Definitely act first, trying to silence the professor and his party!

Tang Feng frowned, turned around and asked Zhang Qiqi in surprise, "Where is Gu Sisi?"

Zhang Qiqi pouted unhappy and said, "How would I know?"

Miss Gu Sisi is so proud!
Relying on the space, the powerful fire and wood abilities, and the huge mental power, he has always been the favorite of the group.

Where is she going, isn't she free?

Who cares?

Tang's cover color is not good-looking, and he pursed his lips and said: "Time is running out, and I ask the three of you to help! Professor Charlotte is our new hope for mankind!"

Gu Ling nodded slightly, Zhou Qing was already waving the mountain axe, and Xiao Bai was waving the iron stick like a domineering retreat, and opened the way.

Come to the innermost laboratory building, where there are more zombies!

When the group came to the elevator and took the elevator down to the third basement floor, they encountered a few zombies in white coats!

When the elevator stopped, they were faced with a wave of zombies in white coats, and each of them had evolved to the level of a third-level zombie!
One of the zombies had half of his face rotted off and one arm was broken, and his lethality was still terrifying!

If you don't pay attention, an earth-type supernatural person was directly pierced by him!

Seeing him grinning strangely, he took out the still beating heart and stuffed it into his mouth with a creaking sound of gnawing, Zhang Qiqi just spat it out with a wow.

Zhou Qing was also disgusted and pale, but she held the mountain ax firmly, and a look of determination flashed in her eyes.

Xiao Bai directly swung the iron rod and rushed up, hanging and beating the zombie.

Everyone came back to their senses when the zombie's head was smashed by Xiaobai and its brains burst.

One by one, with lingering fear in their hearts, they held their hearts, their faces pale.

As if, the miserable experience of their companions still frightened them a lot.

Next, everyone drew 12 more attention.

Simply, without any danger, they successfully reached the innermost laboratory.

"Professor Xia, open the door!" Since the power supply equipment has not been completely destroyed at this time, the outside of Professor Charlotte's laboratory uses a high-tech lock with fingerprint and pupil scanning. Only the people inside can open the door, otherwise if they Forcibly destroying it will take a long time.

The sound of destruction will attract more zombies.

"Who are you?" A weak voice came from inside, mixed with surprise and hesitation.

"We are the peace and security base in Kyoto. You have sent a signal for help to our base. I am Tang Feng. I have received a mission from my superior to pick you up." Tang Feng stood on the keyhole so that the people inside could see him .

He also took out his badge, work permit, etc.

Soon, the door opened from the inside, revealing Professor Charlotte's pale, thin face. He was trembling and skinny.

It looks like a crossbow bow!
"Tang Feng, are you here?" Suddenly, a surprised voice came.

Everyone turned their eyes to look at Gu Sisi, who looked embarrassed, and was running over with a golf club in ecstasy!
Judging by her appearance, she had just experienced a life-and-death fight, not to mention her body was in a state of distress, her torn clothes could occasionally be seen, and there were scars on her arms.

Those who doubted her felt guilty at this moment.

Did not dare to look into her eyes.

On the contrary, Gu Ling looked at her with a half-smile, his scrutinizing eyes made Gu Sisi feel cold all over, and subconsciously made a posture of being ready for battle at any time.

Tang Feng said thoughtfully: "Well, are you okay? Why are you in such a mess?"

Judging by her appearance, she had just experienced a life-and-death fight, not to mention her body was in a state of distress, her torn clothes could occasionally be seen, and there were scars on her arms.

Those who doubted her felt guilty at this moment.

Did not dare to look into her eyes.

On the contrary, Gu Ling looked at her with a half-smile, his scrutinizing eyes made Gu Sisi feel cold all over, and subconsciously made a posture of being ready for battle at any time.

Tang Feng said thoughtfully: "Well, are you okay? Why are you in such a mess?"

Gu Sisi looked hesitant to speak, and looked at Gu Ling cautiously and apprehensively, and said vaguely: "Oh, I just lost my way after chasing a third-level zombie. There are too many zombies. I can't think of anything. Hiding in Tibet, I can join you here!"

Gu Ling squinted his eyes, and exchanged a glance with Xiao Bai, including Zhou Qing who was beside him, all three of them became more vigilant unanimously.

Don't look at it at a glance, Gu Sisi seems to have experienced a catastrophe of life and death.

But she still maintains a fresh and clean face, and her fair fingers without any blood stains are enough to show that she is acting.

As for why she acted, Gu Ling is familiar with the plot and she is afraid that she wants to act first, and she wants to deal with that Professor Charlotte and his assistants together.

Still meeting with the male lead now, it can only show that she didn't achieve what she wanted.

This is to follow the crowd, take advantage of the crowd, and fish in troubled waters to your heart's content?

"You came from here, besides those zombies, did you see anyone else?" Tang Feng raised his heart, but his face was always indifferent and reserved.

"No." Gu Sisi shook her head without thinking and said, "It's strange that I didn't see a single figure during my journey!"

Following her answer, Tang Feng's heart fell silent.

Frankly speaking, the moment I saw Gu Sisi, I felt that I had wrongly blamed her at first.

But she made herself so embarrassed, but her cheeks were clean, without a single drop of sweat or blood!
Also, in her direction, they split up just now, but she said that she had never met anyone!
As if, that group of people was silenced by her!


Hehe, he really underestimated her all the time.

"Is this little girl with you too?" Professor Charlotte watched for a short while, and then closed the door again when everyone was not paying attention!

At this time, his words were transmitted through the speakers outside.

As if, he suddenly felt that the group in front of him was not so safe!
Tang Feng smiled bitterly, raised his hand to Gu Sisi with an innocent face, and a thick purple thunder struck towards him!

Gu Sisi widened his eyes.

As if I couldn't believe it.

But soon, she gritted her teeth, raised her hand and a black lightning bolt precisely collided with Tang Feng's purple lightning bolt.

The collision of two evenly matched abilities is naturally extremely lethal.

Everyone used their abilities to resist as much as possible.

However, there was still a loud bang in the surroundings, and it was bombarded by the contest between the two strong men.

"What are you doing? Tang Feng, are you really crazy?" Gu Sisi was startled, couldn't help glaring, and questioned.

"I'm crazy, I've been with you zombie for so long, and I haven't been able to find the clue!" Tang Feng felt that his three views were shattered, his eyes were about to split, and he hated Gu Sisi in front of him to death.

Those partners who lived and died together in the past all pointed at Gu Sisi before they died, but they didn't say a word. Those scenes that he ignored were very vivid at this time.

Gu Sisi was startled, when was she discovered?
how can that be possible!
"What did you say? I don't understand what you mean." Gu Sisi still wanted to argue a few words. After all, her plan had been half implemented, and revealing her identity at this time was tantamount to a dead end.

"Gu Ling, did you frame me?" Gu Sisi couldn't find anything wrong, so she pointed the finger at Gu Ling.

"Tsk tsk——" Gu Ling was hiding behind with Xiaobai and Zhou Qing, eating melons and watching a show, she even took out melon seeds, the three of them moved in unison, and suddenly they were called by name, she was still a little incompetent .

After coughing a few times, she spat out the melon seeds and said, "Oh, so you didn't realize that you missed the show? Look for yourself, if you really encountered a wave of zombies as you said, why would you Your face and fingers are so clean?"

"Could it be that you are more beautiful than others, and the zombies can't bear to hurt you, so they just stand and let you hack them to death? That's not right, even if this is the case, your face and hands should be stained to some extent, right?" Gu Ling raised his eyelids, the details determine success or failure!

"Go to hell!" Now that it has been exposed, Gu Sisi simply didn't do it, and went on and on, and silenced everyone in front of him!

Professor Charlotte has been watching everything outside, and naturally sees through Gu Sisi's every move.

Then, he took out two research reports from a top-secret file hidden in several layers of combination locks.

One of them had Gu Sisi's detailed information written on it.

And the other one has no information, only a code name: S.

Both reports had detailed parameters on the research objectives, he hesitated, and put S into the grinder.

"Boom—" There was a loud noise, he took the data belonging to Gu Sisi, put his life's research into the file bag, and ordered a few assistants, took some tools in the laboratory, and waited in the lab. Next to the high-tech door.

With her face torn, Gu Sisi was determined to kill Professor Charlotte.

That way, she would be completely non-threatening.

Gu Ling saw that it was not good, especially Zhou Qing also joined in to fight Gu Sisi together.

She hesitated for a moment, asked Xiaobai to protect herself, and joined the encirclement to suppress Gu Sisi.

"Why, at most you are superhumans at the beginning of the third level, and you still want to fight this queen?" Gu Sisi thoughtfully released her aura as a zombie queen.

Gu Ling no longer hides her clumsiness, and releases her ability user who has reached the peak of the fifth level. The ice pick as thick as a bucket is released, and it can freeze Gu Sisi for a short time!

Taking advantage of this opportunity, Tang Feng chopped out lightning bolts, cutting them into countless tiny pieces.

Everyone rushed up and crushed it, announcing that the zombie queen Gu Sisi had burped.

so easy?
Gu Ling is still ready for a protracted battle!
Tang Feng got the file and escorted Professor Charlotte back to the central base. After five years, Professor Charlotte produced the antidote ahead of time.

Atmospheric drops began around the world.

Ten years later, human society has entered a new era.

Gu Ling, Xiaobai, and Zhou Qing were always by their side. Zhou Qing was being chased by Tang Feng all the time, and she was very annoying. During a hunt, she made a good relationship with the leader of the southern base, and only then did she get rid of Tang Feng's pursuit.

"Because the Zombie King's gene will awaken the abilities of various departments, and it will be easy to use when using it..." Gu Ling always remembered that Professor Charlotte left her alone for a while, and said such words to her inexplicably.

When she and Xiaobai found a deep mountain and old forest for retirement, they finally remembered that this guy seemed to have all kinds of supernatural powers!

The two lived their lives like this.

At the end of his life, Xiao Bai, who had been pretending to be dumb, suddenly held her hand, and said with tears in his eyes, "Don't be afraid, I will find you soon after you leave!"

Gu Ling's eyes widened, and her final tone was exactly like that of her fiancé Song Yang!

It turned out that the person she was looking for was always by her side!

Before Gu Ling could think about it, he slowly fell into the boundless darkness.

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