The national goddess she came from ancient times

Chapter 332 Don't treat yourself as an outsider

What kind of role to play, I can pick it up at my fingertips, and I am not ambiguous at all.

I used to call her Eldest Miss, but in a blink of an eye she called her Chubai again, it depends on whether she agrees or not.

"Since you know that you can't do anything well, don't go to other people's houses to point fingers." Li Chubai resisted the pain from her ankle, stood up with a smile, and looked at how many times she was missing. god daddy.

Looking at the movements of the two people in front of her, she thought that Li Jintang really had an affair with Shen Qiu. How could she think that Li Jintang was a man who was not close to women before?
It seems that sister Juan is still a bit weak.

"Okay, Chubai, no matter what, Aunt Shen is also your elder, so don't speak so fiercely." Listening to Li Jintang speaking for her, Shen Qiu tilted her head and winked at Li Chubai knowingly.

Of course, this expression cannot be seen from Li Jintang's perspective.

However, even when Li Chubai saw it, he didn't take it seriously at all, "Okay, this Aunt Shen is also an elder, but she said what kind of property cession letter you wrote to her, what the hell is that, I thought the word cession should not appear in This age."

In order to melt this era, on the one hand, Li Chubai is filming, and on the other hand, she is also checking for omissions and filling in gaps. Recently, she happened to see Modern History, so she naturally understood this word, so when she heard Shen Qiu say these two words When it was time, I simply felt that the other party was here to make a joke.

After hearing Li Chubai's words, Li Jintang's face immediately changed, and he pushed the woman beside him a step away, "What book is Chubai talking about?"

Although the name in the words was Li Chubai, but Li Jintang said it to Shen Qiu.

"No, I don't, how could I be." While distinguishing, Shen Qiu was in a mess. The thing was also an idea given to her by her cousin. If he didn't get it, he was stabbed by Li Chubai, and Shen Qiu's face became ugly.

However, Li Chubai did not intend to let her go. Judging from Li Jintang's reaction, he knew that this woman was playing a trick of deception, and it was not her turn to make decisions in the Li family.

"Isn't there? I have someone here to prove it." Li Chubai knew that Huo Dongqing was right behind him, and this guy hadn't moved or had just waited until the last shot.

At this time, Li Chubai would at least not think that the other party was watching a good show.He is obviously the one to hate, but Li Chubai doesn't know why he believes in him so much.

Shaking his head, Li Chubai thought he had to focus on the matter in front of him.

Fortunately, Li Jintang's principles have not changed at this time. He thinks that Shen Qiu is a good person. The key point is that his voice is very similar to Sun Qian's. But now that he and his daughter are getting into conflict, then he will definitely not stand on the sidelines. The opposite of daughter. "Okay, no matter whether there are witnesses or not, I don't know how to write any cession letter."

Before she said anything, why did this old man push her away, Shen Qiu panicked a little, her fingers circled around each other, Li Chubai knew she was struggling, maybe she had to use a bigger move.

It's just that I don't know if the other party will jump over the wall in a hurry, just like how he was willing to treat Baoyan at that time.

At this time, Shen Qiu didn't know that she was being guarded by Li Chubai as a terrorist who could attack at any time. She looked at Li Jintang aggrievedly, her mouth was flattened, and she didn't want to pay for herself, because of the sudden appearance of Li Chubai. In vain.

"I don't, I really don't, I just want to get along well with Chubai, Jintang, you know me, why don't you believe it?" Perhaps because he was afraid that he would suddenly lose his game, Li Chubai felt that this lady's horse feet were showing A little too fast.

First dismiss sister Juan, then dismiss the captain, and arrange for his cousin to come in. If this woman is let go today, does it mean that she will retreat and tremble again?

Li Chubai decided not to give Shen Qiu the slightest chance.

Originally, there was a pair of white-eyed wolf father and daughter behind Li's house, she didn't want to be attacked.

Li Jintang didn't pay much attention to Shen Qiu's explanation, he turned his head to look at his long-lost daughter, and immediately saw the man behind Li Chubai, "Mr. Huo is here, ah, ah—"

I don't know if he was a little excited, but Li Jintang didn't know what to say. After being called out like this, Huo Dongqing couldn't sit still and pretend to be invisible.

Come over quickly, "Hello, Uncle."

In the past, Li Jintang was always referred to as Mr. Li, but this change made Li Jintang somewhat flattered. "Okay, sit down, sit down, why don't you say anything when you come, so that I can get my family ready." With the big president in front of him, Li Chubai found that Shen Qiu was sadly urged by his nervous The old father was forgotten.

"Shen Qiu, go and pour Mr. Huo a glass of water." Li Chubai couldn't help but burst out laughing just so casually, as if he was his own maid.

This smile made Shen Qiu even more embarrassed, she didn't mean it that way, since there were other people, Li Jintang would at least introduce herself, but in the end he just asked him to pour water, and he didn't treat himself as an outsider.

Improper outsider?

Shen Qiu's eyes lit up, she suddenly didn't care about Li Chubai's insinuation, and hurried towards the direction where Sister Juan left just now. Although she had never cooked in Li's house, she still knew the layout of Li's house.

When passing by the cousin, Shen Qiu quietly handed the cousin a message, "You go first, I will call you after I have dealt with it."

After finishing speaking, the siblings separated, but just as Li Chubai thought before, she didn't want to delay the matter again and again, she wanted to make a decision.

"Wait, what are you going to do? The cousin of the Shen family, right? From now on, I won't let you in without permission. I'll tell the security team later."

Even though the matter had been revealed, Shen Qiu didn't understand why Li Chubai still insisted on gnawing at her. Everyone turned a blind eye, wouldn't it be okay? Besides, she didn't mention property or books anymore.

"Chubai, your father—"

Hearing this annoying voice that made her feel disgusted rose again, Li Chu waved his hands and stopped Shen Qiu from speaking, "Don't call me so affectionate, I only have one mother named Sun Qian, even if my mother wants to find a stepmother I have to get my consent, you want to be my stepmother at every turn, I advise you not even think about it."


Li Jintang turned his head to look at Li Chubai, making sure that she had said this word just now, then turned to look at Shen Qiu's face who was obviously nervous and at a loss.

"Have you guys talked about this at home?" Li Jintang's face became more and more ugly, and his lips were tightly pursed.

He felt that Shen Qiu was a nice person and wanted to try to get in touch with her, but the word "stepmother" was far from enough.After Li Jintang asked such a question, Shen Qiu not only failed to answer in time, but also clenched his fists, looking very angry.

Not wanting his daughter to get angry because of these things, Li Jintang waved his hand casually first, "Forget it, Miss Shen, you should go back first, our contract will not be affected, but since Li Chubai you are so repulsive——"

Before Li Jintang could finish speaking, Shen Qiu suddenly screamed and rushed out the door, followed by her cousin.

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