Mr. Jin did not refuse immediately.

"Nuo Nuo, you should know that you are the heir of Mei Ye, and the position of Lord Mei Ye will be yours sooner or later, now?"

"Give me a reason."

Ni Yunuo put his hands on the table and looked at Mr. Jin.

"Grandpa, because, I want, to push Mei Ye to the peak."

Jin Mao's pupils shrank slightly.

"You know what you're talking about?"

"I know."

"Grandpa, the current position is too restrictive for my next actions."

"I need to gag some people."

Mr. Jin's hand tightly gripped the armrest of the chair.

"Nonuo, don't rush to make a decision. After listening to what I want to tell you, it's not too late for you to make a decision."

It's not like Ni Yunuo came to ask Mr. Jin's opinion now, why there is a sense of sight that the old man makes Ni Yunuo think twice before acting.

The old man got up.

Go to the side bookcase.

He raised his hand and opened a very thick book.

A copper crested head was revealed and turned slightly.

The bookcase in front of me was separated from the middle to two sides, and a safe was exposed.

Is it a safe?so hidden.

He grabbed Jin Mao who was about to enter the password.

"Grandpa, since you can protect it so well, it can be seen that the things inside are very important. Are you sure you want to show me?"

clapped her hands.

"Nonuo, it's time."

Ni Yunuo's eyes moved slightly.

didn't say anything.

Mr. Jin entered the password.


The safe opens.

It is full of objects that look very old at first glance.

Trembling, Jin Mao took out a small yellowed book from inside.

Pass it to Ni Yunuo.

"open to take a look."

Look at the notebook-like thing in your hand.

Ni Yunuo hesitated.

Why did she have the feeling that it would be bad to open these things.

"It's okay, just some records."

Gently turn the first page.

Look at the handwriting and patterns on it.

Slightly stunned.

"This is--"

Mr. Jin staggered away from her body with his hands behind his back.

"That's right, these are the real four major families in the world."

The first page is the "Baili Family" with the lotus symbol painted on it.

Look down.

[The Baili family, both doctors and poisoners, has the most superb medical skills, and also has the world's most vicious poison skills, and escapes the world in a canyon.The level of horror and viciousness of the Baili family is unimaginable. More than half of the poison in the world comes from Baili. As for the medical skills, some people say that the Baili family can live to death. 】

Is it that great?

She has seen Baili Wushuang, with big breasts and no brains.

Jin Mao saw that Ni Yunuo was distracted.

"what happened?"

Come back to your senses.

"It's all right."

Keep looking down.

The next page is the secret door!

Manduomen was called secret door before!It was Ximen Yesu who changed his name after he became the head of the sect.

There is even a record here.

Skip the black Teng Snake logo.

[Secret door, IQ and force values ​​are beyond everyone's imagination. The family's surname Ximen is the most evil representative. He does all kinds of evil, because it is extremely harmful to the world. Under the strong opposition of the other three families, he restrained his nature on an island. 】

Sure enough!

Look at the back and mark the specific latitude and longitude.

Ni Yunuo suddenly realized.

That's how they found it.

Turn to the next page.

What I saw was a bright red Manjusawa flower that was about to bleed.

The bottom right corner is marked - Bianhua.

【Nihuang Clan】

Just these four words, Ni Yunuo felt that something was about to come out.

"Grandpa, this is—"

Mr. Jin saw the excitement in Ni Yunuo's eyes.

There is also a hint of emotion.

"Nihuang Clan, just like its name, just reading it gives a sense of contempt for the world, Nuonuo, look down first."

After hearing the old man's words, Ni Yunuo's heart trembled every time he read a word.

[The Nihuang clan is the most awe-inspiring place in the whole world. Everyone there has the most proud leadership ability. It is not an exaggeration to say that their Nihuang clan is the king of the whole world.But it is also the most terrifying existence. They use force to keep everyone from complaining.And the Nihuang Clan is not considered a hidden world, because there is no obstacle for their children to come and go, they are kings, so what are the constraints? 】

Could not help but turn down a page.

Ni Yunuo's eyes froze.

There are only a few words on this page.

[Standing side by side with the Nihuang clan, he is the world's law enforcer, checking and balancing the Nihuang clan. 】

Why doesn't this family have a detailed introduction, not even a family emblem?

I saw her doubts.

"Now, if you want to ask anything, just ask."

Jin Mao sat aside.

Ni Yunuo closed the notebook.

"Grandpa, is this your handwriting?"

Sure enough, it was a ghost elf.


"I wrote it."

Ni Yunuo squatted in front of Jin Mao.

"Grandpa, since the Nihuang clan is so powerful, why does there still exist a secret door?"

She couldn't figure it out. It was said that one mountain cannot contain two tigers. The Nihuang clan and the secret door can be said to be of the same nature, but they are obviously much stronger than the secret door.

But why is the secret door allowed to be one of the four major families?
"This is what makes Nihuang so special."

"How to say?"

"Because the Nihuang clan is too powerful, the family I wrote on the last page is always staring at the Nihuang clan."

"The Nihuang clan supported a puppet to distract them."

It turned out to be the case.

"Then don't you know the situation of that family?"

Mr. Jin knew that she was asking about the family that had the power to compete with the Nihuang clan.

"They're so mysterious, that's all I know."

Ni Yunuo's eyes flickered slightly.

"Grandpa, now, can you tell me who you are?"

Mr. Jin seems to be caught in memories, but it seems that the memories are not good.

"I'm just a lucky guy."

"Lucky enough to meet her."

Ni Yunuo listened carefully.

Who is she?
What grandpa showed her today solved a lot of doubts in her heart, but why did she feel that some things were more confusing?
It seems that grandpa doesn't want to mention it.

Ni Yunuo changed the subject winkingly.

"Grandpa, show me these, are you trying to make me quit?"

Jin Mao nodded.

"Nonuo, Sai Wei's death, I know it will hit you hard, but I know your temper, and you will definitely take revenge."

"I show you these today so that you can understand that the four major families are not something ordinary people like us can offend."

"Don't take revenge on the secret door."

Ni Yunuo clenched his fists.

"Grandpa, are you afraid that I will offend the Nihuang clan?"

Mr. Jin sighed.

"That's right, since the Nihuang Clan supports the secret door, they won't let it cause trouble. If it targets you, it will be troublesome."

"I know your ability, but grandpa hopes that you can understand the painstaking efforts of being a grandpa. I don't want to see anything happen to you!"

Ni Yunuo stood up slowly.

"Grandpa, I don't know what grievances there are between you and the four great masters."

"But I won't put Mei Ye in danger. Do you think they won't notice us if I don't provoke them?"

"Grandpa, the current master of the secret door, I know him too well, he will not let Mei Ye go."

"Because of my problem, Mei Ye will be in endless danger in the future."

"Grandpa, you don't want to see me get hurt, what about me?"

"How can you bear to see you and the whole Meiye in danger?"

Mr. Jin is well aware of Ni Yunuo's temper, and once he has made a decision, he will not change it.

Seeing that the old man was still hesitating.


Jin Mao was helpless.

"Hey, let's find some time!"

Is this agreed?
Ni Yunuo was excited.

"Don't look for it, let's do it tomorrow, we don't have time."

Putting the diary into the safe, his eyes touched those sealed folders, Ni Yunuo looked back.

"Grandpa, I'm leaving first."

"go to bed early!"

This girl is always in a hurry!

Get up and close the safe, turn the phoenix, and the bookcase returns to its original position.

Look at the copper crested head in his hand.

Mr. Jin caressed lightly.

Nono, grandpa believes in you!
The power in his hand is given up as he pleases, and this is probably the only one in the world, and he is an heir without any blood relationship.

It has to be thought-provoking.

No one knew what Mr. Jin was thinking.

It doesn't matter whether others can't accept it or not, as long as he believes in Nuonuo, that's enough.

Ever since this girl came to Meiye, she has never said a word that makes people feel at ease.

But none of the promises she made could not be fulfilled.

Although he said he could protect her safely, he didn't have the confidence.

After all, their enemies are not ordinary people.


As soon as Ni Yunuo came out, he saw Lili guarding the door.

"Let's go, go back."

There are a lot of windfalls today.

I didn't expect that there were two other people I didn't know about.

Nihuang clan?

Unknowingly, a new door opened in Ni Yunuo's heart.

Only then did she realize that she was so small.

He knelt down and stroked Lili's snow-white hair.

"Lili, are you ready?"

It nodded.

So cute!

"It may be hard for you in the future."

Lili couldn't understand why.

Just nod blindly.

If Lili knew that she would have a miserable life in the future, she would not nod even if she was killed today.

Pit lion!

Yu Jingchen woke up and found that it was already night.

Turn around.

A pair of big eyes in the darkness were looking at him in a twitching manner.

against her forehead.

"Nuo'er, are you trying to scare your husband to death?"

Grab his big hand.

"Ah Chen, why don't you go back to China?"

Upon waking up and hearing her say that, Yu Jingchen was very upset.


"Don't be angry, I just think that Mei Ye is too dangerous now."

"So you let me go?"

She nodded.

Yu Jingchen was short of breath, held back for a long time, and only flicked her on the forehead.

This is punishment.

"Are you going to abandon me again?"

Really, why is a big man talking so pitifully?
"No oops, it's not—"

Yu Jingchen grabbed her hand, that beautiful ring was cold in the moonlight even in the darkness.

"Ni Yunuo, I am your fiance."

"If this identity still can't tie you and me together."

"Then I'm going to get married now."

"Do you have to throw the marriage certificate in your face to understand that you and I share life and death?"

Speak the most beautiful love words with the most angry attitude.

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