A person wearing a skull mask next to him said unhurriedly.

"Our master invited Mu Shichuan, but his grandson came here? Don't you think we Mei Ye are too low?"

So straight from the start?
Mu Shichuan did this because he was actually afraid of death, afraid of encountering any accidents during the transaction.

Mu Bei leaned forward a little.

"I think you have misunderstood. Grandpa attaches great importance to meeting you, but he is old and his body is not so strong. I am afraid that it will waste your precious time."

In this way, he successfully resolved the deliberate embarrassment just now.

The skeleton man was about to say something more when he was interrupted by the man in the middle.

see what she means.

"You should know who we are going to kill this time, Ni Yunuo, Yu Jingchen's fiancée, the Yu family's daughter-in-law-to-be, the president of S Group, and the friend of Chief Hua."

"If she dies, our Meiye will get a lot of counterattacks, and even bear the anger of these people. As for the risk, needless to say, you should know it."

Mu Bei felt strange at this time.

"Mei Ye never messes things up, so how can you let others know that it was you who did it?"

Sure enough, he was alert enough.

He was stopped by Mu Bei.

At this time, a slightly lower person standing next to him said.

"You think Yu Jingchen is an idiot?"

Even though there seems to be nothing wrong with this answer, Mu Bei just finds it very strange, inexplicably strange.

Why didn't the person in the middle say a word during the whole process?Are two people standing up to answer?
Hidden my doubts.

"You have been safe and sound for so many years. You must have your own way. As for the money, don't worry, you will definitely be satisfied."

"The previous one was a deposit. As long as the matter is completed, the remaining [-] million will be made up."

Tsk, when capitalism talks about money, its eyes are full of disdain.

Ni Yunuo didn't even know that his life was so valuable.

Almost laughed out loud.

"make a deal."

This was the only sentence the man in the middle said until Mu Bei came in.

Somewhat astonished.

Is it a woman?

Haven't responded yet.

"see a visitor out."

Until he was sent out, the doubts in his heart increased instead of diminishing.

When trying to go in again, the door was blocked.

Why did he find this tone and voice very familiar?
Have you been tricked?

No, the connection between Grandpa and Mei Ye has always been tightly covered, and apart from that woman, no one else in it seems like a group performer who was randomly pulled from the street.

Even he dare not easily offend this international killer organization.

Otherwise, I will be worried 24 hours a day whether I will be killed.

Forget it.

Hope they don't let themselves down.

As for the people in the bar, Ni Yunuo has already surrounded her, and the quarrel between you and me made her head dizzy.

"Master, why don't you slap the mask on the table and say that I am Ni Yunuo, let me kill myself?"

While speaking, he also brought a performance.

The bandit's temperament is vividly displayed.

"That's right, why don't you let us kill the Mu family? How dare you pay attention? How many heads do they have?"
"To shut up!"

Ni Yunuo took off his mask and threw it aside.

He glanced at the mask very speechlessly.

"Don't say anything else, I just want to ask, who found this mask for me?"

In an instant, there was no sound, and all fingers pointed at the bartending uncle.

The uncle looked at it and smiled embarrassedly.

"Oh, this is the impression that Master Mei Ye gave me before, with a blue face and fangs, killing people like hemp!"

"Hey, I thought you'd like it!"

He spoke so seriously that Ni Yunuo was speechless.

"Okay, okay."

Just as he was about to get up, he was pushed down on the seat by a young man.

"You can't go out, if you go out, take me with you."

Somewhat astonished.

"Blade, tell me why."

Blade pursed his lips, a little nervous.

"Since they found Mei Ye, they probably also found other organizations. I'm worried that you are pregnant now."

That said, several other people also think it makes sense.

But now there is only Ren, who is harmless in appearance and has the best skills. He is undoubtedly the best choice.

"Master, just take the blade with you, so we can rest assured."

Ni Yunuo was also a little speechless about these few people who sneaked into Huaguo without a sound.

The people who 'killed' are now brought to the surface by her, and they will be discovered if they are not kept together.

That's why she asked Mei Ye's crowd yesterday who was in Huaguo.

Unexpectedly, a lot of them slipped in?

Even blades are coming.

Regarding these former friends, seeing how hesitant to talk now, Ni Yunuo also became interested.

Hand rests on chin.

"Do you want to ask me, I decided to eat the deposit from Mu's family before, why did I change my decision temporarily and agreed to the deal with them?"

Several people nodded in unison.

But Ni Yunuo only left them a sentence.
"No one thinks it's too much money, so do I. I still have to earn money for milk powder for my children. Why don't I pay for free money?"

When everyone left, they were still in place.

Grandpa, don't you know how rich you are now?

Meiye is the richest assassin organization in the world, not to mention 'killing', any weapon can be snapped up by all major countries, by the way, there is also the current S Group, secretly for 'killing' 'All of you are whitewashed, but your business is also very powerful!
As for Yu Jingchen, that wife-loving madman, his Yu Family International, uh, and his other properties.
Auntie, you may be the richest woman in the world, the only one!Not one of them!

And for a super rich man like you, now you actually say that you want to earn money for milk powder for your children?
How should I put it, it's very, very confusing~
As for Ni Yunuo who had slipped away a long time ago, he looked at Ren who was driving.

"You, have you learned your driver's license?"

"No, but I have an international driver's license."

Ni Yunuo "."

Look at this car that looks like a turtle.

Is it too late for her to buy insurance for herself now?

"You pull over, let me do it."

As long as he drives like this, the year of the monkey will go away?

When Ni Yunuo picked up the car, the co-pilot's blade tightly gripped the armrest, and his whole body tensed up, adding a little more "steadiness" that he shouldn't have at his age.

After arriving at the destination, Blade was the first to get out of the car, lying on the side of the road and throwing up.

Handed him a bottle of water.

"Aren't you an international driver? Why do you vomit like this?"

The people who eased up a lot said quietly.

"International bumper car driver, the certificate given to me by the playground."

Ni Yunuo, died.


In the past few days, no matter where Ni Yunuo goes, there is always a young man who is unsmiling but extraordinarily delicate by his side.

With the blade beside her, Yu Jingchen felt relieved a lot, and concentrated on preparing for his girl's wedding.

As for the topics on the Internet that say that Ni Yunuo and Yu Jingchen are involved in gangsters, from the previous intensification to the present, there are only a few words.

Because no matter what they said, Yu Jingchen and Ni Yunuo still commuted to and from get off work safely and did things, and they didn't seem to be affected at all.

After a long time, it will die down.

As for Jin Mao, I don't know where he has been these days. Ni Yunuo called and said that he was traveling.

On this day, Comrade Ni Yunuo, who was on vacation on the sofa, suddenly received a call.

Looking at the phone, it was Hong Gang.

Lazily slid down to answer and put the phone to his ear.

"Hey, Uncle Hong, you haven't called me for a long time. It seems that things are going well!"

The middle-aged man opposite also smiled.

"You just gave us such a little order. If we can't finish it again, won't we live up to your entrustment?"


No, here comes the point.

"what happened?"

The tone on the other side was a little hesitant, but finally said it.

"It's the woman I told you about last time who was imprisoned by the master of the Manduo Gate. She, she is sick."

Ni Yunuo also became serious,

"What disease?"

"The great pharmacist said that he might be infected with some kind of virus."

"Virus? Can the great pharmacist cure it?"

"Well, this is a new type of virus. The great pharmacist is still researching it, but after so many days, it has no effect."

Even the great pharmacist can't help it?Virus?How did she get infected?

Suddenly thought of Yu Xin.

She was born in a medical family, and she has a lot of knowledge in poison research.

"I have a friend who has a lot of research in this area. You can ask her to contact the great pharmacist and try to cure that woman's poison."

Ni Yunuo expressed sympathy for this woman brought back by Ximen Yesu, although she was also using her, but she never hurt innocent lives.

"By the way, spread the news about her poisoning."

Ximen Yesu, Ni Yunuo 1 believe that he is not dead.

So many people salvaged it for so many days, and they didn't even find a piece of his clothes. Was it eaten by sharks?Ah?He ate the shark and the shark couldn't eat him.


"That woman, no matter how much it costs, saved her life."


Hong Gang listened carefully to every order of Ni Yunuo.

Suddenly, Ni Yunuo thought of something.

Sit up from the couch.

"Recently, has anyone left the Nihuang clan?"

On the other side, I thought about it seriously.


When Ni Yunuo asked, he regretted it.

That old man is so shrewd, how could he let them catch clues?

After hanging up the phone, he sent Yu Xin's mobile phone number and WeChat ID to Hong Gang.

I was pacing back and forth in the living room.

"Is it a virus?"

For this virus, I hate it deeply, although the one on myself and Yu Jingchen is not a mutated virus?
Now there is another new virus?

Those who have this ability are the Baili family. Could it be that a new conspiracy is brewing?
Headache, headache.

There is a saying that says that you don't overwhelm yourself with too many skills.

But she has too many identities now, she has to worry about everything, and she feels like her forehead is going to be bald.

"Baby, grow up quickly, and share the burden for your parents when you grow up."

(The baby first rolled his eyes, and then OS in his heart: Mommy, I’m not born yet, you and dad are starting to think about me? I refuse!)

It's like a mother-child connection.

"Rejection is invalid!"

After Ni Yunuo said this sentence, he was also surprised.

Why did I say such a sentence out of nowhere?

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