Is the child he has been waiting for for so many years about to be born now?I am very excited, but now I must protect the safety of this child.

If Lin Dongmei, a crazy woman, knew about this matter, Lin Dongmei would definitely destroy this child at all costs.

He and Lin Dongmei were together only for money.

After all, before coming to China, Lin Dongmei was talking to him about divorce for three hours a day, but after arriving in China, Lin Dongmei was at ease being a rich wife at home. In fact, he knew in his heart that Lin Dongmei was just trying to divide her marital property.

If Lin Dongmei had a child on her body now, he would rather share it with her, but Lin Dongmei has no child and instead keeps controlling him.

"Tell me, what is she using to blackmail you?" Lin Dongmei looked at him and smiled, with disgust in her eyes that even she disliked.

He sat up timidly, his eyes were a little flustered, he waved his hands and feet at a loss and said: "There is no reason."

She stood up suddenly, with a flash of contempt in her eyes: "Gong Yue, you are a thousand-year-old fox, what are you pretending to do with me now? If she didn't threaten you, you would give up everything here for such a woman money?"

As if thinking of something suddenly, Lin Dongmei's eyes suddenly darkened, staring closely at Gong Yue like the eyes of an eagle: "Tell me, is she pregnant?"

Gong Yue's eyes immediately became frightened.

When seeing Gong Yue's eyes, Lin Dongmei, who was still suspicious at first, froze instantly.

That woman, that bitch had a child.

No wonder Gong Yue wanted to protect her until death. Having a child is indeed a weapon to threaten men.

"Is she really pregnant?"

She took a few steps back in disbelief, with a hint of broken dust in her voice.

Although the relationship between her and Gong Yue has not been good these years, Gong Yue is still her husband in name after all.

Now it was suddenly posted by another woman as a screenshot, and anyone who heard it would feel dissatisfied.

"Can you stop guessing!" Gong Yue suddenly became angry, which was rare.

The sudden anger instantly ignited the anger that had accumulated in her heart for a long time.

She sneered, and suddenly kicked him hard on the stomach: "Gong Yue, what are you still pretending to me up to now? Look at your appearance, you clearly came here because you knew she had a child." Blackmail me."

"You crazy woman better get away from me, I never want to see you."

Gong Yue struggled to stand up, regardless of the pain, quickly wandered back to his room.

The door was slammed shut, no matter how Lin Dongmei lost his temper outside, he still refused to open the door.

With trembling palms, he picked up his mobile phone and dialed Lin Yao's number.

An unusually soft voice was soon remembered over there.

Lin Yao raised her baby in peace in the house that Gong Yue bought for her, and slowly touched her belly.

"How is your body now?" Gong Yue deliberately lowered his voice.

"I'm fine now, husband, how are you doing?"

"Listen to me, stay in the house for the past few days and don't go out no matter what, you know?"

His voice was extremely anxious, as if something irresistible happened, Lin Yao's heart fell to the bottom of the valley for a moment.

I don't know why, since he was pregnant with this child, he can only hope that Gong Yue can come to see her every day, but sometimes Gong Yue will stay at home most of the time.

"What happened?" she asked cautiously.

Although I don't know exactly what happened, but listening to Gong Yue's voice is really very anxious, and the thing that can make Gong Yue so anxious is nothing more than that lady.

When she thought of Gong Yue's wife, that noble lady, she felt conflicted in her heart.

"Don't worry about this matter. I'll take care of it later. You just need to stay at home and don't go out at any time. I will send a few bodyguards to protect you."

he said coldly.

Who knows what kind of things that crazy woman Lin Dongmei will do when she is cornered.

"it is good."

After waiting for a long time, Lin Yao over there did not speak, and when Gong Yue almost lost his patience, a faint word of hello came from over there.

The phone was cut off abruptly.

Lin Yao lay on the bed with a disappointed face. When he was very young, he dreamed of buying a house of his own in Z City, then doing the career he liked, marrying the man he liked, and spending his life in a normal way.

She likes Gu Cheng'an very much, even to the point of obsession, and it is precisely because she likes it so much that it leads to the point of hatred because of love.

If it wasn't for Gu Cheng'an, she couldn't just watch Minister Abe and others snatch her away.

Later, he found that Gu Chengan didn't care about him at all.

He doesn't care who he is with, he doesn't care how his acting skills are, he doesn't even care what role he plays, all he cares about is Su Miaomiao.

Seeing the idol I have liked for many years falling in love with my good friend, the feeling is very frightening.

But he can't go back now.

A tear suddenly fell from the corner of her eye, and she wiped it away with her hands aimlessly, and said with a wry smile: "Lin Yao, no matter what kind of result you get, these things are all chosen by you, and you have to walk the path you choose even on your knees .”

Looking at the huge bedroom in front of her, isn't this the mansion she dreamed of when she was a child?
But now she has money, a house, and even children, but she is not happy at all.

No matter how much I know what I have done, I can't go back now.

She took a deep breath to calm herself down a little.

The breeze slowly came in from the outside, blowing his hair and the pregnancy test report on the desk next to him.

The report card was floated into her arms, and seeing the results of the three-week pregnancy on it, she suddenly felt relieved.

This child is just a wrong result, but now, no matter how wrong the fruit is, she will swallow it forcefully.

Su Miaomiao's face suddenly flashed in my mind.

She vaguely remembered that when she was filming a TV series, she saw such a beautiful sister for the first time, she was gentle and kind.

Even though she was Gong Chen's wife at that time, she was not as snobbish and selfish as the outside rumors said. All she saw was a gentle and kind little fairy.

Time went back to the present, she gently opened WeChat, and there was only a big red exclamation mark in the chat history with Su Miaomiao.

Ever since she knew that the girl in Gu Chengan's heart was Su Miaomiao, no matter how good her relationship was before, she felt strange and distant now.

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