Before that, she had been avoiding, making herself deliberately forget about breaking the red line with Gong Chen, and greedily enjoying the opportunity to stay by Gong Chen's side.

She thought that if they were not lovers or husband and wife, Gong Chen would not be hurt.

But it was only today that she suddenly realized that she had been imagining staying in Gong Chen's gentle village, but she had completely lost herself.

Wu Haoyun's words still ring in her ears, she cannot gamble with Gong Chen's life.

Gu Cheng'an's hand holding the cup was slightly stiff, but finally relaxed again, his eyes were bright and dark.

"Wu Haoyun, that old man always looks like a god. If you catch him and force him, he will definitely tell you the solution."

She shook her head suddenly, and sighed slightly: "Actually, I went to him before, but that's all he told me."

The secrets of the heavens must not be leaked. If there are too many secrets of the heavens, it will be bad for everyone.

That night, Gong Chen didn't come to look for her, and he didn't even make a phone call.

Sometimes she always felt that the two of them seemed to know their own existence abnormally.

Maybe after this night, she and Gong Chen will have nothing to do with each other anymore.

Her thoughts were a little confused, she went downstairs to get a cup of warm milk, but when she went downstairs, she saw Gu Chengan leaning against the window smoking.

She vaguely remembered that Gu Cheng'an didn't seem to have the habit of smoking before.

Gu Chengan seemed to be thinking about something, and didn't notice her coming. She tiptoed to his side and handed him a glass of warm milk.

He turned around suddenly, and subconsciously stubbed out the cigarette in his hand.

And took her to the side, let the wind by the window dissipate the smell of smoke in the house.

"I seem to remember that you don't smoke."

Leaning against the railing, she looked at him intentionally or unintentionally.

He nodded and clenched the milk glass in his hand: "But people always change. It's getting late and you're still awake?"

"Can't sleep." She said truthfully.

"I knocked you unconscious with a stick, and you fell asleep." Gu Chengan suddenly teased her.

She suddenly laughed. She likes this old fox because she can be free, relaxed and happy when she is with him.

After drinking a glass of warm milk, sleepiness struck, Su Miaomiao greeted him and went upstairs to sleep.

Gu Chengan's villa has two floors, the upper floor is a master bedroom and the remaining four guest rooms.

She always wondered why he lived in such a big house by himself?After all, when people sleep, they only take up such a small amount of space.

But she didn't ask after all.

The next morning, Gu Chengan prepared a large table of meals early.

She went downstairs in her pajamas, and when she was sleepy, she saw him busy wandering in the kitchen.

She walked up to him, looked at a large table of dishes, rubbed her eyes and said, "Can we eat so much with just the two of us?"

"I dare not underestimate your appetite."

He was still cooking a pot of porridge, and he didn't turn his head to look at her. He just replied casually, and the aroma of porridge spread throughout the kitchen.

She took a greedy sip, her eyes suddenly lit up, she walked to his side, and said excitedly: "I actually smelled the smell of dried fish."

The corners of his mouth curled up slightly, and his eyes were warm: "I know that you, a greedy cat, will never be able to escape Xiao Yugan."

Su Miaomiao likes to eat small dried fish, but she likes it crazy.

Other celebrities and actors earn a lot of money, buying bags, cosmetics, houses, and all kinds of luxury goods.

Only this Su Miaomiao, relying on her natural beauty, would go to the mall to sell out the dried fish as soon as she had money.

It made the whole body smell of dried fish, which couldn't be washed off after several baths.

The two sat back at the dinner table.

Su Miaomiao looked at the food on the big table, and laughed, "I really envy your future wife, you are really a good family man, you are handsome and can cook."

"Let's eat quickly."

He also just smiled, filled a bowl of fish porridge and handed it to her.

Seeing her smiling like a flower, he raised his face and asked her, "What are you going to do in the future?"

"What are you doing?" She mumbled to him while drinking porridge, unable to speak clearly.

"Where are you going to live in the future?"

"I've already rented a house outside, a house closer to the company." She replied, with a look of embarrassment in her eyes that was just right.

"Do you want me to send someone to Gong's house to move all your things out?"

"No, I didn't leave anything there at all." She said slowly, but she didn't look at him.

"Stay with me."

After a long pause, Gu Chengan finally spoke.

In fact, when he asked himself the first question, Su Miaomiao already knew what he wanted to say.

She raised her eyes slightly, looked at the man in front of her, slowly shook her head and said, "Although your house is big, I'm still not used to living with other people. I'm sorry, but how can I continue to bother you."

"What if I say, I'm willing to trouble you?"

Her eyes turned cold instantly, she looked at him solemnly, and sighed: "Old fox, actually I don't like you talking to me like this every time, I just treat you as a friend, that's all."

"Yeah." He didn't say anything, just nodded dully.

Why didn't he know, but he still expected that she would give a different answer, although every time the expectation would come to naught.

If it wasn't for driving by himself last night and occasionally passing by, he and Su Miaomiao would never have had the chance to have such an intimate meal.

Su Miaomiao is a very independent and stubborn kitten. No one can stop her from what she wants to do, and people who don't like it will not like it because of the change of time.

Perhaps he should have understood this truth a long time ago, but he has been forcibly avoiding it.

There was a self-deprecating smile on his lips.

No wonder it is a child raised by the Snake Girl. Sometimes Su Miaomiao and the Snake Girl are made out of the same mold.

When Su Miaomiao came to the house she rented, the house had already been renovated by the landlord.

It is a very nice high-end community. I heard that there are some celebrities living in this community, most of whom have never heard of their names.

Her home is on the thirteenth floor, which is more convenient when shopping for vegetables.

After tidying up briefly, she lay down on the bed to rest.

It's such a cool day when you don't have to rush the announcement.

I wish I hadn't announced it all the time, but if I didn't announce it, I wouldn't be able to film. It's really a big headache.

She shook her head.I went to the supermarket, stuffed some daily necessities into the refrigerator, and bought a lot of dried fish and stored them in my snack cabinet.

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