
She was too lazy to reason with Huo. After being in close contact for so long, why didn't Li Chubai know Huo Dongqing's favorite trick? She would never be able to reason with him.

Because Huo Dongqing always likes to mix the Daliang Dynasty with the modern world, you say this, he says that.

The two of them were not really angry. They got into the car and quickly disappeared into the night.

After the shadow of the car was no longer visible, a car drove out slowly. "Brother Qi, Huo Dongqing has already started to attack. If you don't act, you may lose your chance."

They saw the scene by the beach clearly in the car just now, and they didn't show any deep hatred at all.They are clearly a couple who came out to find some flirt.

It doesn't matter if there is a photo or not.

Thinking of the scene just now, Yeluqi sneered, "Huo Dongqing's movements were really fast, and Li Chubai got close to her again so quickly."

Knowing that he approached so cautiously, Li Chubai was still on guard. He didn't know how Huo Dongqing took the lead.

All right, it seems that he has to move faster, otherwise it will be too late when Li Chubai and Huo get married.

The next day, everyone arrived at the designated place on time.

Although Huo Dongqing didn't show up all day, Li Chubai could feel that he was by his side controlling everything all the time.

Sure enough, with Huo Dongqing here, she doesn't need to worry about anything, even the four assistants Huo found are much better than the ones she used before.

In terms of finding people, whether it is Daliang or Hyundai, Huo Dongqing has always been excellent, even surpassing Tang Chao.

In the busy days, time passed quickly, and the day was over. Li Chubai also got the room key in the hotel arranged by the crew.

As for the assistants, they need to book by themselves. Coincidentally, everyone's room is just a wall away from Li Chubai's room.

In the evening, everyone got together for a meal, which was naturally arranged by Huo Dongqing in advance.

"Miss Li, I wish you success in the filming of this film." The female assistant Xiaolan raised her glass and stood up, and the other three also raised their glasses and stood up, not to be outdone.Everyone got up, and Li Chubai couldn't sit alone, although when she was the queen, she always raised her hand.

I don't know if it's because Huo Dongqing spoiled him too much during this period, but Li Chubai always has the feeling of returning to the status of queen.

"Okay, let's go to bed early after eating, the filming of the main drama will start tomorrow." In the afternoon, she had already entered the crew to greet everyone.

However, I heard from the field manager that there will be a filming opening ceremony tomorrow morning. I hope everyone can arrive early. After all, this ceremony is for the master to check the time. The director still pays attention to this aspect.

So everyone can't be late.

It's just that Li Chubai learned from Xiaolan that starting tomorrow, they will work in shifts, with one man and one woman arranged every day. This is what Huo explained, so as not to make others think that Li Chubai is too ostentatious.

And in order to make the matter not too prominent, as early as yesterday, Xingye sent someone to accept an interview with the entertainment reporter, and explained the arrangement of assistants, so even if a hundred assistants were arranged to take care of Li Chubai, it would be considered It's not about playing big names, these are the company's arrangements, and the company only values ​​Li Chubai's performance.

Back in the room, Li Chubai took a shower, changed his clothes, and planned to sleep when his hair was completely dry.

The hair dryer is only blown to a half-dry appearance.

Walking to the window, Li Chubai suddenly felt a sense of relief from the scent of flowers outside the window.

Unlike when she first came here, she was so wholeheartedly trying to win Huo Dongqing, even if she was killed in Li's house at first, after Huo Dongqing extended a helping hand, her heart was moved for the first time, but that time she was rejected by Huo Dongqing up.

Mrs. Huo was willing, but he himself was not. Thinking of this, Li Chubai really couldn't figure out what Huo Dongqing was thinking.

And what she had always suspected was true, so now that Huo Dongqing said that he remembered some things and forgot some things, how true or false is this statement?

When thinking about himself again, Li Chubai picked up the phone, and once again looked at the email that Li Jintang had sent him.

How could Huo Dongqing come four years earlier than himself?Obviously she died first, this question made Li Chubai's mind knotted, just when he was about to give up thinking about it, the phone vibrated suddenly, so frightened that Li Chubai dropped the phone to the ground.

After coming here for so long, Li Chubai would think that he was just a bizarre dream in modern times when he dreamed back many times in the middle of the night.

Picking up the cell phone that fell on the thick carpet, it was still flashing, it was Yeluqi who called, I don't understand why Yelvqi called.

After hesitating for two or three seconds, Li Chubai still switched on the phone to answer.

"You finally answered. I thought you wouldn't answer my phone." Yeluqi's voice was very different from Huo Dongqing's, with a metallic clang, but it was not pleasing to the ear.

"Well, do you have something to do?" Hearing Li Chubai cautiously interrupting his words, Yeluqi thought that he had already known Li Chubai at least very well.

For a period of time they looked like a couple, aren't they lovers?When he felt that Li Chubai's attitude towards him had changed slightly, Yeluqi felt more and more that he should act quickly.

Otherwise, Huo Dongqing would cut off his only quick path to success.

"Can't I come to you if I have nothing to do? I remember that our relationship is already very close." This was Yeluqi's tentative joke, but he quickly took it back. The reason for doing this was , I just didn't want to make Li Chubai angry.

"Just kidding, I really have something to ask you, is it convenient to come out?"

Want to go out?Li Chubai looked at the indoor lights that had been dimmed by himself, and it was no longer the case at this time. Besides, the scene manager also said that he couldn't be late tomorrow, so she couldn't make a mistake on the first day of filming.

"I'm sorry, I'm going to be filming tomorrow, but I really can't come out now, and I'm in the hotel of the crew, it's not good if someone sees me."

Is this Li Chubai trying to avoid suspicion with him?
All of a sudden Yeluqi's face darkened, he could tell, it was true that Li Chubai had shifted to another place, that Huo Dongqing was so good, he always took advantage of him?
Obviously he was the one who approached Li Chubai first.

Huo Dongqing held a chicken feather as an arrow. What method did he use to brainwash Li Chubai?
"It's okay. I'm near the hotel where you live. I have something very important to tell you. I'm worried that it will be too late to know the truth after your filming is over."

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