulled Xiaoyu over, she took the initiative to do it. Xiaolan also talked about what happened with Xiao Zhao and Xiao Hui just now.

"Oh, you talk so fast, why don't you just stop talking, in case the president has other arrangements." After all, there are still three days, who knows what will happen, but Xiaolan said that these are not question.

She put all the materials according to the position of Xiaoyu's finger. After finishing, Xiaolan felt her hands were sore.

"By the way, tell me what's going on with our president. Something's not right these few days. Is it because he is going to get married?" Xiaolan has always been open about her words, and she will say whatever comes to her mind.

Shocked, Xiaoyu hurried to the office door to look outside, making sure no one was passing by outside, so she closed the office door.

"Are you crazy? The president said before that you can't comment on his affairs in the office. Why are you here again?" Xiaoyu really convinced Xiaolan's forgetfulness. Because of this request, Xiaolan was almost sent back to How could she heal the scar and forget the pain.

Seeing that her good colleague was so nervous about herself, Xiao Lan quickly raised her hand, expressing her intention to surrender, "Okay, okay, I won't say anything."

As for why Huo Dongqing's mood lasted for so long, it was because he found someone to thoroughly investigate Yeluqi's affairs, and Li Chubai also told him what happened at Yeluqi's house.

Since then, everyone can slowly feel that Huo Dongqing's mood is getting better and better, so good that it should not be too obvious. He even has a smile on his face when he comes to the company. Everyone in the company knows that the president of the company has never They are all people who take the cold route.

"I think Li Chubai is the lucky star of us all. Look at the relationship between her and the president is becoming more and more clear now. When the president is in a good mood, our company's stock has been soaring all the way, not to mention that everyone has recently gained A lot of benefits."

That's right, those who know the truth of the matter have realized the importance of Li Chubai to the Huo family.

Even Li Chubai didn't know that not only did Huo's stock go up, but also his fans increased by almost 100 million for no apparent reason.

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