"Elder, these people!"

The hulking man was shocked!
Now they are in the jungle, which is the natural hiding place of those killers.

"I knew that bitch wouldn't let us go!"

Just by hearing the footsteps on the other side, one knew that they might be in trouble today.

"Use the equipment on your body, quickly, send a message to the patriarch!"

They all took out their communication devices.

Before completing the last step, these people fell into a pool of blood.

However, when Pu Bing's hand fell, he accidentally touched the sender.

Shown above is.

[Patriarch, we were killed by Ni Huang]

With just a few words, people and mobile phones will be left in this forest forever.

But now Ni Yunuo is confronting Ni Suyin tit for tat.


The woman in the wheelchair has a serious face.

"No reason, stay away from him, if you don't do it, I'll send someone to kill him."

Ni Yunuo's guess was indeed correct, she was afraid of the existence of witches, and it was not a general fear.

"We are now in an equal cooperative relationship, and you have no reason or right to interfere in my life."

After all, turn around and leave.


Footsteps paused.

"I don't think we have anything left to say."

It was really helpless to meet a master like Ni Yunuo who gave me a headache.

"He's dangerous, and he's definitely hostile to you."

"He let you let Pu Bing and Bai Lijie go today. If you think about it, don't you doubt him?"

It turned out that Ni Suyin knew everything.

The news is really fast.

"So what? I am willing to keep me away from him, unless, you tell me you know."

If it was really oily and salty, Ni Suyin also lost her patience.

"This is the first and last time I'm telling you this. Believe it or not, don't lose your life in the end."

"By the way, and what you promised him to do, I will not let you succeed."

Pu Bing and the others suddenly came to mind.

"What did you do to them?"

The faint words reached her ears.


His eyes dimmed.

"Oh, kill and kill."

If you dare to interfere in her affairs, you must be prepared to pay the price.

"If my plan goes wrong, the longer I will be delayed in the Nihuang Clan, and the later you will see Grandpa."

"If you have to use your hegemonic thinking to restrict me in everything, even, I won't let you see him."

When the words fell, he left without looking back.

Only Ni Suyin was left with fierce eyes.

She and Ni Yunuo don't have any blood relationship, the only thing involved is the man who let her love for decades, and now she uses this to threaten her?

As soon as Ling Feng came in, he saw Ni Suyin knocking everything on the ground.

For so many years, even when Ni Suyin is angry, she has never been so angry. What's wrong?

Turn your back on him.

"Remove all the people around the main hall and those who watched her."

She gave up Nihuang's position because of that person, and now Ni Yunuo is threatening her with him?
She dare not gamble.

No matter how Ling Feng looked at it now, it didn't look like Ni Suyin was thinking about it.

But it can only be done.


When I was about to leave.

"Wait, what's going on with the army?"

Even after she abdicated, her eyeliner was still all over the Nihuang clan.

"Returning to you, the person in charge of the western region is dead. As for the other heads of the second department, they have also been imprisoned."

"What about the reaction of the people below?"

Her voice was so eerie that it sent chills down the spine.

"Because there are people from the east dealing with it, it's pretty safe."

Having said that, Ni Suyin waved her hand.

"Go down."

When she was alone in the room.

"Oh, it's really a good plan, as expected of her daughter."

Ye Xi, the only woman who made her want to kill.

His eyes were fierce, and his nails were tightly clasped on the armrest.

As for Ni Yunuo, after leaving Ni Suyin's residence, he went directly to the old man.

First back to the main hall.

Met Hong Gang.

"Uncle Hong, did you see that old man who went out with me today?"

Hong Gang was dumbfounded.

"Didn't he go out with you?"

According to him, that is, he did not come back.

But for that person, elusiveness is his way of doing things.

As soon as he entered the lounge, he was seen pouring a bottle of wine into his mouth, his expression was blurred, his already pale face turned red.

Grab his bottle.

He leaned close to the tip of his nose and sniffed.

Hiss~ This wine is really strong, it chokes your nose when you smell it.

"Old man, Pu Bing and the others—"

Before he finished speaking, the person who seemed to be sleeping muttered something.

"Are you dead?"

He even knew!

Turned over.

"As expected, don't disturb my sleep."

As for what Ni Suyin told her about him being dangerous, she didn't mention it.

Since you choose to trust your vision and intuition, you should give him equal respect.

"take a rest first."

Hearing the sound of her closing the door, the eyes of the person who put it on flicked open.

How can he still have the blurred appearance before, his eyes are shining, looking at the closed door, he can't return to his senses for a long time.


Night fell quickly.

On this day, an exciting event happened to the Nihuang clan, which gave hope to all the people.

As for the person who is remembered by everyone, he is now changing into night clothes.

After sending the old man back to the secret hall to sleep, she is about to investigate the secret passage today.

She was also curious, where was the other end of the secret passage.

And who was able to build such a tunnel in the Nihuang Clan without everyone knowing about it?

The door of the main hall was closed, and Ni Yunuo fumbled around the bed in the lounge, trying to find something like a mechanism.

Logically speaking, if it can be opened from the inside, it should also be able to be opened from the outside!
Just when he was surprised, he felt a bulge with his left hand.

It should be this right.

Press decisively.

Soon, there was the sound of a thick stone door being dragged.

The entire bed was moved to the right by one person's width.

A dark hole appeared before his eyes.

Out of caution, a candle was lit and thrown in.

Sure enough, once inside, the candle went out.

This means there is no oxygen.

I don't know how far the journey is. When the old man came out today, he didn't seem to be holding his breath at all, except that he was a little embarrassed and dusty.

Every day is spent in the cognition of refreshing the old man.

I squatted at the door and took a flashlight to take a picture. Except for the steps that could not be seen to the bottom, they were still steps.

She is now calculating her lung capacity and how far she can hold her breath is the limit.

When she was training in Meiye, she had undergone professional training, and the limit was about 10 minutes.

However, she looked down at her stomach.

Forget it, with him, I still dare not take risks.

Restoring the place to its original state, and sneaking out in the dark.

The largest pharmacist's room of the Nihuang Clan was at this point, and it was still brightly lit, and someone could be vaguely seen busy.

A black shadow flashed by very quickly.

I sneaked into the equipment room, looked left and right, and finally found the portable oxygen tank in the corner.

Take it away without saying a word.

However, she didn't see that the number on the statistical label on the shelf was three, and after she took one away, there was only one left.

The person who came and went freely was not at all like a person who was four months pregnant.

Looking at the things in her hands, she raised the corners of her mouth.

The moonlight sprinkled on that impeccable face, adding a bit of mystery.

As soon as she returned, she couldn't wait to arm herself and press the mechanism.

She just saw that this oxygen tank can last for nearly an hour, which is enough.

Holding the flashlight, he stepped in.

I don't know how long I walked up the steps, but I haven't landed yet.

She carefully looked at everything around her. Anyway, the space is very cramped now, and she is so thin that she can vaguely feel that she will touch the wall.

After walking for a few minutes, my feet became flat, and I must have reached the bottom.

He turned around and took the flashlight to shine in the direction where he came down.

Even she couldn't help but gasped.

Is it that deep?
I'm afraid, now I'm already nearly 20 meters underground, right?
Moreover, this tunnel looks like it has been around for some years. Who dug this tunnel? Is it good intentions or other plans?Curiosity was about to overwhelm her.

When she came back to her senses, she could clearly feel that the space around her had become wider.

Flashlights blazed around.

After seeing the scene that came into view, he was instantly attracted.

There are actually murals here. Although they are covered with dust and cobwebs, it can still be seen that they are all new.

Judging by the fineness, it is about 50 years old.

But painting, it is very strange.

The picture above is very abstract. In the first picture, one can vaguely see a man and a woman holding something in their arms, and they are accepting everyone's kneeling.

Walk and watch.

The second picture is two.
Uh, how should I put it, no matter who is here today, it has two Godzilla monsters painted on it!
Looking further down, the painting style becomes more and more strange.

a ball?

Well, that's right, a ball, and it radiates light.

Then, the two monsters died.

Ni Yunuo "."

You don't dare to shoot like this in cartoons, do you?
The two monsters died when a ball radiated light?
How did you die?Blind and dead by the light?
This is something for entertainment, right?Simply don't look at it anymore.

Finding where the exit leads to is the most important thing now.

Just as she was about to turn a corner, she heard a rustling sound.

It came from the opposite side of this corner.

Turn off the flashlight immediately.

With a cold look in his eyes, he quickly turned and leaned against the wall.

The sound is getting closer and closer.

I thought it was something before, but now it is obviously the sound of footsteps.

And the opponent's territory is very stable.

He is a practicing family, and those who come are not kind and those who come will not come.

After reaching this conclusion, she also became serious.

No matter who the opponent is, if he walks through this secret path leading to the main hall, he will die.

Gently comforted the little guy in his stomach.

(The baby rolled his eyes greatly, Mommy, go ahead and go boldly, I'm used to it.)
Ni Yunuo has been trained for many years, and he is also an international killer. His concealment ability is absolutely unrivaled.

No, she had heard the other party a long time ago, but on the other side, she didn't even know that she was being targeted.

He stepped over the corner with one foot, but still didn't feel the murderous intent.

It can only be said that the aura of the people in the corner is very well concealed.

Ni Yunuo looked at the same person who was wearing night clothes and even covered his face tightly.

This angle is very good.

In an instant, the murderous aura rushing towards the people came like a flood.

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