Seeing Gong Chen's gloomy face, Su Miaomiao couldn't help asking curiously, "Who called just now, why did you have such a strange expression?"

Gong Chen threw the phone aside with a look of disgust, and rubbed her arms around her waist, "Li Xiangbei, but he is really weird, this is the first time I've heard someone help a newlywed in a cold tone. Happy, but he also told me some good news, do you want to know?"

"Li Xiangbei, what good news will he tell you, will it be about the two of us?"

She tried hard to think in her mind for a while, and suddenly thought of a possibility, she couldn't help staring at Gong Chen's eyes with bright eyes.

After a while, she read the information she wanted to know from his eyes, and couldn't help but cheer happily in the room, "Great, although I have already guessed some, but I can hear this with my own ears. I can’t help being excited about the good news that’s confirmed.”

"Hahaha, Miao Miao, the two of us are truly a match made in heaven. No one can match our tacit understanding. How could God have the heart to punish us?"

Gong Chen watched her happily cheering in the office, and couldn't help showing a happy smile on her face. There is no blessing that can compare to this.

"Yes, I knew that God is merciful. We have never done anything harmful to nature. It is impossible for us to be punished so harshly because we love each other."

Once again, Su Miaomiao rejoiced in her heart that when the disaster struck, she didn't complain to God, she just kept praying in her heart, and now it seems that she should have heard her inner voice.

"Miaomiao, you move out of the apartment today and come home with me. From today onwards, we will be a formal husband and wife relationship. I want my family to accept your existence, okay? "

Taking advantage of this opportunity, he put forward his request by the way. Living together was his most reasonable and legal request, and it was also the benefit he should have as a husband.

Besides, he also wanted to formally introduce her to his family and get their approval. Only in this way could she be protected from any harm.

"There's nothing wrong with living together, but are you sure you want to officially introduce me to your family? Will they dislike me?"

Su Miaomiao looked at him unconfidently, and felt a wave of uneasiness in her heart, which made her happy mood gradually become disappointed.

Gong Chen frowned in dissatisfaction, gently lifted her chin with his hand, looked into her eyes affectionately, "Miao Miao, you are the only love in my life, the only legal wife I recognize You just need to care about my feelings, as for other people, it doesn't matter at all, you can ignore it, I just want them to recognize you."

"Because only if you are recognized by the palace family, you will have the same rights as me. You will be eligible to divide the estate after the old man's death, and it will also protect you from the harm of the separation of the family. Do you understand?"

He patiently explained the reason why he did this, hoping she could understand his painstaking efforts.

"I understand. Take me back to the apartment today. I will simply pack my luggage, and then I can move to the villa to live with you."

Su Miaomiao nodded vigorously, and quickly understood his good intentions in her heart. The recognition by the Gong family was not because she cared about them, but to protect her.

He is working so hard for their love, and she can't hide and enjoy it peacefully. She should stand up and face it with him. This is what a couple should look like.

"Miaomiao, I love you."

"I love you too."

The two slowly approached each other, confessed their inner love without shyness, and finally kissed each other forgetfully.

The sky outside is very blue, and the scenery in the office is also full of spring.

When it was almost time to get off work, Su Miaomiao called Snake Girl and asked her to come to Beizhan Group to pick up things, but she didn't say what she wanted to pick up.

She wants to give Snake a surprise. She has been protecting her since she was a child, like a mother guarding her, so she is also very happy to share the good news of her remarriage with her.

Not long after, the Snake Girl came directly in the car of the Animal Management Bureau, and was relieved to see Su Miaomiao standing there intact.

"Miao Miao, you called me here in such a hurry, what's the matter, you didn't make it clear on the phone, it made me worry all the way, and I was almost caught by the traffic police."

"Snake girl, Dangdangdang, Gong Chen and I are remarried, and Master Wu said that we have passed the test of destiny, and there will be no punishment from heaven in the future. I just want to share this good news with you." It's just news, and I'll give you the wedding candy by the way."

Su Miaomiao smiled mysteriously at the snake girl, and suddenly took out two brand new marriage certificates from behind her, and happily told him the good news.

The snake girl took the marriage certificate in her hand half-believingly, and immediately checked it. After confirming that there was no problem, a relieved smile appeared on her face.

"Great, I've been waiting for this day for many years, and today I finally saw you, a little girl, get married. With him by your side to take care of you in the future, I can hibernate without any worries. .”

God knows, how angry she was when she learned that Su Miaomiao and Gong Chen were divorced. At that time, she even wanted to kill that man, but after she learned the truth, she felt deeply powerless. No matter who it is, it is impossible to compete with the sky.

However, today, when she heard the exciting news again, she couldn't help but shed tears of excitement.

"Snake girl, don't cry. This is a good thing. You should be happy for me. Also, I'm going to move back to Gong Chen's villa today. If you have anything to do in the future, just go there and find I can do it."

Su Miaomiao gently wiped away the tears from the corners of her eyes, and gently hugged the woman in front of her, comforting her silently.

The two hugged each other tightly, and separated after a long time, "Okay, I've accepted your wedding candies, and I'll share them with colleagues from the Animal Management Bureau, so that everyone can cheer for me." You are happy, and by the way, you are also happy, maybe the case that has been troubled for so many days will be solved."

The snake girl wiped away the tears from the corners of her eyes, and happily took a big push of wedding candy from her hand. She knew that there must be some part of the animal management bureau in it.

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