Young Master Gong, your wife has been sealed as a queen

Chapter 88: Gong Chen visits the class

"Not bad!" The director patted Gu Cheng'an on the shoulder, and couldn't stop admiring him: "I thought it would take several shots to get through it, but who knew it would be over in one shot. You and Su Miaomiao are really good!"

Although the physical strength of the male lead actor is very high in this scene, the emotional changes of the heroine An Qing are also more complicated.

The indifference of leaving first, the envy and loss of seeing the couple, the melancholy at the airport, the surprise when seeing Xie Huaiji running wildly, recalling all the sorrows before, and finally returning to dead silence.

During this period, Su Miaomiao didn't have a single line, and could only rely on facial expressions and eyes to express. Such a complicated psychology was really exhausting, so the director was worried that the filming would not be good.

But now that one of them has passed, the director knows how happy he is, and today he can exceed his goal again, and shoot a few more scenes!

"It's the director, you exaggerated too much, but you just played it well." Gu Cheng'an smiled and said, "If it's not one pass, it won't work, but one pass, who knows how many times I have to run today?"

"Hey, look at what you said, I was ready to shoot this scene for a day, but you all gave me the feeling I wanted in such a short time." The director waved his hand, it wasn't him bragging!

Whether it's a TV series or a movie, very few directors are willing to try this kind of thankless long shot, because it's really hard to shoot.

The setting of the camera position, the rotation of the camera when it is moving, and the performance of the most critical actors, plus the tedious details such as lighting and radio... Every detail is not handled well enough, which will lead to the repetition of this shot. shoot.

The most important thing is that even if it is filmed, the audience may not like it or pay attention to it.

The audience only looks at the finished product, but no audience cares about how many times the scene has been reshot behind the scenes.

After a while, which director would not be excited in this situation!
"Su Miaomiao is here, go down and rest quickly," the director hurriedly made preparations for the next scene, "You and Xiao Gu still have two at the airport, Gong Chen must be exhausted for the one, go and rest. "

"Thank you, director~" Su Miaomiao took off the earmuffs from her head, and let out a breath of steam.

It's really difficult to express emotions, she was exhausted just now.

"Come on, come on, drink some hot water, I just saw you standing there for a long time in the cold wind, I was almost scared to death... Don't catch a cold, it's colder in early winter," Li Wen handed over the mug with just the right temperature Su Miaomiao: "Miaomiao, did you cover the quilt when you slept last night? Do you have the habit of kicking the quilt in the middle of the night? If so... I will pay attention to the company to cover you at night."

"Sister Wen, are you raising me like a child? You still get up in the middle of the night to cover the quilt..." Su Miaomiao felt a little dumbfounded: "Mom now doesn't know how to do this kind of thing anymore, right?"

"How do you say this? When the season changes, it's the easiest to catch a cold. You can't catch a cold now! The crew is in the late stage of filming. If you catch a cold at this time, all the progress you have made before will be in vain." Li Wen Frowning, seeing Su Miaomiao obediently drank the hot water, her complexion improved: "Finish the filming of this drama early, I still have some scripts waiting for you to choose."

"So now I can have so many dramas to choose from?" Su Miaomiao felt a little strange: "I thought I had to rely on Gong Chen to give me resources... I was used to going through the back door, and suddenly I was fighting for it on my own." When it comes to resources, I’m still not used to it.”

"What are you talking about? Although it was said that you have a lot of black material, but later there will be some Gongs who will clean up the black material, but those things will cause you to increase a lot of traffic. This is also true. Good thing." Li Wen sighed: "To be honest, you really don't have many works now, and the topic level is quite high. After all, you have a name like 'Mrs. Gong', which is enough to attract traffic. There are still so many troubles, even if it is not popular, it will be difficult."

I don't know whether to say whether this is a chance or a fate. They say that a small fire depends on praise, and a big fire depends on fate. Su Miaomiao is the kind of person who has the fate of a big fire.

And to be honest, Li Wen has seen so many things in the entertainment industry, and this is the first time she has seen Su Miaomiao with a pure heart. Su Miaomiao seems to think of nothing but making money. Anyway, for her, there are movies and money to be made. That's it.

Su Miaomiao doesn't care much about her fame or anything, and she doesn't seem to have any idea about it.

Even the daily business of Weibo started because of her request.

Besides, his attitude towards her is considered good. After the artists he had brought before became so famous, they didn't respect her that much anymore, probably because he felt that he was already a dish.

"It doesn't matter anymore. Anyway, I can make a movie and make money. It's a good thing to make more money if I'm popular." Su Miaomiao didn't continue talking, she shrugged: "I'll go to the front I saw them filming, and I heard that the two people have a good sense of the scene, I will see if there is any difference between them, so that I can learn from it."

Li Wen didn't stop her, Su Miaomiao ran away bouncing around, but to his surprise, Gu Chengan was also watching.

Su Yueyue couldn't press it well, so she quickly shrank her head and prepared to avoid Gu Cheng'an and go to another corner to take a look slowly.

"Su Miaomiao? Are you here to watch their match?" Gu Chengan found Su Miaomiao's figure, and naturally he would not miss the opportunity for anyone to speak: "I got stuck just now, and now they have adjusted their status gone."

"Ah...that's it." Unable to hide, Su Miaomiao forced a smile, and unobtrusively opened up this topic that would last a long time: "I just came here out of curiosity, and I didn't want to look at it for too long, Brother Gu, you just now After running for such a long distance, I look tired, don't you want to take a rest?"

"It's nothing more than a 500-meter sprint speed, and it's not very tiring, and I only ran once, so it's not that tiring." Gu Chengan felt a little cold, and breathed a warm breath into his cold hands, his beautiful eyes drooped Coming down, the long eyelashes covered the eyes, leaving a shadow on the crouching silkworm: "The role of our protagonist will be finished in a while, and the filming of this drama will be finished soon, is there any news about the next drama? "

"This..." Su Miaomiao was about to answer with a smirk on the corner of her mouth, when someone called her name from behind.

"Su Miaomiao."

Su Miaomiao's expression froze.

She turned around slowly, a big question mark appeared on her forehead.

... Gong Chen, why is he here?

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