"You all get out!" An impatient low voice scared away all the department managers in the room.

It can be said that an order is an order to a department manager, and everyone is eager to get their feet wet and run quickly.

People outside are envious that they have a big star as their boss. They can see the big star every day and ask for their autographs. How wonderful it is.

But who knows that the baby is suffering in his heart, big stars are also ordinary people, and they also want to make money to live, and this Li Chubai is honest, it is a pity not to manage the business and become an actor, many times more than Li Jintang.

Cold-blooded and ruthless, good at employing people, and good at management, these are the things that make some employees who have not done good things feel uncomfortable.

"Dad, why have you lost so much weight?" It seems that sister Juan didn't say exaggerated words, Li Chubai felt sorry for his old father.

Just like when Daliang was her favorite father, whether it was Daliang or Xiandai, Li Chubai would thank God for giving him such two good fathers.

No matter who is good to himself, he has no principles.

"It's okay, I'm okay. I heard that you are going to make a movie, and it's directed by Ouyang. This time, you have to work hard and make a good film." Li Chubai pulled down Li Chubai's hand and squeezed his cheek lightly.

Looking at his precious daughter with relief, Li Chubai's face faintly revealed the demeanor of Sun Qian back then. Sun Qian must be satisfied with her daughter's change to this state.

"Well, I'll take good photos. It just so happens that I have two days off here. I want to come and see you." Li Chubai felt a faint distress in his heart. Sister Juan's words, she should pay attention, the old father or really I'm so tired.

Just now he asked the secretary outside to bring tea in, Li Jintang frowned a little after listening to his daughter's words, but he couldn't bear to let his daughter suffer. "No need, Dad can handle it here. Boss Huo also arranged for someone to come and help me clean up once a week. I'm already much more relaxed. You only have two days to buy what you want and play when you want. Don't come to me anymore. I'm thin, and you're not fat either."

Both father and daughter love each other, Li Chubai looked at Li Jintang with a smile, hugged his arm, and leaned on Huo Dongqing's shoulder on one side of his body.

It felt like back in Daliang, when she was not a queen, she relied on her father so that she could feel at ease, even if the sky fell, her father would support her.

But Li Jintang's thin shoulders seemed to have no flesh at all, which made people feel flustered.This intensified Li Chubai's desire to help, even though she only had two days.

One day was used to learn about Li Shi, and one day she wanted Li Jintang to go to the hospital for a physical examination, it is abnormal to be so thin.

But it is difficult to change anything that Li Chubai has made up his mind, so Li Jintang can't persuade his daughter, so let it go, and said that the rest time of two days will be spent on Li Jintang's side, anyway, there are still a few hours left Just after work, Li Chubai was already sitting in Li Jintang's seat, she drove Li Jintang to the lounge to sleep, and she was here to read the documents that Li Jintang had processed before.

Just like reading memorials in the past, after all, she is used to modern writing now, and she doesn't seem to be struggling very much. After a while, Li Chubai outlined a lot of problems with a red pen in the reports that were handed in.

No wonder the old father is so thin. These people are here to get paid for nothing. Will some very basic problems not be dealt with?
Thinking back to when I came to the office, a few people stood there, shrinking their heads like queuing up. In fact, they didn't know how to do it. They clearly knew that they were either ghosts or lazy.

Lifting the landline, Li Chubai remembered that she had posted a list of phone numbers here before, and she had come here to deal with some things before, so it would be easy to clean it up now.

But for the sake of convenience, Li Chubai thought about it, and she decided not to be too petty, and use it when someone uses it, and use it for nothing.

Huo Dongqing, who was sitting in the office, then received a business call from Li Chubai, "Zhao Hui informed the four people on vacation that the vacation is over and asked them to go to Li Shi to find Li Chubai and listen to her orders."

Watching Zhao Hui walk out of the office to arrange for someone, Huo Dongqing retracted his gaze and turned his head to look out of the cloudless window. It was just like a dark night. Everyone thought that there would be a heavy rain, but who knew that the clouds would just disperse like this opened.

A woman's mind is like the weather, which makes people feel unpredictable.

Huo's efficiency is high. It took less than 10 minutes from Li Chubai's phone call to her "team of four" arriving.This is not the first time for everyone, including the initial liquidation of the Li family, Xiaoyu also came to participate.

Her ability was approved by Huo Dongqing. In the entertainment industry, a courageous person like Xiaolan was needed to serve as Li Chubai's striker, and a resourceful person like Xiaoyu was needed as a military adviser afterwards.

Soon after the four people arrived, they processed the documents on Li Chubai's desk and came to a consensus on how to deal with them.

So Li Chubai quickly notified the secretary and called an emergency meeting.

The managers who thought they had run away before rushed over without stopping.I met him in the elevator on the way, "I heard that people from the Huo family have come here. This time we may be doomed."

Entering the meeting room, several people found that Li Chubai had calmly sat on the chair of the meeting room, and there were two people standing beside her, two men and two women, lined up symmetrically. Come, can't help but make people break out in cold sweat.

"Okay, everyone, sit down when you are seated, and there is no need to guess or doubt. You have submitted the report before today, and Mr. Li has expressed dissatisfaction. You all know it in your heart." Li Chubai sat upright Right, like a pine tree, with hands clasped together, there is only a flipped-down cell phone in front of him.

Department manager:"……"

After looking at each other, no one made a sound.

"I just transferred the files in the personnel department. All of you here are considered veterans of the Li family, and they all graduated from famous universities. Why don't you even understand such basic things, and you still have to submit them. Do you want to show your talents?"

This is training people, everyone looks at their noses and noses, and their noses and hearts. Anyway, part-time workers are going to be scolded. They just need to bear it and they will be fine.

"Let's put it, Xiaolan." Li Chubai didn't say much, and arranged for Xiaolan to show the PPT he made for everyone to see.They are all the questions that they have highlighted, and some of the questions are mistakes that even elementary school students will not make.

All were placed in front of everyone one by one. The department managers stared at the projection place one by one, while Li Chubai looked at everyone's expression coldly.

It is said that a soldier is a hero, and a general is a nest.

The department managers are all like this, Li Chubai can imagine why Li Jintang is always on the Li family and can't get out.

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