Yu Yue kept repeating what Yu Zihuai said just now.

"If you're not happy, hit someone?"

This is the first time I have seen such a way of educating children. It is simple and rude, and it is definitely Nuo's style.

He pinched his eyebrows.

The driver saw Yuyue's impatient look from the rearview mirror, and asked cautiously.

"Miss, where are we going next?"

"go home."

However, what she didn't expect was that the only time that Yu Zihuai was not taken to skip class, something happened.

Yu Zihuai entered the classroom carrying a small schoolbag.

Seeing that someone was sitting in his seat, he was still dancing on it.

He walked to the table with a cold face.

He raised his hand and tapped lightly.

"This is my seat."

As soon as the little fat man holding the crayon turned around, he met Yu Zihuai's displeased face.

"You, why are you back?"

Yu Zihuai's impatient appearance when encountering things he doesn't like is very much like Ni Yunuo.

"I repeat, get out of my seat and wipe up."

This little fat man's halazi is all on the table, I really hate it.

The little fat man scratched his head.

"I usually play on your table on Friday, why are you back today?"


Is it possible that this guy is running amok in his seat when he is away on Fridays?

"Step aside!"

Yu Zihuai was already enduring his temper.

Seeing people who are usually unsmiling get angry, these children don't know what to be afraid of.

"I won't! I won't!"

It was a little boy next to him who yanked the little fat man.

In a whisper that everyone can hear.

"Come down quickly, everyone says he is a child of the Yu family!"

The Yu family is the most untouchable existence in this city A.

Before they entered school, the parents of each family had arranged for their children, saying that they would stay away from anyone surnamed Yu at school.

However, it's just a guess.

The bad things parents say at home are brought to school by children.

Although they have warned their children, they really don't believe that children who have just passed the age of three can be sent to kindergarten?
"Hmph! If he's a child of the Yu family, I'm still the chief's son!"

After all, he took a crayon and smeared vigorously on the table as if to retaliate.

Yu Zihuai, who has a slight obsession with cleanliness, also lost his last line of defense.

Mommy said, if you really meet someone who makes you uncomfortable, just beat him up.

Walking up to the little fat man with steady steps, he stretched out his hand and dragged him down.

There is so much strength in such a small body.

The little fat man struggled to get up, and was about to rush towards Yu Zihuai.

A thin figure stood in front of him.

"Zheng Datong! The teacher said you can't fight! If you fight, I will tell the teacher!"

The girl standing in the middle is the second friendless girl in the class besides Yu Zihuai, named Li Xiaojiong.

"Li Xiaojiong, get out!"

As he spoke, he waved his fleshy little fist towards them.

In terms of stature, the two of them have no advantage, so they can't fight recklessly at this time.

Yu Zihuai pulled the girl.

Steadily miss the little fist.

Then, slowly stretched out his feet.


Then, there was a sound of a heavy object falling to the ground.

Zheng Datong, who was not so agile because he was too fat, was tripped and fell to the ground, his nose was bruised and his face was swollen.

When did you suffer from such a loss at home?

With a wow, I burst into tears.


Do you cry if you can't beat someone?

He glanced at Li Xiaojiong who was being pulled behind by him.

After looking up and down that she was fine, she walked to her seat and took out a pack of tissues and a pack of alcohol wipes from her schoolbag.

Wipe it up seriously.

And this little fat man just rolled around for a long time until the teacher came.

This is an aristocratic school, the people who come here are either rich or noble, and the children have bumps and bumps, and teachers like them will inevitably suffer.

Hearing Zheng Datong's cries, the teacher panicked.

Trotting all the way in, what he saw was Zheng Datong who fell to the ground with a bruised nose and a swollen face.

This kid is the bully in the class, no one would dare to provoke him, what's going on today?
Quickly help him up.

"Student Zheng, what's the matter?"

Afterwards, Yu Zihuai was accused a little bit more emphatically.

"Teacher, he hit me! He hit me! And her!"

He pointed to Li Xiaojiong who was standing beside him.

Yu Zihuai was really speechless.

The small body stands in front of Li Xiaojiong.

"It's me! It has nothing to do with her!"

When the teacher was about to reprimand, he looked in the direction Zheng Datong pointed.

Then, Shengsheng swallowed the words.

This, isn't this the little prince of the Yu family?
I didn't dare to make up my mind for a while.

"All of you come to the office with me first."

If a student fights, it stands to reason that it must be reported to the hospital.

Because of one mishandling, it will offend several forces.

After the teacher and the dean reported the situation, in order not to let the school get involved, the hospital decided to leave this matter to several parents!
It was Zheng Datong's parents who hit him first.

When the opposite party heard that his child was injured, he first scolded the teacher, and then told the kid who hit him to wait at school!

After the teacher finished the phone call, he also took a deep breath.

He asked Yu Zihuai softly.

"It's a trivial matter. I don't think you need to call your mother, do you?"

She really can't stand Ni Yunuo's strong aura, and she hasn't asked who is right and who is wrong in this matter today, if the little prince of the Yu family is right, this school must not let her mother blow it up?
The little man puts his hands in his pockets.

A pair of good-looking eyebrows stared at the teacher.

"My father's, my grandpa's, my grandma's, my great-grandpa's, my grandpa's, my uncle's, my godmother's and godfather's, teacher, whose phone number do you want to know?"

his dad?Yu Jingchen?

His grandpa?Army leader?

It doesn't seem like it's much better than letting his mother do it.

It may be possible to see the embarrassment of the teacher.

Yu Zihuai also thought about the temper of these people.

It was a compromise.

"Call me Uncle Yiqing."

The teacher really has never heard who this Yiqing uncle is.

Nodding quickly.

"Okay, okay, I'll let you come with Uncle Qing!"

Yu Zihuai's choice made sense.

Among these people, only Uncle Yiqing is the most gentle, and his aunt is also expecting to give birth. Uncle Yiqing must be in a good mood!

"Teacher, wait, don't call Uncle Yiqing here."

The teacher was startled and quickly put down the phone in his hand.

I made a mistake just now, isn't Uncle Yiqing the Chief Chief that the little fat man was talking about?

No, still no.

Think left and right.

"Call me, Mommy Xin!"

Mommy Xin always keeps little secrets for herself, and Mommy Xin's fighting power doesn't seem to be that strong.

Go up to the teacher.

"Teacher, I'll do it myself."

His mothers and godfathers all have a problem. If they pick up the phone with someone they don't know, they will never hang up after saying a word.

Find Yuxin's cell phone number in her memory.

Got through soon.

"Hello? Who is it?"

A lazy voice came from the opposite side.

"Mummy Xin, it's me, I'm Yu Zihuai."

The little bun's voice was heard in just one word.

Sober up immediately.

"Hey, little bun, isn't your concubine taking you today? Why do you think of me?"

Listen to this joking tone.

Yu Zihuai's head was full of black lines.

"Mom Xin, I got into a fight at school."

The air was suddenly quiet for a second.

Then there was the rustling sound of getting dressed.

"Brat! Do you know how to fight? Wait for me!"

"Well, don't tell Mommy."

"I know, I know, hang up."

Putting down the phone, he went back to sit upright.

Then it was his turn to call Li Xiaojiong's parents.

But he saw the girl lowering her head and clasping her fingers.


Li Xiaojiong is a girl sent in by several welfare institutions in City A through a joint venture.

Because this child is sensible and smart, he was recommended by several orphanages.

Now, should I make this call or not?

When the teacher was struggling, the door of the office was kicked open.

Yes, it really kicked off!
"Who hit my son?"

No one has heard him before.

The rough sound was deafening.

The person came with a big shoulder and a round waist, with a gold chain as thick as a thumb hanging around his neck and a big ring on his finger.

At first glance, he and Zheng Datong are father and son!
The teacher stood up smiling.

"Father Zheng, sit down first, let's talk about this matter after the parents of both parties arrive."

I saw my father coming.

Zheng Datong cried heart-piercingly as if a bank had burst.


Only then did Zheng's father, whose eyes grew to the top of his head, notice his son who had a bruised nose and a swollen face.


This scene, uh - really hard to describe.

Holding Zheng Datong in his arms, he stared fiercely at Yu Zihuai who was sitting opposite.

"It was you who beat my son?"

Yu Zihuai raised his head, no matter how fierce the opponent was, he was not afraid, his back was very straight.

"Well, it's me."

"You're still so righteous after beating someone?"

"Teacher, what are you doing?"

"Why do such immoral children stay in school? Don't forget, your school is an aristocratic school!"

expulsion?She has no such right.

It is estimated that the principal does not have the courage.

"Father Zheng, calm down first, let's wait for the parents to come."

The teacher wanted to find a way for this man to step down, but he didn't want to step down at all.

"Hmph! Who are you waiting for! Now, immediately, immediately! I'm going to get this brat fired! If you don't get fired, I'll have your school sealed up!"

When yelling at the teacher, spittle stars are flying all over the sky.

Zheng Datong in his arms looked at Yu Zihuai very provocatively!

It's been so long and no one has come to support him. Are the parents of this little bean sprout afraid to come?
Yu Zihuai remained calm throughout the whole process, but from time to time his eyes glanced at Li Xiaojiong next to him.

"Did you hear that! Immediately, fire him!"

This is pressure.

The teacher is also sweating profusely.

Finally, a voice like a clear spring rescued the teacher.

"I want to see who in Huaguo has the guts to expel my son?"

Yu Xin, who pushed open the door, stepped on her high heels and walked in step by step.

Although the whole body's aura is not as strong as Ni Yunuo's, but it has lost its immaturity and is a little more mature and capable.

Father Zheng was stunned for a moment.

He regained his composure, quickly put Zheng Datong down, wiped his hands and went up to him.

"It turns out that you are this kid's mother, sorry for your disrespect."

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