The two big guys cover their vests

Chapter 287 Wedding Photos

When Ni Yunuo was about to fall asleep, he finally finished melting.

"Miss, it's all right."

When I opened my eyes, I saw myself and a group of people in the mirror!

The nympho brigade is already in place, led by Yu Jingchen.

"What if you delay any longer?"

Before he finished speaking, he saw this group of people take the initiative to make way for him.

Yu Jingchen stretched out his hand to the people in the seat.

Glancing at Yu Jingchen who was also good-looking, he put his hand on it naturally.

The next step is to choose clothes.

When Ni Yunuo looked at the garden full of wedding dresses and dresses, his pupils trembled.

Then he cursed secretly in his heart.

This prodigal son!

It's all money!My son's milk powder money!
He took a deep breath and advised himself to hold back, must hold back!

Pull your hand out.

Pull the dressmaker aside while pretending to choose.

He looked at the people in the distance.

Lower your voice.

The costumer was also in a daze.

"Mrs. Yu, what's wrong?"

Straight to the point.

"Let me ask you, are these clothes rented or bought?"

Even without knowing why she asked that.

But also consciously lowered his voice.

"Of course I bought it. Mr. Yu's love for you is a lesson to be learned from heaven and earth. The wedding dress was sent by our headquarters last night, and a special plane was also chartered!"

Ten thousand heads rushed through Ni Yunuo's heart.

Feelings Did Yu Jingchen do such old things when she was sleeping yesterday?

It's a mistake to sleep, ah, a mistake!
He asked again secretly.

"Then can this be returned?"

The costumer thought he had heard wrong.

"You said you want to retire?"

Ni Yunuo nodded frantically.

"This won't work. Yu always contacts our headquarters directly. We are paid to do things on a salary, and all of these batches are high-end. We have no qualifications or rights to make decisions about these things."

This is very depressing.

"Can't retreat?"

The costumer nodded.

It feels like my heart is bleeding.

When she approached just now, she saw the brand of this clothing.

International big name ah!This is an international big name!Still haute couture!Yu Jingchen, the prodigal son!

She is going to spend the rest of her life in peace, eating, drinking and having fun!With him being such a prodigal, how many Yu's internationals are enough to lose?
Forget it!

Baby, can you see it?This is the money your father didn't save you from drinking milk powder!
Since you can't return it after you buy it, let these clothes be safe as soon as they come.

When Ni Yunuo put on the first one, he really surprised everyone.

True red is indeed the best match for her.

This one is rather unique, it is a tube top one-piece skirt, the sleeves are hollowed out, the fair skin is faintly visible, the design on the back is more bold, and it can be pulled up directly with a few straps.

Fatal charm, fatal attraction.

Demon but not gorgeous, flattering but not vulgar.

With just one glance, everyone couldn't move their eyes away.

The stylist is preparing a stunning hairstyle for her to complement her current perfection.

But Ni Yunuo raised his hand to stop him.

The stylist doesn't know why.

Until Ni Yunuo directly let go of the tied hair.

"That's it, let's shoot."

A head of jet-black hair was scattered by the wind, and those who were close could smell the fragrance of her hair.

Maybe at this moment, everyone envied Yu Jingchen by coincidence.

To get such a beauty, it's no wonder that she has to be in the world of mortals.

Just one person is enough.

Seeing their eyes, I wanted to hide this girl.

He thought so and did it.

He casually lifted a piece of red silk beside her, and with such a throw, it fluttered onto her swan neck.

In order not to put pressure on her high-heeled feet, she gently hugged her waist, letting her put all the weight on her own hands.

The silk scarf, which was flying over in astonishment, suddenly lost its center of gravity.

But when he was in front of her, she didn't panic.

She knew that he would not let himself and his children suffer any harm.

Naturally, he hooked her neck with one hand, stroked his cheek with the other, and stroked his lips.


At some point, there was no one behind them, and they all consciously moved away from the background.

At this moment, there are only the two of them in the vast world.

And the two of them only have each other in their eyes.

Jin Mao on the side couldn't help but have red eyes.

"The world is safe with the law of the two, and you will not fail the Tathagata and not the Qing."

He was very grateful that God sent Nuonuo to his side, and he was even more grateful that she did not let him down in the face of rights and love.

She deserves the best in the world!

Wiped his tears, put his hands behind his back, and left silently.

The wedding photos were taken until one o'clock in the afternoon.

Ni Yunuo, who was already exhausted, collapsed on the sofa.

Listening to Yu Xin chattering aside.

"Boss, this one looks so good! Aren't you a fairy coming down to earth?"

Look at this rainbow fart shot!

"Boss, Mr. Yu is so handsome!"

Can't help but look up.

Indeed, very handsome!
Seeing Yu Xin's nympho look, she was a little speechless.

"I've never seen you treat him like this before."

Some scratched their heads in embarrassment.

"That's not dare, Mr. Yu only shines when he's with you."

Ni Yunuo found it funny.

"What about usual times?"

"Usually, it's like a walking iceberg! With a sullen face, cold and unreasonable, it scares me to death!"

Even Ni Yunuo winked at her, but Yu Xin was still complaining endlessly.

Until a cold voice came from behind her.

"Who do you call an iceberg?"

Yu Xin's voice stopped abruptly.

He glared at Ni Yunuo who was gloating.

What is she going to do now?
Turn your head and point your toes at his nose, and tell him loudly that the iceberg is talking about you!

I struggled for a second.

Just run away!

36 counting is the best plan!

Then, Ni Yunuo looked at someone who had a serious face just now and suddenly became sad.

Sitting next to Ni Yunuo.

"Nuoer, am I really like an iceberg?"

"Uh——Yu Jingchen, talk to me properly!"

What the hell is that little daughter-in-law's grievance?

"Cough—I mean, am I really that scary?"

He felt that he was really approachable and amiable, was it as exaggerated as Yu Xin said?

Ni Yunuo rolled his eyes at him, got up from the sofa and went upstairs slowly.

The people who went upstairs asked themselves, what is Yu Jingchen called?Premarital Anxiety Syndrome?Or pre-baby neurosis?
Tut tut, I don't understand.

As soon as I entered the bedroom, I closed the curtains and fell asleep.

Didn't even eat.

When he woke up again, it was already dark.


Suddenly, he was kissed to seal his lips.

Even if you just wake up, you can know who the person next to you is.

"what time is it?"

"Seven o'clock."

It's seven o'clock?So early?
push him away.

"I have to get up quickly."

Strong arms restrained her and she couldn't move.

He took her into his arms.

"Where do you want to go?"

Pick up the tone.

Ni Yunuo said very naturally. 
"Go to the company."

Yu Jingchen froze.

"Nuoer, it's seven o'clock in the evening."

Ni Yunuo "."

Are you feeling sleepy?

grab his hand.

"Don't move."

He didn't listen to her at all, and was still wandering around.

Touch here, pinch there.

Some helpless.

"Hiss—it hurts."

With the curtains drawn, nothing could be seen in the room.

Yu Jingchen propped up her arms.

Dense kisses fell on her neck and chest.
I just feel like I'm about to suffocate.

Put your hands on his face.

"Yu Jingchen! Your uncle, it's endless, isn't it?"

Since he promised him last time, this guy started wanting to come again from time to time.

"Nuoer, let me take it easy."

Push his head away hard.

"Fuck you, I refuse!"

Do you think she is really too lazy to go to the company?fart!She was obviously sore in her limbs and weak all over!
Ask her why she always sleeps?

Isn't that because of her back pain?Can only lie down?

The culprit is Yu Jingchen!
It's like a hungry wolf rushing to eat!She refuses!
Yu Jingchen who was pushed away felt aggrieved.

"Then I'll take a shower."

Listening to the sound of water in the bathroom, Ni Yunuo was speechless.

No guesswork, the designation is a cold shower.

Ever since she found out she was pregnant, Yu Jingchen had gone to bed in the cold for countless nights.

It would be a lie to say that I don't feel distressed.

But I really can't stand it!
She would have lost half her life when she didn't have children, let alone having children now.

After all, his sustained output power is beyond the reach of ordinary people.

He heard the door of the bathroom ring, and then a person wearing a towel came out.

The slender legs are faintly visible with every step.

In order to avoid myself can not help.

Resolutely lowered his head to play with his phone.

Seeing the news on the phone, he frowned slightly.

[Ni Chuan, chairman of Huifeng Group, died of illness today, and his daughter Ni Xinhan was devastated. 】

I knew that the last time I sent her to the police station, it would not be a few days.

Below the title is a video of the interview.

Her intuition told her that Ni Xinhan's video would definitely mention her, so she clicked on it without hesitation.


Reporter [-]: Mr. Ni, Ni Dong suddenly fell ill, and there are different opinions from the outside world. They all say that you are the killer for the Huifeng Group. What do you think?
Ni Xinhan pulled a wry smile on his face.

"Oh, yes, you can guess whatever you like."
The expression is very hurt.

Through the screen, I can feel the pain of the death of my biological father and the incomprehension and suspicion from the outside world.

Reporter [-]: Mr. Ni, Huifeng Group used to be owned by Youjia, and it was Dong Ni who came after him. Now that Dong Ni died of illness, is it your integration group or your elder brother You Shao who inherits it?

It could be seen that Ni Xinhan's face became very ugly, but it only recovered to the previous sadness in an instant.

"We have no right to intervene in the affairs of our parents, and it's the same now. I naturally hope that the property left by my father will flourish. For the three of us, the capable ones will prevail."

Soon, these keen reporters smelled something unusual.

Plus You Zihan, aren't there two heirs of the Huifeng Group?When is there another one?
Is it?

The factor of gossip began to tyrannize everywhere.

Reporter [-]: President Ni, is the third person you mentioned the illegitimate son of Director Ni?

Yo, it's really straight to the point.

illegitimate child?
This topic seems to be good.

Ni Xinhan's expression was very embarrassing.

It just feels like a slip of the tongue.

"I refuse to answer, so don't ask, and don't bother her."

Look at this, it seems that nothing has been said, and it seems that everything has been said.

Ni Yunuo immediately turned off his mobile phone and threw it aside.

She could already foresee the development of the next thing.

All the gossip reporters have already started picking up on Ni's family.

Ni Chuan probably didn't expect that he would be put together by his own daughter even after he died.

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