The two big guys cover their vests

Chapter 160 The Death of Sai Wei

Jin Mao just closed his eyes.

Suddenly an alarm sounded outside.

A pair of sharp eyes opened in the darkness, he got up quickly, and loaded the gun.

For a person like him who walks in the dark, he doesn't know when someone will come to kill him. He will always be vigilant.

As soon as he opened the door, Lin An came out in a hurry.

"Master, someone broke in!"


"Old Lin, protect yourself."


The two old men changed from their usual casualness.

Like a tiger ready to go.

Several elders had already arrived at the door, but they found that the face of the person guarding the door was very strange.


"Rush in!"

Wen Er felt that something was wrong just now, but he didn't expect it to come so soon!
Hope it's all in time!
"Old fellows! Are you ready!"

Wen Er's words fell, and the eyes of the few people were firm like never before.

"Little bastards! Grandpa is here!"

The car quickly backed up.

to a certain distance.

The driver gritted his teeth and stepped on the accelerator to the bottom.

The car is like an arrow off the string.

Before the people at the door could shoot, the car in front of them disappeared!

"Quick! Stop them!"

The elders' car was given by Ni Yunuo, and it has super bulletproof ability, so many bullets hit the car body, leaving a shallow crater.

The situation in the manor was far more severe than they had imagined.

The only safe place now should be the main house.

The car stopped at the main house.

Under the cover of the body, several elders entered the main house.

As soon as they entered the door, Jin Mao raised his gun at them.


Seeing that it was a few elders, he put down his gun.

"Why are you back!"

Jin Mao was a little angry. In the current situation, if one person had to be killed, it would be enough to kill himself.

"Master, how could we see you in danger!"

Looking at the few people in front of him, he knew that even if they died, they would choose to die with him.

"Let me tell you what's good about you!"

"Then fight!"

At this moment, several people felt that the blood in their chests was about to spurt out, as if they had returned to the fearlessness they had when Mei Ye was established.

"I'm going to turn on the defense system."

Jin Mao walked towards the sofa.

In the gap of the sofa, there is a button, which is the switch of the defense system of the main house.

The defense system of the main house was also made by Ni Yunuo himself.

As long as the defense system is turned on, it is not an exaggeration to say that the main house is invulnerable.

Infrared rays protected the main house tightly, and whenever anyone approached, the guns that were usually hidden in the dark would shoot intensively.

Not only the surrounding area, but also the airspace, Ni Yunuo has taken into account, if there is an air strike.

The sensors all over the roof, as long as they sense that there is an aircraft entering, they will automatically launch enough missiles to blast the opponent into slag.

What kind of power this defense system has, has not been put into use since Ni Yunuo designed it.

Unexpectedly, this day finally came.

"Master, can this defense system work?"

As soon as Sai Wei finished speaking, he saw the enemy who was still ten meters away from the window shot into a sieve.

savi "."

When he didn't say it.

Young master, what a genius!

Just as Jin Mao was about to say he didn't know, he saw the results outside the door.

He was also really shocked, he still chose to trust Nuonuo in a dangerous moment, but he didn't expect that she would bring him such a big surprise.

She said that she was protecting her by herself, but since she didn't know when, it had become Nuonuo protecting herself.

Jin Mao and the others stood not far from the window, ready to fight to the death at any time.

Outside the courtyard, a black Maybach stopped.

A man with a hulking back and a fierce face got out of the car.

Jin Mao and the others took a closer look.

Could this be the leader of the opponent?

But soon, they denied it.

I saw him picking up his phone and reporting something.

While talking on the phone, he looked into the house.

hang up the phone.

I don't know what to order.

I saw people outside gathered in front of the house.

Standing in several rows.

The eyes of the people in the first few rows were full of horror.

What is this for?
Their doubts have not yet settled.

The man gave an order, and the entire phalanx approached the house.

Infrared rays sensed their intrusion, and they fired.

The people in the front row will soon die and can't die anymore.

Then, the people behind attacked them against their corpses.

Wave after wave.

"Back! Back up!"

Jin Mao quickly ordered everyone to back off.

The other party seemed to understand Nuonuo's design very well.

In fact, it was not the case. After Ximen Yesu heard the report, he guessed that it was written by Ni Yunuo, but it was written by her a few years ago.

If it were now, his people would probably have to stay there.

Even if it was her design a few years ago, there is absolutely no organization that can be broken so easily.

Unfortunately, a few years ago, they were still friends.

She never thought that he would kill her grandfather today.


The door of the main house was knocked open.

Under the cover of the wall.

Jin Mao fired first.

The first wave that came in, all fell down.

Mr. Jin resisted the discomfort of seeing the blood.

He can't fall!

The lips have turned white.

Those who came in the first wave also died completely.

The people who came in behind still used these corpses as the best shield.

Simply insane!
They don't care about the lives of their companions at all!

How can man and the devil resist?

Two hundred people came to Manduomen's operation this time.

Now, it's half dead, too.

But how can a few old people compare with this group of inhuman beasts?

Soon, under the cover of the corpse.

The opponent approached them.

And quickly controlled everyone.

What they don't understand is to respect the old and love the young.

It's already a bunch of old bones, and they got it like this.

It is even more irresistible.

When did several people suffer such humiliation.

"Let us go!"

Sai Wei yelled at the men surrounded by him.


It was the sound of bullets sinking into flesh and blood.


Seeing that Sai Wei's leg was shot, he knelt straight on the ground.

"Son! How dare you!"

The anger in Jin Mao's eyes was about to overwhelm everyone here.

Lin An and others are also trying their best to resist.

The raised hand was slowly lowered.

"Lord of Charming Night, Jin Mao, Mr. Jin, nice to meet you."


Ni Yunuo woke up suddenly in Yu Jingchen's arms.

Sweating profusely.

Carefully wipe it off for her.

"Have a nightmare?"

Ni Yunuo suddenly felt restless.

"Where have we been?"

"It's coming soon."

Get up from him.

Glanced down through the window.

With just one glance, she panicked.

Quickly glanced at the current position displayed on the cockpit.

"Step aside!"

The driver was taken aback.

"Miss Ni, this is no joke."

Yu Jingchen also noticed her mood swings.

Look at that dazzling red light.

"Let her come!"

That location, probably, is Manshu Manor.

I don't know why there was such a dazzling light, but seeing Nuoer's serious expression, I knew something had happened.

The driver did not dare to disobey Yu Jingchen's order.

Get out of the way of the cockpit obediently.

As soon as Ni Yunuo got started, he could tell that Miss Ni's flying skills were even more professional than his own.

The helicopter he was flying was very stable.

But now, the entire plane rushed downward, as if it was weightless.

Didn't it look fine just now?

Now the atmosphere in the entire cabin suddenly became very terrifying, even, there was a breath of death.

"Nuoer, don't worry, it's okay."

Yu Jingchen comforted Ni Yunuo.

She's on the verge of losing control.

"That's a defense system I made with my own hands. Grandpa won't open it unless it is absolutely necessary."

You could hear the tremor in her voice.

Yu Jingchen didn't speak any more.

Ni Yunuo now only hopes to go a little faster, a little faster.

Look at the red light that is getting closer.

Slow down and get ready to land.

Things designed by oneself naturally know where its weaknesses are.

Perfectly avoiding its strafing area, it landed in the back garden of the main house.

Looking at the main house that has turned on defense mode.

After opening the cabin door, I jumped down without even thinking about it.

Yu Jingchen followed behind.


"Old man, our sect master said that we will leave you with a dead body, and I will not shoot."

Throw a small bottle in his hand to Jin Mao.

"Let go of Mr. Jin."

Handed over their guns.

Only then did a few people loosen up.

"What a mandomen!"

Jin Mao looked at the small bottle at his feet.

Bending down to pick it up.

"As long as I drink it, you will let them go."



Sai Wei wanted to get up, but the pain in his legs made his legs feel as heavy as lead.

Bai Yitian wanted to rush over, but was pushed to the ground by the people behind.

So is Lin An.

Even Wen Er was thrown down, his face pressed tightly to the ground.

This humiliation!Jin Mao wrote it down!
"You tell Nuonuo for me that Grandpa can't accompany her anymore."

Eyes full of sadness.

Several people on the ground burst into tears.


When Jin Mao talked about Nuonuo, the man in the middle struggled for a moment, but soon disappeared.

Everyone's attention was on Mr. Jin, but they didn't notice that the red light outside the house was gone.

"Old man, don't force me to do anything to you."

The door owner didn't have much time for him, so he had to go back quickly.

"Master, don't!"

When Jin Mao unscrewed the bottle cap, his body was suddenly knocked away.

Hands are empty.

The bottle of potion fell into the hands of Sai Wei who rushed over at some point.


"Master, in the next life, goodbye!"

After all, he raised his head and drank the bottle of potion resolutely.


Blood was oozing from the corner of his mouth at a visible speed.

"Bang bang bang-"

It was gunshots.

From the time Sai Wei fell down, he shielded Jin Mao from the last wave of wind and rain.

He had a smile on his face.

However, there is no more vitality.


The old man knelt on the ground and hugged Sai Wei's body in his arms.

The eyes of the people behind were also full of despair and pain.

Hate yourself for being incompetent, and hate their cruelty.

The brother who I was born to die died in front of my eyes.

"Sai Wei, Sai Wei—you wake up—"

Mr. Jin was helpless like never before.

His loved ones died for himself.

"Master Jin, I don't have time to spend with you. In that case, I'd better give you a ride myself."

The last trace of hesitation in his heart was gone.

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