The national goddess she came from ancient times

Chapter 417 She Deserves the Best Reception in the World

No one knew how tired Huo Dongqing was, he arrived at Li Shi after getting off the plane.

This sleep actually lasted until late at night. Huo Dongqing opened his eyes, and the place he saw was very strange. Whether it was at Huo's house or in his own office, he should not have seen such a ceiling when he woke up. Dong Qing sat up.

Just sitting upright, leaning against the sofa, I saw a person lying in front of the desk, falling asleep peacefully.Needless to say, this person is Li Chubai.

Waking up in this situation for the first time, Huo Dongqing recalled that he had come here to catch a plane. He was eager to explain what happened to that jade, but unexpectedly fell asleep.

With both feet on the ground, Huo Dongqing realized that the clothes he put on and the shoes he took off were probably made by the woman opposite.Suddenly Huo Dongqing's heart felt soft, he looked at that petite figure, and slightly raised his lips.

Suddenly Li Chubai choked and coughed, which made Huo Dongqing startled. He got up, knowing that sleeping on his stomach like this might be uncomfortable, so he hugged Li Chubai lightly.

Li Chubai is no less tired than him these days, and when he is hugged, he is so light that he doesn't have much weight.

"Huh, are you awake?" Li Chubai woke up suddenly, and didn't realize that she was being hugged by Huo Dongqing. She rubbed her eyes and let out her smooth hair.

When Li Chubai realized that she was too close to Huo Dongqing and her body was close to him, she wanted to push him away, but in a second, "Why are you holding me, let me down!"

Li Chubai was a little anxious, and his voice raised.

"It will be released, but not now." Huo Dongqing walked to the sofa, put Li Chubai on the sofa, and deliberately trimmed her long hair to avoid pressing her down.

Suddenly their eyes met, the two of them didn't know what to say, the air was more like freezing, after staring at each other for a while, Li Chubai's face suddenly turned red.

"Okay, get up and drive, what are you doing watching me?" Li Chubai pushed Huo Dongqing away to avoid his increasingly embarrassing reaction.

Huo Dongqing smiled, and that smile seemed to open thousands of closed flowers. Li Chubai suddenly found that the man was too good-looking, which was also a disaster. In the past, Huo Dongqing used to show off the general's uniform, and he didn't care much about it when he came back. Deputy Bian, in other words, didn't have time to pay attention to his own image. He always had a bearded face with black and yellow spots on his face, as if he hadn't washed his face for several years.

"Are you still angry?" Finally, it was Huo Dongqing who broke the deadlock of silence.

At first, she was a little surprised why Huo Dongqing would ask such a question, but later she realized that she was indeed angry during this time.But she can't agree directly.

"Who says I'm angry, can you use your brains?" Out of nervousness or excitement, Li Chubai began to speak incoherently, but Huo Dongqing understood.

He put his hands on his legs, his manicured fingers looked extraordinarily neat, "You used to scold me that often. 'Can you grow your brain'..." He laughed alone at this point.

Li Chubai was left with his eyes wide open, wanting to get angry but he didn't know where the anger came from, "Okay, don't keep bringing up the past, I can't even remember the past."

However, when she thought of the fact that Yuanyang Zhenbing had been smashed by Huo, she still wanted to ask, "You smashed that jade, how do you go back?"

It's okay not to talk about it, but as soon as he talked about it, Huo Dongqing became angry, "Who told you that I can go back to Daliang with that jade? Yeluqi?" Apart from this man, there is probably no one who can give Yeluqi the jade. It's a trick.

This time Li Chubai did not reply directly to Huo Dongqing, but cast a glance at him, then lowered his eyes, "After all, we have all forgotten the past."

That's right, I have forgotten the past, and Huo Dongqing became angry when he mentioned this, "Then why do you believe him, you believe everything he says?" I have done so much, several times because of Yeluqi's words Provocation, Li Chubai can completely deny himself.

"But you can't blame me. With such pain, who can easily judge right and wrong, true and false?" Anyway, Li Chubai's current defense is that everything is right.

The two found it pointless to argue about these things now.

There was another silence, and it was Huo Dongqing who took the initiative to speak, "Okay, let's stop arguing, it's not easy to meet each other here, so let's live a good life, okay? What do you want to do, I'll be with you, okay?"

Huo Dongqing's tone softened, and Li Chubai naturally couldn't be tougher.

She sat up from the sofa, looked at the man in front of her, and had to admit that her heart fell in love with Huo Dong. How could she not feel Yeluqi's various intentions for so long, but she just didn't like Yelvqi.

Touching his face, Huo Dongqing smiled, "Is there something on my face? What are you doing looking at me?"

Li Chubai cast Huo Dongqing angrily at such a straightforward decision, "You look good, don't you?"

Hearing this, Huo Dongqing couldn't hold back and laughed out loud.

However, Li Chubai was punched from embarrassment and anger. "Okay, okay, I just want to clear up the misunderstanding between us. It's so late, do you want to go back to your home or mine?"

This question was asked too much, I saw Li Chubai blushed, and the anger just now hadn't subsided, "Nonsense, of course I'm going to your house—"

"Go back to my house!"

It was the first time Huo Dongqing met such a playful Li Chubai, and the queen he followed with his life also had such a childish side.Concentrating on brows, the four eyes meet again.

Huo Dongqing's breathing became more rapid than before. He slowly stroked Li Chubai's shoulders with both hands, and slowly moved closer, and closer again.When he saw Li Chubai closing his eyes meekly, Huo Dongqing understood what Li Chubai meant.

He pressed her soft lips against hers, and rubbed them lightly with his own, as if a thin current flowed through their bodies, the numbness more and more overwhelmed the previous tension.

Fingers are exerting force, hugging the lightly jointed body tighter and tighter, Huo Dongqing is reluctant to let go of Li Chubai, but he has to let her go, he is afraid that his excessive force will make this flower-like woman breathless .

Reluctantly letting go, Huo Dongqing saw Li Chubai turning into pink petals like a pool of spring water, she slowly opened her beautiful eyes, those trembling eyelashes still beckoning to him.

After all, this is Li Chubai's office. Huo Dongqing doesn't want to indulge himself here, nor does he want to be so casual here. This is His Highness the Queen he guards, and she deserves the best courtesy in the world.

"Aren't you hungry? Let's go out for a meal first, and then send you back." Li Chubai nodded, but she didn't notice that Huo Dongqing didn't say where to send herself back.

Standing up, he was embarrassed to find that his feet were soft. Huo Dongqing smiled but didn't say anything, and directly hugged him up.

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