Seeing the woman come out nervously, Yeluqi quickly took the opportunity to move the "wound" on his wrist.

I have to say that the modern life is much better than Da Liang. If Huo Dong can return to Daliang, he would rather stay here, but Li Chubai has to stay too.

Otherwise, it would be as difficult for him to take the position.

Regarding Yuanyang Zhenbing's statement, Yeluqi firmly believed that even if Huo Dongqing was as capable, he must not know how to use this thing.

And Yeluqi knew that whether it was Huo Dongqing or Li Chubai, they really didn't know much about Daliang's memory.

Otherwise, how could it be possible for him to make a big fuss in it? According to Huo Dongqing's temper, he had already been subdued and unable to move.

The wound is fake, it is a pasted simulated wound, the observation like Li Chubai will definitely not find the problem, and the blood that has not been cleaned up on the ground will naturally not be real.

Even Yuanyang True Ice is fake.Whether the real one is in Huo Dongqing's hands, he doesn't know.

But there is no appraiser, who can prove that the one in his hand is not Huo Dongqing.This ancient jade in his hand was collected at a huge price.

Hearing the commotion outside, Yeluqi closed his eyes again, and the weakness on his face was interpreted just right.

"Yeluqi, can you still hold it?" Passing the water to Yeluqi's mouth, Li Chubai carefully observed the other's face.

He still looked very pale, but the blood didn't scatter everywhere anymore. "Thanks……"

Such a weak voice escaped from Yeluqi's mouth, which made Li Chubai really have no doubt that the man in front of him would let go in the next second.

"Okay, do you still have the strength to speak now? Yeluqi, I really don't understand why you are doing this."

Finally, the question came to the topic, but in order to make his performance more realistic, Yeluqi naturally couldn't answer so quickly.

"What on earth do you want? Speak, don't move around so hard, I—" Seeing Yeluqi's powerless stand up, but still persisting, Li Chubai was really angry and anxious.

The sky gradually dimmed, and it looked like it was going to rain. Zhao Hui didn't dare to say anything, and looked at the dignified president again.

Their matter has been dealt with, and Li Chubai's movements, whether it is the driver or the bodyguard who has been guarding not far from Li Chubai, have already reported to Huo Dongqing.

Looking up at the tall apartment building that he couldn't see, Huo Dongqing said softly, "Wait."

Still have to wait?The woman she knew she liked was alone with a man who had plans for her.

Zhao Hui didn't understand, why didn't he go up and wait here?

He had already asked this question 5 minutes ago, and the president only answered after 5 minutes. How dare he talk too much, just wait.

If he waited a little longer, he would have nothing to say.

After all, he is not the president, and his decisions don't count.

Shut up, Huo Dongqing's heart is darker than the sky. Ever since he received the news that Li Chubai and Yeluqi had an appointment, and that they were in the property that Yeluqi bought privately, Huo Dongqing immediately ended it. Accompanied by officials, they were originally discussing a cooperation project.

He was in no mood anymore, and bid farewell to the other party. The most important thing right now was to find Li Chubai.

In fact, he didn't need to look for it, he knew exactly which apartment Li Chubai was in, but he couldn't do anything but wait outside the apartment.

Unable to sit still in the car, he stood outside and waited. After waiting for a while, the sky began to drizzle, and Zhao Hui took out the black umbrella on the car.Outside the black car, two men in black, with black umbrellas, looked so depressing.

"President, it's been nearly three hours. Aren't you worried? Aren't you going up to have a look?" Zhao Hui still couldn't hold his breath, and asked again.

In front of other people and things, Zhao Hui can be very calm, just like Huo Dongqing, but in front of the president, Zhao Hui can't be rational, probably because such a president makes people feel scared.

He was really afraid that the president's suppressed anger would overturn the whole city.

"Don't go up, wait." After saying this, Huo Dongqing opened the car door, and closed the door fiercely like a puff. If it wasn't for Zhao Hui's slow reaction, I'm afraid the legs following behind would be pinched broken.

He gasped, quickly put away his umbrella and got on the co-pilot.

After getting in the car, Zhao Hui realized how bad the atmosphere was here, he didn't even dare to breathe, and the driver seemed to be frozen, sitting still like a sculpture.

The suffocating pressure pervaded back and forth in the small space in the car.

Originally, during this period of time, Huo Dongqing thought that he had completely won Li Chubai's heart back, but unexpectedly, she actually met Yeluqi again.

Still in this environment.

It was only after the press conference was held that Huo Dongqing turned around and did this kind of thing. Huo Dongqing's face was so ugly that he couldn't think about it anymore. He actually found out that Li Chubai didn't care about his reputation. What a heartbreaking thing for him.

Even Zhao Hui could tell about such things as a lonely man and a widow, Huo Dongqing didn't dare to think about what Li Chubai and Yeluqi were doing during these three hours.

"President, aren't you afraid of accidents?" He really felt that he was about to lose his breath, so Zhao Hui still dared to say something without fear of death.


He had thought about this question a long time ago, so Huo Dongqing knew why he was so uncomfortable.

"No, Yeluqi didn't dare." In just a few words, Zhao Hui's problem was solved in one sentence, but as for why, Huo Dongqing obviously didn't want to speak anymore.

Yeluqi definitely didn't dare, Huo Dongqing had already analyzed it, if Yeluqi tricked Li Chubai upstairs and did something, according to Li Chubai's temper, she would not compromise.

In this way, Yeluqi will not be able to achieve his goal, and will make everything he has done before go to waste.

Therefore, there is only one possibility for being able to stay on the top without going downstairs for so long, and it was Li Chubai's own volition.


Stop, Huo Dongqing punched his side heavily, he couldn't think any more, he felt his brain was about to split open, he closed his eyes, he couldn't think any more.

Could it be that he was still no match for Yeluqi's so-called false memory after all, could he just let Yeluqi deceive Li Chubai with the stories he made up?
The drizzle began to rain heavily, and it tended to get bigger and bigger. Finally, a black shadow appeared.

Huo Dongqing's eyes suddenly widened, and he turned his head violently to look through the car window. He wanted to open the car door, but he saw Yeluqi holding an umbrella, while Li Chubai wanted to grab the umbrella.

Their car was on this side of the street, although there was drizzle separating them, Huo Dongqing could see clearly, Li Chubai would rather get wet by the rain, and stubbornly let Yeluqi open his umbrella properly.

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