Now that my people are here, I can't ask an inconspicuous person to step on me for nothing, so what if Li Chubai wants to suppress others, Qin Qing blocked her way before, this time it's her turn.

"Why, you still don't let me go."

"Oh, shouldn't I say that? Which dog barked here just now and blocked my way?" In fact, even if Xiao Hui and Xiao Zhao didn't come, she wouldn't be afraid of Qin Qing, but she Everyone is here, why doesn't she sweep Qin Qing's prestige away.

Otherwise, his tolerance would be interpreted by these people as easy to bully. Once he placed an order again, Li Chubai believed that the other party would definitely come back to fight back against him.

Unexpectedly, Li Chubai, who looks gentle and beautiful, would describe herself as a dog. Qin Qing stared at her angrily, and almost put her hands on her hips, "You, who do you think is a dog?"

Seeing the other party's angry appearance, Li Chubai found that bullying is quite fun, the other party's anger is better than his own. "Isn't it just about this dog blocking the way, and what about me and Yeluqi, you can't control it. If you think your brother has been treated unfairly, you can go to the artist management office to complain. What's the point of making trouble with me? Opinion. Stupid!"

After finishing speaking, Li Chubai turned around and walked forward, not reacting at all to Qin Qing who was blushing with anger.

When Qin Qing found out that Li Chubai was scolding her for being an idiot, she was about to chase after her when she was stopped by Xiao Zhao, who was 185 in height, "Stay away from Miss Li."

This sensual expression really frightened Qin Qing, she stomped her feet in anger, and even spat on the ground, looking at Li Chubai who had gone away, "Li Chubai, you have to be embarrassed, I Let's see how long you can get Se!"

Obviously senior brother is her man, but I still want to send senior brother to this woman of Li Chubai because I have no confidence and no background.


"Why are you jumping so angry here again?" A timid voice came out from behind, Qin Qing was a little surprised, when she turned around, she found that she had fallen into the river, dragging her sick body along. The "professional" Lai Luowan insisted on filming.

Qin Qing, who was scolded by Li Chubai for being an idiot just now, even though she knew that Li Luowan and Li Chubai were not the same way, they were both surnamed Li and they were both cousins. Let it out.

"It's not because of you."

In fact, Li Luowan just came here after watching half of the play. Now that she has learned to be smart, she can't confront Li Chubai head-on. After all, his background is too strong.

She used to think that if she snatched Li Chubai's boyfriend, she would be a winner in her life, but she never thought that a woman like Li Chubai could rely on someone like Huo Dongqing.Whether it's for the benefit of both parties, or for the hookup between men and women, anyway, after she won a small game before, since Li Chubai made a fuss at Song Chengzhe's confession meeting, she is almost Li Chubai walked all the way under pressure.

She has never been able to find a chance to stand up, and just now seeing Qin Qing dare to rush forward to find fault with Li Chubai without fear of death, Li Chubai suddenly realized that he should make good use of such a sharp arrow.

The women I had befriended before were not worth anything, and they were snapped before any disturbances were caused, and they disappeared from the show business circle.

I don't know how long this aggressive woman in front of me can last.

For Qin Qing, Li Luowan felt that her words had no weight at all.It was his intention to push the responsibility on himself. Li Luowan saw through Qin Qing's trick all of a sudden, and decided even more that this woman could be used as a gun by him.

She is used to acting weak, so she will naturally respond more appropriately to Qin Qing's reaction. Her mouth twitches slightly, and her eyes are already closed. As for the hidden wink, no one knows.

"Yes, it's my fault. Sister Qin, don't blame Chubai. She also didn't have a mother to discipline her since she was a child. In addition, my uncle dotes on her very much. That's why she is so, so—"

"So arrogant!" After finishing speaking, she let out a cold snort in her nostrils, Qin Qing never thought that Li Chubai would be so arrogant and domineering, and there would be such a "sensible" cousin.

Seeing that the other party was about to cry, Qin Qing didn't want to draw too much attention from others here, right? Although the two of them are not well-known actors, there are only a few faces that walk in and out, who doesn't care? Who do you know, once they see the "Desperate Third Niang" standing in front of them crying, they don't know what to think of her.

Quickly waved his hand, "Okay, okay, don't put on a crying look, people who don't know will think I did something to you." Here I persuaded Li Luowan, and there I remembered Li Chubai , "No wonder his moral character is so bad, it turns out he was born with a mother but not raised by a mother."

Knowing about Li Chubai's housework, Qin Qing thought to find out more about Li Luowan next time.

After all, it's not good to stand in such a conspicuous position all the time.

"Okay, don't show your pitifulness here, it's useful for men, and I'm not a man." Even if Qin Qing wants to join forces with Li Luowan to plot against Li Chubai, it doesn't mean she will like Li Luo Wan.

Having achieved her goal, Li Luowan naturally suppressed her emotions, "Alright then, I hope Sister Qin will stop blaming my cousin when she sees her in the future."

It's so possible, looking at the silly Li Luowan, Qin Qing immediately asked for the WeChat number, "Okay, you also pretend to be like me, I know it's impossible for you to really have a deep brother and sister relationship, I don't care if you snatch it." If you lost her boyfriend, or she robbed your boyfriend, if such a mess happened between sisters, it is impossible to return to the original state."

Back then when Song Chengzhe held the press conference, he made such a big fuss. In this city, who in this circle doesn’t know about the troubles of the Li family sisters? .

What was even more shocking was that at the press conference, Li Chubai actually posted the record of Li Luowan and Song Chengzhe's room-opening, as well as the secret relationship between the two.

All of a sudden, the people on the Internet criticized these two dogs, which not only wiped out all the good feelings for Li Luowan, but also made many people sympathize with Li Chubai. After all, her cousin snatched her fiancé away. It is a zero-tolerance event in our perception.

After that, this incident became the dividing point in the careers of the two sisters. Li Chubai has been getting better and better since then, and after Li Luowan's little fairy set up a defeat, she has been acting in some unworthy actors on the [-]th line. supporting role.

The reason why Qin Qing is so clear about the Li sisters is also because of her senior brother Yeluqi. She didn't know when the senior brother started to get close to Li Chubai, but since the senior brother took his heart, she also took Li Chubai's heart .

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