Could it be that this is the so-called jealousy, instead of looking for problems in himself, he blamed her instead.

really interesting.

Li Chubai didn't take these discoveries to heart, she just wanted to be the best of herself.

In the afternoon, after finishing filming, Li Chubai quickly looked at his phone, "Let's go, it's almost time." Li Chubai didn't even have time to take off his makeup, so the phone kept calling.

"Miss Li, director Wen said, see if you can come back earlier, because there is a reshoot for the scene in the morning." Xiao Lan trotted behind, and brought Wen Mo's words along the way.

Still want to make up?Li Chubai attached great importance to her play, so she stopped, but Xiaolan didn't pay attention, she was holding an umbrella in her hand, and directly poked Li Chubai's neck. "Oh, sorry, sorry."

The umbrella has a long handle and a pointed tip, and Li Chubai who poked her neck was actually a little hurt. She rubbed her neck, thinking that she stopped suddenly, and she couldn't blame Xiaolan, so she quickly added, "It's okay, it's okay. , I'm really fine, it's just that you just said that you want to make up the scene? Is there something I didn't shoot?"

Didn't the director Wen tell her about one of her mistakes?

"No, no, it's not your fault, it's Qin Qing, she didn't change her shoes, the sneakers she was wearing came out, and I saw it later."

Oh, recalling the few scenes of Qin Qing, she was also filmed with her, "Well, okay, I'll try my best."

After all, she doesn't really know how to sing operas. Although she has some foundation, that's because she has listened too much.

Walking out of the theater, the school actually sent a car over.

After getting in the car, Li Chubai felt some pain in his neck, so he covered it with his hands. When he put down his hands, he felt a sticky feeling on his hands.

When I brought my hand up to my eyes, it turned out to be bleeding.

Immediately, Xiaolan found out, and she was so frightened that she cried, "Miss Li, yes, I'm sorry, I really didn't mean it. What should I do?"

Li Chubai didn't think there was anything wrong, and Xiaolan's mood broke down like this all of a sudden, she couldn't blame her anymore.

Instead, he wanted to comfort her, "It's okay, it's just a broken skin, but I didn't notice it just now, the blood has accumulated a little bit, we'll deal with it at school later."

Indeed, as Li Chubai said, her wound was not very serious, the blood had actually coagulated.

I took a look in the mirror, "Do you have a bandage on your body?" Li Chubai wiped off the blood with his hand, and found that the wound was actually very small.

The car drove directly to the auditorium, where the teacher was already at the gate, waiting for them with a smile on his face.

After getting out of the car, Li Chubai's blood on his hands looked scary, and the female teacher changed her face on the spot, "How could it be like this, hurry up, go to the infirmary first."

The female teacher refused to let Li Chubai explain, and got into the car again. In less than 5 minutes, Li Chubai was already standing in the infirmary, and a flesh-colored square adhesive tape was pasted on his neck.

"There are emery cloths and medicines under here. Just pack them during the day and remember to take them out at night, otherwise you will sweat and take a long time to heal. This is not a big problem. It's okay, it's taken care of."

The doctor of the medical staff has a very good attitude. When Li Chubai was just pulled in by the female teacher, the doctor recognized Li Chubai.

Excited, "Miss Li, I'm your die-hard fan, can I trouble you to sign it for me?"

Unexpectedly, there are people who are his fans when he walks to the school. Focusing on this, Li Chubai's mood has completely cleared up.

You must know that when the disinfectant was applied just now, it hurt Li Chubai so much that he couldn't help it.

He didn't expect to come out from the infirmary, and he didn't know who released the news. Li Chubai never expected that there would be people lining up from the side of the complex to the lotus pond outside.

The quality of the college students is really good.

and many more!

Li Chubai calmed down, there were not only young people in the team, but also middle-aged people unexpectedly.Since when did she have fans of all ages?

"Miss Li, I like your role as Wei Yanran in The Sea of ​​Stars the most. I have been a fan of you since that movie. I heard that you are filming The Liyuan Family now. Don't worry, I will keep chasing you."

"Miss Li, please sign it on my back."

"Miss Li, I really like your performance in "The Bright Family"."

"Miss Li..."

It took Li Chubai a lot of time to sign all the way. Originally, the signing was an accident, but with so many fans queuing up, she couldn't just refuse it directly.

After signing for nearly an hour, the line behind was still stretched, and finally the female teacher couldn't stand it any longer, and called some volunteer students to come over to help, and the accident arrangement was aborted ahead of schedule.

The female teacher led Li Chubai and Xiaolan through the gap between the two buildings. "I didn't expect Ms. Li to be so popular. Why don't you sign me too. In fact, my daughter likes you very much."

Li Chubai, who finally got a chance to catch his breath, raised his head in astonishment.

It was finally signed.

After a lot of detours, I finally arrived at the practice room.

According to the previous request, the female teacher was just about to take out the music score, but remembered that the music score was not placed here.She smiled apologetically at Li Chubai, "I'm really sorry, I forgot that the things are not here, but it's okay, I'll call my classmates over there and ask them to bring them over for me, otherwise I'll make a move. You listen to me sing once, but learn again?"

Considering that Li Chubai's comprehension is so high, it won't be too difficult to learn this. The female teacher who originally planned to have no major problems within a week, was even more surprised that Li Chubai's extraordinary performance directly shocked her.

The female teacher herself only sang it once.

If it wasn't for knowing that Li Chubai had no foundation, and that this score was an ancient song exclusively translated by them, it would be fatal.

"Miss Li, you are simply a genius." What's more commendable is that Li Chubai is even more distinctive in turning tunes and articulating words. The free and easy feeling of the later period.

The point is that this is Li Chubai's first contact.The female teacher was almost shedding tears from the pain of being touched on the spot.

Thinking that she hadn't recorded it yet, she asked Li Chubai to sing it again, and she quickly recorded Li Chubai's voice.

After the meeting of the leaders, maybe Li Chubai has already left, and she would just release this for everyone to hear.

It lasted until nearly dusk, when Li Chubai received a call from the production staff, and they left in a hurry.

"Let our school's car take you back." The female teacher showed her liking for Li Chubai in every way, but Xiaolan immediately said, "No, we are in a hurry, and the company's car has already been dispatched outside. Yes. Thank you for your kindness."

Although this activity has nothing to do with money interests at all, Li Chubai himself knows that this kind of thing can directly suppress those who hate her to some extent.

After all, Li Chubai has already learned that this kind of opera singing has already been included in the intangible cultural heritage.

After getting in the car, the sky was already getting darker, and Xiaolan received another urging call from the scene.

"Okay, okay, we'll be there soon, please wait another 10 minutes." Xiaolan was tidying up Li Chubai's services in the car. Fortunately, because she didn't remove her makeup before, now she can make an outline according to it, but The driver also ran faster and faster.

"Do you want to follow me, boss?"

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