The national goddess she came from ancient times

Chapter 329 Mr. Li's Second Wife

This is what Li Chubai learned and heard from Huo Dongqing's side, and her assistants would talk about it all day long. set.

He waved his hand and sent everyone away. Li Chubai never let go of his brows, but he smelled something in his nostrils. It was the smell of meat. She just spent all her time disciplining the servants. hungry.

Without Huo Dongqing calling her, Li Chubai had already walked past by himself.

"You made this?" Looking at the everything on the table, this is not a restaurant at home, it feels exactly like a high-end western restaurant.

Gently pulling away the chair beside Li Chubai, Huo Dongqing put his right hand in front of him, and bowed at [-] degrees in front of Li Chubai, "My Royal Highness invites you to dinner."

Li Chubai: "..."

This is too, too formal.

Seeing Li Chubai was in a daze, Huo Dongqing didn't say much, and directly pulled the woman to the chair and sat down, "You have dinner."

She was already hungry, but now the man asked her to use it, how could she live up to the delicious food.

Li Chubai smiled slightly, and sat down generously. As soon as she put the fork up, she immediately found that the steak seemed to be a complete piece. Under the sauce, there was nothing unusual, but when she touched the fork, the steak turned out to be It's already cut into small pieces.

It's really considerate, Li Chubai is not used to the western tableware here all the time, and she finds the half-cooked things in the store disgusting.

This steak was cooked very well, and Li Chubai couldn't help feeling better after eating it.

When his stomach was almost full, Li Chubai opened his mouth, "Huo Dongqing, when did you have this kind of cooking skills? I remember what you used to like to say that a gentleman is a good cook."

"You may have misremembered. I am a warrior who lives in the battlefield. I can't do such a thing as a distant cook. It is common for soldiers to cook soup for soldiers. As for this skill, I learned it abroad after I came here. I'm not used to eating raw meat, so I can only do it myself."

It turned out to be like this, Li Chubai didn't speak again, and ate up the rest of the food.

"What time is Huo Dongqing now?" It seems that after eating a meal, Li Chubai ordered Huo Dongqing to be more casual, but Huo Dongqing didn't care at all about Li Chubai's casual attitude towards him. enjoying the moment.

Even if it's not the feeling of an old couple, it's the feeling of an old friend.

If it goes on like this, it's fine.

Now Huo Dongqing has figured it out. He knows that his shortcoming lies in Li Chubai's career, while Yeluqi's advantage lies there. After all, both of them are artists, and it is much easier to meet him than himself. Fortunately, he It can also infiltrate into Li Chubai's career now, but it is more fun than merging into Li Chubai's life.

He looked at his watch, "At ten forty-two, is there anything Her Majesty needs to do?"

Hearing Huo Dongqing's solemn address, Li Chubai couldn't help but frowned, "Huo Dongqing, can you be normal and call me Your Highness the Queen here, you are not afraid of being burned to death by others, I am afraid, Don't be intimidated."

The queen is angry?Huo Dongqing smiled, put his hands together in front of him, still in an extremely respectful attitude, "Yes, mistress"


"Huo Dongqing, will you die if you call me by my name directly!"

"Isn't this a private call?"

"Don't bark!"

While the two were having a conversation with their voices raised and lowered, someone interrupted their "interesting" conversation.

"Miss Li, what do you mean, you fired my cousin?" The disappeared woman reappeared, and Li Chubai looked her up and down.

"I'm really sorry, who are you, how could you break into Li's house casually? Security guard!" The smile was still on Li Chubai's face just now, and it was fleeting, and the cold face still looked a bit imposing.

"I'm your stepmother!" The woman suddenly became extremely angry, but Li Chubai felt that the other party was funny, so he wiped his face and hands with the hot towel that Huo Dongqing handed him and put it back on the table.

As soon as she got up, someone came to support her. This time Li Chubai didn't push Huo Dongqing away. She felt that there was such a person behind her, like a wall that could support her.

A lot of peace of mind.

"Stepmother? Didn't you say that you haven't received the certificate yet? Why are you stepmother? I don't know you. I don't even know your name. I'm still a stepmother. Don't let all the cats and dogs on the roadside come to grab this position." Li Chu Bai glanced at the other party lightly, and inadvertently saw a familiar figure outside the main hall.

"Sister Juan, I'm here." With a little excitement, Li Chubai waved, and Sister Juan outside the door also quickly took off her shoes and trotted over.

The woman glanced back at Sister Juan, with a look of contempt on her face, "How can a thief who has been dismissed still have the face to come back? He doesn't wear these shoes. It's really a rule."

Seeing Missy come back, Sister Juan was very excited. The person who notified her was the former security captain. She heard that Missy came back, and she was looking for herself again. Hurry up and spend more than 100 yuan in taxi fare to follow.

I didn't change my shoes because I didn't find my work shoes at the door, so they must have been thrown away.

Seeing Sister Juan running over excitedly before, but she was said a few words by this woman, and the brilliance on her face disappeared. It must have been destroyed by this woman's words during this period of time.

It is exasperating and unforgivable.

You must know that when I first came here, this sister Juan was like a sister and a mother.How could Li Chubai let her be wronged.

"The rules are set by me. It's not up to you. Sister Juan is the housekeeper of the Li family. She can wear whatever she wants, and you don't want to be a thief. Be careful and I will sue you for spreading rumors." This is thick-skinned. Why did the woman come back again? Has she been stationed in Li's house for a long time?
Following the security captain, he waited at the door again.

Li Chubai called the captain in, "Miss Li, you haven't answered me yet, my cousin is doing well, why did you let him go?"

The so-called "stepmother" whom Li Chubai regarded as a crazy woman kept chattering beside her, and Li Chubai's patience was exhausted. "I don't even know who you are, what are you in the Li family, and what is your cousin?"

"My cousin is your stepmother, Mr. Li's second wife, you can't be rude to her like this." A male voice suddenly came out from behind the captain.

Only then did Li Chubai realize that there was another person hiding behind the captain.


"You are a ghost, you can't see anyone, why are you hiding behind the captain?" The captain obviously didn't know that there was another person hiding behind him, looked back, and took a few steps back, letting out a man in his twenties. young man coming.

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