Shen Qiu wanted to stop the driver, but the other party was a strong man after all, her strength was insignificant in the eyes of the other party.

The car stopped.The driver turned his head angrily, "You stinky bitch, if you get angry, you can send it to me, where should I send it?"

I had a big fight with my family in the morning. The economy has been sluggish recently, and this car has already been mortgaged by him. Now I want to drive the car to the dealership, thinking about getting the last order, but I didn't expect this woman to be with a mad dog. Same.

Shen Qiu looked at the ferocious face of the man, and her face turned pale with fright. She was afraid of the mobile phone, and stepped back, "You, you, don't come here. If you come again, I will call the police."

Opening the rear door, the driver suddenly felt that this woman looked very similar to the divorced woman at home, and there seemed to be nothing else to do except ask him for money and scold him.



The mobile phone was snatched by the driver, thrown out of the car, stuck in dead branches and leaves, and disappeared.

At this moment, Shen Qiu's whole body tensed up. She thought that it was useless to beg for mercy, so she simply started to fight back with teeth and claws.

He also kicked and grabbed the driver's clothes and face unexpectedly, and several bloodstains appeared.

Now it's all right, the driver was completely irritated, when Shen Qiu finally opened the car door behind him, but before she had time to escape, the other party grabbed her by the ankle, one of the high heels had been rubbed off, and the other party grabbed her return.

As if looking at this dying body could actually bring him a factor of igniting excitement, the ferocious smile on the driver's face was like an announcement of the end of the world.

After a long time, the sky began to drizzle, and all crimes were over. The driver saw the woman whose upper body was hanging outside the car door motionless, and he came to his senses.

The woman is dead.

What to do, did he kill someone?
The driver looked around and quickly cleaned up the car. When he was about to run away, he realized that the car was just going to expose himself?

He simply dragged Shen Qiu out of the car, and walked a few steps into the dense forest.On the way back, I used long branches to clean up the traces on the ground.Only then took advantage of the growing rain to drive the car out from another exit.

However, Li's family naturally knew nothing about all this, Mr. Shen didn't come to the door again, everyone working in Li's family felt at ease, and the previous peace was restored.

Except for Li Chubai's fans who were still guarding Lin Zhi's gate as always, many people knew that Li Chubai had now signed a cooperation contract with Huo Dongqing, and information would come from time to time that Li Chubai lived in Zhudu.

However, Li Chubai now went to drama university.

After discussing with the company, we still have to stop filming for a while. After all, the benefits and impact of "The Family of Li Yuan" are too great now. Artists should avoid being too popular, so they will get a lot of backstabs. The key is this You don't even know where the backstabbing came from.

Regarding being able to enter a modern university, Li Chubai said that he finds everything new and interesting.

After all, fame is there. In order not to affect the order of the school, Li Chubai and her team entered the school very low-key every day.Arrived at the study place following the route specially planned by the drama teacher.

It turned out that no one else discovered it once.

It's been three days since this study, and it's been a while since the crime I was willing to expose before.

So today the police came to Li Chubai, Li Chubai was a little surprised, after all, isn't Lean already in prison?

Or was there a new situation, Li Chubai was very surprised, she was accompanied by Xiaoyu Xiaolan out of the training room and came to the corridor outside.

The police first confirmed Li Chubai's identity, and then began to ask, "Do you know Ms. Shen Qiu?"

Shen Qiu?

This woman was almost out of Li Chubai's memory, but after all, she made a lot of noise in Li's house last time, so the name couldn't be forgotten all at once.

Nodding his head, Li Chubai replied directly, "I know."

"She's dead."


Seeing the indifferent expression of the policeman, Li Chubai was really a little surprised. You must know that this woman was still showing her teeth and claws at their Li family in less than a week.

"So does her death have something to do with me?" Li Chubai didn't understand what the police were looking for him for, so he naturally asked.

"Well, there are currently some clues that have something to do with you, but we still need to confirm."

As soon as these words came out, Li Chubai and the two assistants behind him were stunned.

Forget about Shen Qiu's death, and she has something to do with her, which is too ridiculous, "What are your so-called clues?" Li Chubai quickly calmed down. Whether this is a scientifically advanced modern society, she believes that it is more Daliang's ability to solve crimes should be much stronger.

She can't lose her position all of a sudden, she has to study it carefully. "We can't tell you this, but you can answer us a few questions first."

Li Chubai had no choice but to cooperate seriously and answer a few seemingly simple questions.

In the end, the police reminded Li Chubai that the Public Security Bureau might summon her in the near future, telling her not to go abroad to distant places.

After finishing speaking, the police left, but when Li Chubai was called out, there were several other students and teachers in the training room. Everyone knew Li Chubai's identity, but the police came to find her and talked outside for so long , I am still very curious.

It's hard to inquire. Others urged the teacher who taught Li Chubai to inquire. Before this could be officially opened, Xiaoyu said, "Mr. Luo, Li Chubai may have something to do recently, so our study course We can only stop, sorry."

The course was originally arranged by Starry Night Company, which required high tuition fees. For the school, there was no loss. I thought that Li Chubai would definitely be filming in the future, but whenever Li Chubai opened his voice, others would know it was from What this school has learned naturally has a fairly good publicity effect.

But I didn't expect it to stop suddenly at this time.

Although the teacher agreed, he quickly called the school's leaders and told them what happened before.

So, within 10 minutes after Li Chubai and his assistants left the school, they received a text message from Xingye.

Xiaolan was not happy when she saw it, "This school is really snobbish, crossing the river and demolishing the bridge, let alone we haven't done anything, even if there is something, it doesn't matter to them, why is it so interesting, they will make a fuss about it."

Sitting in the car, Li Chubai glanced at Xiaoyu, who had a completely different attitude from Xiaolan. What was she thinking about if she didn't get along with him.

Xiaoyu is very scheming, just like Huo Dongqing, she deserves to be a little fox raised by Huo Dongqing.

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