Isn't the person in charge the most popular Concubine Le?

Seeing her surrounded by a group of concubines with noble family backgrounds, all of them looked like they were looking after her, made her eyes filled with hatred with hatred.

This vixen!
It's just a lowly singer from the Jiaofang Division, who has won His Majesty's favor with her good voice, and stepped on the heads of these famous daughters to act wildly.

Just wait and see, she will always find an opportunity, let her fall into the mud!

It's better for the bitch to live humblely all the time!

Even though she hated Chai Lele in her heart, Du Meiren still greeted her with a bright smile on her face, blessed her body and said, "Concubines present to all the sisters!"

As if they heard the commotion outside, the original Fang Jieyu and Liang Meiren also came out to salute.

Chai Lele stopped in her tracks and glanced contemptuously at Du Meiren in front of her.

It's just a cannon fodder in the plot, there are only a few words, and if you count the time, it will be a dog in a few days.

As for Fang Jieyu and Liang Meiren, they didn't have much sense of existence, but they were lucky enough to survive to the end.

It is probably because the two of them were wise enough to protect their lives and never participated in the fights between the concubines of various factions, but only retreated and guarded their own one-acre three-point land.

The two of them are so knowledgeable, Chai Lele doesn't bother to spend time on them.

Her goal is to sit on the throne of the queen. She only needs to make Gu Xiaoling have no chance of turning over, and she can extract the luck in the whole world.

After losing three worlds in a row, her god-level player status is in jeopardy.

If this punishment task world fails again, she will be wiped out by the system!
For the sake of her eternal life, this time she made a ruthless attack, and would rather kill a fish that slipped through the net by mistake.

Fortunately, she spent almost half of the points to exchange for the player shield. Apart from her, no other players of the same system will enter this world.

However, it also caused this punishment world to collapse even more.

Originally, only her owner possessed a concubine favorite system, but because of her player shield, many wild outsiders who crossed over and were reborn.

I hope those people are more sensible, and it is best not to provoke her, otherwise, she doesn't mind killing people!
If it wasn't for the fact that the world was on the verge of collapse and still able to support it, it all came from the emperor Gao Yin, the male protagonist. In fact, when she arrived in this world, she planned to slaughter the dog emperor first and replace him.

"My sister is free!" Chai Lele had an amiable and soft smile on her face. She raised her eyelids and glanced at the Tingyu Pavilion not far away, where the outer wall was damaged. Moving out should be a bad luck for the Ministry of Internal Affairs, what do you sisters think?"

"Yes, your empress is very considerate!" All the concubines responded unanimously.

One of the imperial concubines who looked domineering and domineering said contemptuously: "This beautiful woman is so shameless! You have made a big mistake, and you are so restless after being relegated to the cold palace, so you can make your majesty change his mind! Madam, my concubine thinks, Gu Meiren does not respect etiquette and should be punished."

Chai Lele looked at her newly painted Danko with satisfaction, and said with a slight smile: "Well, Qin Zhaoyi's words are reasonable, so in your opinion, how should I punish you slightly so as not to hurt His Majesty? How can Gu Meiren learn a lesson for her face?"

"Your Majesty, my concubine thinks that you can punish Gu Meiren for copying Buddhist scriptures and make her contemplate behind closed doors for three months! During this period, you must also become a vegetarian, and you will have to halve the amount you use every time, so as to imitate others!" Another good-looking The concubine squeezed Qin Zhaoyi away, and rubbed her way to propose.

Chai Lele glanced approvingly, but pretended to be very hesitant and said: "Will this be too severe a punishment? After all, the emperor has already pardoned Gu Meiren. Your Majesty misunderstood that this Palace is avenging private revenge?"

"Your Majesty, that Gu Meiren almost caused your death. The reason why the Holy Majesty pardoned her was nothing more than a few traces of love in the hidden mansion. You are actually kind enough. If you are a concubine, you will definitely let her be young for the rest of her life." Lantern Buddha..."


The chattering concubines began to propose various punishments, fearing that if they were too slow, they would be hated by Chai Lele, and they would become the next Gu Xiaoling.

A smug smile appeared in Chai Lele's eyes.

Her own system is not like the original owner's mentally handicapped system that can only issue strategy missions. Her system combines the Concubine Concubine system, and can also absorb the concubines who respect her on the surface, but hate her to death in their hearts. Jealousy, hatred, etc.

These were converted into points, which allowed her to earn a lot of money. In a short time, she didn't have to worry about those expensive props cheating devices in the system mall.

"Since all the younger sisters agree that Gu Meiren deserves to be punished, I will let her keep her duty and copy more Buddhist scriptures to accumulate blessings for herself!" Niao Niao stepped into the yard of Ting Yu Pavilion frequently.

The third- and fourth-class maids who were pretending to be in the palace rushed to greet them, and the nuns beside Chai Lele rushed up and waved their hands, and they subconsciously fell silent, watching the group of concubines enter the hall cautiously.

Gu Ling kept staring at the movable type map, seeing the red dots on almost the entire harem moving towards her, she rolled her eyes speechlessly.
What is this for?
The mobilization of the crowd made it clear that the comers were not good!
"Yo, Gu Meiren is quite relaxed, and she has the cheek to entertain herself!" Du Meiren was the first to attack, and she quickly stretched out her sharp claws like a wild cat with fried hair.

Gu Ling got up unhurriedly, without being polite, but maintained the indifferent and glamorous persona of the original owner and said: "Why, Concubine Le is so motivating to bring all the beauties in the harem, is she planning to fight with me?"

233 jumped out and said, "No, host, in a certain sense, they came here to find fault."

The beauty is here to find fault, right?
Don't think that because they are all beautiful and beautiful, she can be sympathetic and merciful!

She doesn't need to use space, but she doesn't say that she can't use her own internal strength, the talismans and spells she learned!

Therefore, in every mission world, Gu Ling will seize the time to learn the skills of the original owner.

Only the knowledge and skills she has fully experienced and mastered are the most reliable backing.

Those who rely on cheating devices with cheating fingers are always unreliable.

"What did sister Gu say?" Chai Lele's eyes changed, why?
The biggest points in her system actually come from the grievance value of her mission target - Gu Xiaoling, the queen.

In the past, it was because of her humiliation and mediocre appearance that she completed many missions in a row and won a lot of rewards.

You must know that she has failed several missions in a row, and the stored props have been sealed by the system, and can only be purchased with existing points in the mission world.

Now she has no grievance value!
How can this be!

Gu Ling looked at Chai Lele in front of him, is this a god-level player?

It's a pity whether the Tao can do it or not, her eyes are full of anger and vigilance, which can be seen at a glance.

I'm really curious, how did she become a god-level player?

"Ding, the system level is not enough to answer the host's confusion." 233 made a mechanical electronic sound.

Gu Ling twitched the corners of her lips and said, "Sister Gu? You put gold on your face! The hidden residence of my palace is the Crown Princess, and His Majesty canonized me as queen on the same day she ascended the throne. With your status, you are not qualified to call me 'sister'!"

"What's more, my father and mother only have one daughter in this palace, and my father only has my mother as the first wife. If Concubine Le wants to establish a relationship, don't worry!"

Gu Ling didn't give Chai Lele any face, which made the smile on her face stagnate.

"I don't know good and bad things!" Qin Zhaoyi jumped out and reprimanded: "Gu Meiren, you are only a beauty of the fifth rank, how dare you offend Le Concubine of the first rank, come here, teach me a good lesson. Gu Meiren, who is tall and generous, let her memory improve!"

At the same time Qin Zhaoyi's voice fell, a bitter nanny rushed over, raised her hand, and wanted to slap Gu Ling.

And the palace people in Gu Ling Palace subconsciously took a few steps back, and none of them protected the lord!
Tolerable or unbearable!
What about god-level players?
Gu Ling went all out!

She raised her foot and kicked the nanny hard, kicking the nanny flying away. After uttering a scream, she raised her hand and tore off her hairpin and hairpin, and tore her skirt.

Then, under the stunned and unexpected eyes of everyone, she lay on the ground and rolled around, and Sa Yazi ran out.

"Come on, help—"

Gu Ling rushed out of the yard, opened his throat and howled vigorously.

On the movable type map, the red dot representing Gao Yin happened to pass by this place. After all, Tingyu Pavilion is the farthest from Longquan Palace, but it is the closest to Yushufang!

Gao Yin just got off the morning court, remembering that last night he took the deposed empress out of the cold palace and gave her the status of a beauty, so he inevitably wanted to go and see her.

But before he got close to Tingyu Pavilion, he heard Gu Xiaoling's miserable voice like killing a pig, his expression changed immediately, and he rushed over quickly.

Seeing Gao Yin's anxious appearance, the interior manager was very surprised. His Majesty cared so much about the abolished empress?
It seems that he needs to order the people from the Ministry of Internal Affairs to take care of Gu Xiaoling.

If this person regains favor, maybe she will be held accountable for the torture and humiliation given to her by those bastards from the House of Internal Affairs when she was reduced to the cold palace.

"What's going on?" Gao Yin saw Gu Ling who was in a mess and unkempt at a glance, frowned subconsciously, and saw her rushing towards him in panic, raised his hand and picked her into his arms , asked with concern: "Who is trying to harm you?"

"Your Majesty, help me! Your concubines don't dare to do anything, you know it! I grew up in the mansion, and I couldn't bear to trample an ant to death. How could I harm others? There are always people who want to kill me! Your Majesty, please I want to accompany you when the concubine is hiding in the mansion, save the concubine..."

Gu Ling took advantage of the situation and hugged him tightly. At that moment, she suddenly realized that he was the identity of her fiancé in this mission world!

He turned into a scumbag emperor with three thousand beauties in his harem!

"I'm here, who dares to harm you!" Gao Yin was just a little displeased at first, he even took him out of the harem, and the previous things were naturally exposed.

Now that someone is blatantly trying to harm Gu Xiaoling, he is naturally furious.

Now that he hugged her in his arms, he felt a deep affection engraved into his bones from the depths of his chest, as if he had loved this woman in his arms for thousands of years!
Anyone who wanted to harm her, he wished he could order someone to drag her out and quarter her body!
Chai Lele led a group of concubines to chase them out, whether it was Qin Zhaoyi or Du Meiren, who were sycophants, all had fierce faces, so they were caught off guard by Gao Yin!


How dare these poisonous women unite to harm his queen!
Gao Yin was extremely angry at the moment, and looked at Chai Lele and the others with an unkind expression.

Chai Lele heard a ding from his own system, and said coldly and without emotion: "The admiration value generated by the capture target for the task target is beyond estimation, the value is too high, the probability of capture is negative, the host mission failed, now carry out a lightning strike Punishment! The countdown starts, three two one..."

"Ah—" Chai Lele was terrified, and just let out a scream.

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