Whether Huo Dongqing manipulated this matter, it's hard to say, but the current situation makes people doubt what happened back then, and it's getting weirder and weirder.

"Then can I suspect that you did all of these things?" In the end, Li Chubai just wanted to get out of the fog, and she changed the subject, all pointing at Huo Dongqing.

Fortunately, there is a fender in the car, otherwise Li Chubai wouldn't have said this in front of Huo Dongqing's driver.

Finally, Li Chubai still spoke out her doubts about him, and Huo Dongqing felt relieved, after all, it is very tiring to be on guard against each other.

"You can doubt it. If it were me, I would doubt it too. After you left, I spent my whole life recalling the events of the year, and felt that when I took down the surrounding small cities, it was too smooth. And I sent The letters in the palace are all the same, I have read them, General Huo worked hard. I thought I had a chance—"

When Huo Dongqing received these letters back then, although Huo Dongqing felt that the Queen's attitude was a little perfunctory, he was still very happy in his heart, after all, his wish was about to come true.

In ancient times, there were few queens, not to mention the combination of courtiers and queens, but he was willing to be that shadow that could not be seen.

Huo Dongqing was stopped by Li before he finished speaking, "Wait! What letter did you just say?" After all, unlike Huo Dongqing, Li Chubai remembered that he came here right after he died, so regarding Daliang's matter, she I remember everything I know clearly.

"I've never received a letter from you. It's just a letter from the border. What kind of letter do you have?" Worried that he might misunderstand, Li Chubai carefully grasped every detail.

"The letter from the border is for the palace, but I have a letter for you in my own name?" Suddenly a kind of unexpected feeling came to Huo Dongqing's heart, "Did you not receive it?"

The letter he handed to her was intercepted? !

All of a sudden, the expressions of the two of them became a little dignified. After confirming each other again and again, Li Chubai knew that he had never received a letter from Huo Dongqing.

"Bao Yan knows about this, but she has no memory of Daliang." So the key point got stuck again.

Huo Dongqing wanted to prove that he had never betrayed his empress, and the more he wanted to recover his memory from Baoyan.

"Okay, you're in such a hurry. Didn't you find so many old things? Don't ask Baoyan. I've been sidelining her before. She must really have no memory at all." Looking at Huo Dong Qing's fists were tightly clenched, Li Chubai knew that he was angry, and was also suppressing his anger.

But Li Chubai himself was relieved in his heart, or there was really a misunderstanding between her and Huo Dongqing, I hope everything is as Huo Dongqing said.

Talked a lot along the way, and returned to the hotel again, unexpectedly, Li Chubai's team was still having a carnival.

It was originally intended to let everyone relax, and Huo Dongqing didn't intend to disturb anyone, so he sent Li Chubai back to the room, and he also went back to the room.

After sorting out his thoughts before going to bed, Huo Dongqing thought that Yeluqi still couldn't get around the matter, that guy was too scheming, how much did he know, and now he was standing still, which made people think there was a big problem.

During this period of time, he had people staring at Yeluqi a lot. Later, he heard people report that Yeluqi's family seemed to be having some kind of civil turmoil, and Yelvqi had stopped working in the entertainment industry.

As Huo Dongqing had guessed earlier, entering the entertainment industry was not Yeluqi's ideal in life, but just a move of his. Now it seems that Yeluqi's goal should be Li Chubai.

Using the background of Li's family as the capital of his superior Yelu's family, this man has a good plan.

As soon as he thought of this, a thought flashed through Huo Dongqing's mind, so fast that he had no chance to catch it.

Yelu's house.

"Okay, shut up, do you still think I'm an old man?" Yelukong took his crutch and beat it on the ground several times, and coughed out loud because he was so excited.

The old housekeeper at the back hurried up and took an empty cup and patted the old man's back until he was about to spit. A nanny in front hurriedly took out a small basin to catch the old man's spit.

Many people at the scene turned their eyes away in disgust.

"Why, you think I'm disgusting, so don't stand here. Everyone only has money in their eyes, how can there be filial piety!" The old man slammed on the ground with his crutches a few more times.

"Okay, old man, don't procrastinate, and look at the documents again, don't you see that your body can't hold back?" Yelu Dafang's son spoke. Here, he is the only one who dares to speak. Unfortunately, his family There is no son, a son born by a lover, the family does not recognize it.

He could only watch helplessly as the sons in other rooms were gearing up to take over.

"I know, what are you urging, it's none of your business." The old man gave the boss a blank look, and the old man signaled the housekeeper to turn the page of the document.

After watching for a while, the old man looked around in front of his children and grandchildren, "Where's Yeluqi? Why didn't you see him?"

Just as Huo Dongqing guessed, Yeluqi, who had disappeared from the entertainment circle during this period, went home to be a filial grandson.

His foundation is not stable, so naturally he has to find the most reliable person, that is the old man of Yelu's family. This old man has been recuperating abroad all year round. It is also the turn of Yelu's family to change in power, so he rushed back.

Maybe after this selection, he won't live for too long, so the old man naturally thought that he must be extremely cautious.

"Where's Yeluqi, you were running around just now, hurry up and look for it?" Erfang Bai glanced at the servant at home, with a look of impatience.

Yeluqi is really stronger than other children of Yeluqi's generation, but his family has no money.

After a while, I heard someone yelling at the door, "Come here, come here."

Everyone heard the reputation and looked over, only to see that Yeluqi was wearing a flower worker's clothes, his hands were covered with mud, and he dug up some kind of green plant, and he was excited to squeeze over.

Everyone is wearing tens of thousands of expensive clothes, and no one wants to be stained by Yeluqi's muddy ideas, "Okay, okay, what is it, it smells so bad."

The wife of the third room put her finger under her nose, wishing that Yeluqi would be thrown out.

"Old man, do you think this is the cough herb the steward said?" Yeluqi presented the plant in front of the old man like a child presenting a treasure.

Even the old man could smell it, shrunk his neck back, and was about to tell him to take it away, but he heard a surprised exclamation from the housekeeper behind him.

"That's right, that's right, that's it, this is a good thing, Master Yelu, where did you find it?" The butler directly bypassed the sofa this time, and he didn't care who the person who just pushed away was from Yelu's family. He took the cough medicine and took it like holding a baby.

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