"Father." Gu Ling smiled and said, "Don't get excited, I'm your biological daughter Gu Xiaoling, the daughter of you and my mother Gu Siyu. Can you understand me when I say that?"

"So, you are our daughter!" How could Qi Mingyuan not understand?
At the beginning, Gu Siqing pretended to be Siyu, but she also replaced his daughter!
In the past 18 years, he pampered a counterfeit, and his and Siyu's precious daughter was thrown into the countryside by her to suffer with her mother-in-law!
No wonder he took pity on Gu Xiaoling more than once, and asked Gu Siqing to take her home, but she never agreed.

Thinking of how she always said contemptuously and angrily: "Hubby, don't pity that girl! It's not that I'm cruel, but that child has the blood of that ruffian running through her body, and she won't learn well in her bones. I'm worried that she will spoil our pearl!"

Qi Mingyuan vomited blood!

Why don't you learn well in your bones?

It was clear that she was guilty and worried that he would notice the clues.

Also, she deliberately humiliated him and Siyu's daughter!
That femme fatale!

At the beginning, she was so cruel and ruthless that she killed her sister, and she was able to endure it for 18 years, allowing herself to learn the character of another person to do things!
Such a scheming and vicious woman, when he thought of treating her as his wife and living with her for 18 years, he wished he could die immediately!
"Dad has worked so hard for so many years, so he should take a rest. I helped you arrange an island with beautiful scenery, and the fishermen nearby are simple and hospitable. The most important thing is that I also moved my mother's grave to the island. A small western style building was built nearby."

"The decoration style inside is completely decorated according to your previous ideas. You will definitely like it when you go there. As for those domestic people with vicious thoughts, don't worry, my daughter will let them pay the price they deserve!"

Qi Mingyuan hesitated for a moment, but still said with emotion: "Okay, Dad doesn't care! Dad believes in you, and your mother will definitely like the island."

Not long after, the people sent by Fei Na took Qi Mingyuan away from the private plane again.

At this point, Gu Ling no longer has any weakness to restrain her hands and feet.

She found Gu Siqing's criminal evidence back then, and the most important witness--Qi Mingzhu's biological father, Ma Xiaobo.

When Ma Xiaobo was caught, he was having a crazy time with a group of people in a nightclub.

It wasn't until he was handcuffed that he realized that his good days were over.

In order to reduce his guilt, he provided Gu Siqing, Qi Mingzhu and his paternity test, which is one of the main evidences to prove Gu Siqing's identity.

So much so that Gu Siqing was still dreaming of becoming the mother-in-law of a top wealthy family like the Mei family, but she was handcuffed by the police who broke into the house, and she was a little dazed.

"Gu Siqing, you have been charged with six crimes, and now you are being arrested!" The policeman showed his ID and arrest papers, and stuffed her into the police car.

As for Qi Mingzhu, she flirted with the young master of the Mei family for half a month, and when she returned home, she found that her home had belonged to someone else!
Her mother has been charged with murder and other crimes and sentenced to death!
"Miss Qi, oh no, it should be Miss Ma. I think I need to introduce myself to you formally." Gu Ling sat in the driver's seat of the Bugatti Veyron, rolled down the window, and looked at Qi Mingzhu who was in a daze Said: "I, Gu Xiaoling, oh no, it should be Qi Xiaoling who is the real princess of the Qi Group! As for you, you are just the child of your mother Gu Siqing and the gangster Ma Xiaobo."

"If your mother hadn't killed my mother, Gu Siyu, and pretended to be her, maybe you are now a member of Xiaotaimei. You have enjoyed a wonderful life in the past 18 years. I hope that in your future life, you can do this Forgive me!"

"You're talking nonsense!" Qi Mingzhu bared her teeth.

Gu Ling had already rolled up the car window, she sneered and said, "Then, good luck to you!"

After finishing speaking, she drove to the airport.

233 was puzzled and said: "Host, why didn't you punish her? Are you going to let her go?"

How could he let her go!
Gu Ling was never the kind of virgin white lotus, she just wanted to see if Qi Mingzhu, without the blessing of the little princess of the Qi family, could continue the sadomasochistic romance with the little prince of the Mei family.

After all, her real son, Wilson, is gone.

Sometimes living is harder than dying, isn't it?

Gu Ling flew back to the castle villa in Country Y, before Lin Chaoyang came back from a business trip.

Three years later, the two of them held a grand wedding.

And Qi Mingzhu has already circled around middle-aged greasy old men with all kinds of potbellies, and has become a veritable low-class courtesan in the circle.

But ten years later, like a withered flower, she died of illness in a rented house.

Gu Ling's life has been rich and colorful, because of the noble inheritance of Lin Chaoyang's ancestral family, she followed the upper class and top celebrity banquets, drank afternoon tea with the royal princesses, and rode with the noble daughters of the Duke and Marquis family. Cross the horse...

At the end of his life, Lin Chaoyang recovered his memory, looked at her and smiled, without saying anything.

They don't need to make an agreement, they know that in the next world, even the next world, they will eventually meet because of the mutual attraction of souls.

After returning to the space, Gu Ling was alone in a daze for a long time, so that 233 forgot that he was in the state of being formatted at any time, and jumped up and down and said: "Host, you are great! You can complete the task without memory It's so good...”


Then, Gu Ling drew out the mahogany sword, flew directly with the sword, captured the system that had turned into a teddy bear alive, and slashed vigorously with the mahogany sword.


233's database was compromised, and a bang of alarms sounded.

Gu Ling seized the opportunity, flicked his fingers, and a chip the size of a button flew into 233's host.

"Alert! Alert! Unknown factors have invaded the system! The system is restarting..."

233 trembled all over, but Han said confidently: "Host, are you really going to format me? Woohoo, you are too bad!"

Then, it turned into a giant palm, and slapped Gu Ling who was chopping it into the turbulent flow of time and space!

Gu Ling was caught off guard, and was introduced into the mission world just like that!
233 let out a horrified scream and said: "Ah! Oops! I didn't have time to release the host's memory blockade!"

No. [-] system master, please help me, I have a hunch that the host will really format me next time!
233 directly linked to the cosmic signal source, and sent a request for help to the No. [-] system, the leader of the system world.

"It's so uncomfortable——" As for Gu Ling, she felt that her body was extremely hot in a daze, and then she realized that she had entered that dream again!
In this dream, she was in a dark, musty and dusty room.

There was a suffocating hot breath in the air, and there was a heavy panting sound in her ears, which made her face flushed, and panic rose in her heart.

It's this damn dream again!
Even though Gu Ling was in a dream, he still didn't forget to complain.

This dream has been haunting her ever since Gu Ling turned eighteen.

But every time she could feel that there was another person in the room, a man.

She wanted to find the man who was also in this darkness, but her eyes seemed to be covered by a layer of mist, and she couldn't see anything clearly.

Until the man took the initiative to approach her, clasped her slender waist precisely with his hot hands, and his hot breath was printed on her skin along with his hot lips.

A natural movement of knocking down and counter-knocking down is about to start.

Gu Ling's consciousness is very clear, and he can even feel that the man in the dark has a very good figure, with eight-pack abs!

This also caused the man's physical strength to be too good, with super endurance, and he didn't stop all night.

At the moment of pain and happiness, Gu Ling fell asleep blissfully.

Opening her eyes suddenly, beads of sweat on her forehead slid down her cheeks, Gu Ling exhaled a foul breath and turned on the lamp on the bedside table.

This dream has been accompanied by dizziness for a whole ten years!

From the night of her birthday to the age when she entered the ranks of leftover women: 28 years old.

However, when the original owner dreamed of this dream before, she could only feel the dark environment and heavy breathing, which brought her more fear and uneasiness.

But this time, it might be Gu Ling's arrival that made the dream that had troubled the original owner for ten years complete!

As a glorious people's teacher, the original owner is very satisfied with his living conditions, winter and summer vacations, weekends and weekends.

It's just a pity that she has never been able to find a satisfactory boyfriend. Every Valentine's Day, she is pathetic and walks the road alone.

Because he had a dream all night, and the dream was still very real, Gu Ling ate breakfast according to the original owner's habit, and got a good night's sleep.

On the way to sleep, system 233 found out that Gu Ling's memory hadn't been blocked, and immediately transmitted the plot of this world to her like a dog.

The original owner and a girl with the same name and surname in the parallel time and space in the 70s and [-]s had sensory synchronization. Even the scene of the girl and the man's spring night was empathized by the original owner in the form of a dream.

As a result, ten years later, the original owner went shopping and came across a strange shop. The owner of the shop was a handsome man. He asked her in amazement why she didn't go back, and the original owner inexplicably passed through!
Time travel to the time of giving birth!
Gu Ling went crazy and wanted to round and flatten 233!

Because, when she came to the time when the original owner hadn't crossed over, doesn't that mean that she needs to experience everything the original owner has experienced?
The most deceitful thing is the original owner and her husband, and they are all big bosses on the background board, who made a special trip to send children and inheritances to the lucky daughter-in-law!


So, she came here just to give benefits to Qi Yunzi?

Get lost!

There are no doors!

Gu Ling was not in the mood to continue to sleep well. Instead, he got up, took a shower, took his bag, changed into a gentle dress and left the apartment, following the habit of the original owner, to an old street nearby.

It is also the main reason for the original owner to travel through.

Sure enough, there were couples in pairs on the road, and the number of pink bubbles continued to increase along the way.

This is the role of the plot master, so that the original owner has always had the role of being single and depressed, right?
She has a fiance, but she doesn't know how to eat dog food!

Gu Ling turned a corner, and saw a quaint and dilapidated bookstore, she simply stepped in.

The wind chimes outside followed her to push open the door, and the wind brought a pleasant sound. The gentleman sitting behind the desk raised his head, glanced at her, immediately took off his gold-rimmed glasses in surprise, and said in surprise : "Why are you still here? At this hour, the Nine Stars Alliance has started once every 500 years, you should hurry back!"


The familiar place and the familiar lines made Gu Ling's lips twitch.

But she didn't collapse the person, but looked at the anxious man in glasses with a puzzled look, and then turned her head pretending to be surprised, only to find that there was no one behind her, she pointed at herself uncertainly and said : "You, talking to me?"

233 said with a bah, "The essence of drama is you as the host!"

Go away, I don't have time to talk to you.

As a result, as soon as I finished asking this sentence, I felt dizzy and dizzy, and lost consciousness for a while.

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