Exclusive heroine of the Imperial General

Chapter 76: Wife Protection Mode 1 Always On

Gu Mengqing's face darkened as she walked over. The short black fitness T-shirt showed her slender waist, and there was also a vest line that many girls really wanted to have.

He Lianchen went up to meet her in two steps, took off the detail coat and tied it around her waist.

"Don't dress like this in the future."

Gu Mengqing smiled, and mischievously pulled his short coat off: "Why, are you jealous?"
"Yeah." He Lianchen replied and tied her back again, warning her with widened eyes, "I'm going to die of soreness."

This scene was all recorded by the reporter's camera, and Wei Nianjin reckoned that the two of them would be the top trending headlines tomorrow.

The martial arts coach looked at them and smiled, and made a brief introduction, talking about the training arrangements for these three days.

"In these three days, I will teach you the movements you need to use for the camera and some fighting skills. The most important thing is to rehearse your opponent scenes in advance. The task is heavy, so pay attention to safety."

The four were divided into two groups, of course Gu Mengqing and He Lianchen were together, and Mei Yibai and Zheng Zining were in one group.

But because Zheng Zining's foot was injured, it became the coach to teach Mei Yibai one-on-one, and Zheng Zining was listening.

The coach in charge of Gu Mengqing's group is surnamed Ma. He has practiced martial arts since he was a child and is very professional.

After warming up, we went directly to the topic.

"I see that the information on both of you says that you both have fitness and have practiced boxing, right?"


"I won't practice the basics of straight punches and big swings, just go up the stairs."

"Over the shoulder, you've seen it all." Coach Ma and the assistant coaches cooperated to demonstrate to them, understanding the essentials of the action scene step by step, "Use your arms as levers to control your opponent.

Then use your back, as a fulcrum, to throw your opponent hard forward.

The movements must be coherent and driven by inertia, so that you can throw out opponents who are heavier than yourself. "

Coach Ma's movements were neat and handsome, and Gu Mengqing couldn't help raising his eyebrows as the assistant landed on the ground.

It must be very painful to hear this muffled sound.

"These two teaching assistants cooperate with you, try it."

Gu Mengqing looked at the teaching assistant who was half a head taller than herself and let out a sigh of relief. According to what Coach Ma said just now, she raised her hand to control the teaching assistant.

'Snapped. '

He Lianchen threw the teaching assistant to the ground neatly, tugged at his clothes and watched Gu Mengqing raise his eyebrows.

I have to admit that his status in Gu Mengqing's heart is much higher.

The coach couldn't help but marvel: "You are a Lianjiazi, you can't learn this movement in a few years."

After thinking about it, He Lianchen nodded: "Forget it."

"You do a foot brush for me to see."

For He Lianchen, it was easy to catch, nodded to the assistant, went up and grabbed the assistant's hand, ran behind his back, stretched his legs and threw the assistant to the ground.

Several coaches couldn't help applauding, and Coach Ma smiled and said to Li Muyan, "You don't need the ready-made coaches in your group, and you actually come to invite us."

Li Muyan was also a little surprised, she looked at He Lianchen and said, "Okay, the number one male, keep it hidden."

He Lianchen turned to the coach in charge of Gu Mengqing and said, "Let me come, you go and teach others."

The coach knew the relationship between the two people and walked away consciously.

He Lianchen stood behind Gu Mengqing, and Gu Mengqing felt that she was under more pressure. The coach just now was only half a head taller than her, but now He Lianchen was more than a head taller than her.

One is 1.6 meters five, the other is 1.8 meters seven, the cutest height difference in the reporter's lens.

"Do as the coach taught you just now."

Taking a deep breath, Gu Mengqing grabbed He Lianchen's arm and bent down hard... He Lianchen didn't move a muscle.

After exhaling, he bent over and threw He Lianchen forward with enough strength, but the result was still the same, He Lianchen didn't even move.

He Lianchen's chuckle sounded next to her ears, Gu Mengqing sat down on the ground, raised her head with her hands on the ground, panting slightly: "You are too bullying."

"Why did I bully you?" He Lianchen squatted down and looked at her, "The coach didn't say anything just now, he was able to throw out his much heavier opponent."

"Then why can't I fall out?"

"You're using brute force, of course not." He Lianchen turned pale when talking about the business, and was very serious, "You take a little run-up this time, then turn around and grab me, fall forward, and try it out by inertia. "

Stand up and reach out to Gu Mengqing, pulling her up.

Standing a little farther away, Gu Mengqing set up the starting posture, and He Lianchen nodded: "Come on."

After running two steps close to him, he grabbed his arm and turned around, bent down and threw him forward, although he still couldn't throw him out, until He Lianchen's feet were obviously off the ground.

"Very well, let's do it again."

"Open again, pay attention to inertia."

"Open again."

"One more time, come on."

Finally, when Gu Mengqing was about to be exhausted, He Lianchen was thrown to the ground by her.

Hugging He Lianchen with her mouth wide open in surprise, Gu Mengqing was as excited as a primary school student who got [-] points in an exam, smiling from ear to ear.

"I did it, I actually dropped your 'telephone pole' over my shoulder."

"What is 'telephone pole'?" He Lianchen sat up and looked at her, and nodded her forehead, "Does anyone say that about her husband?"

Gu Mengqing chuckled, and asked belatedly, "Does it hurt?"

"It hurts." The more he talked, the more he spoke, He Lianchen fell limp into Gu Mengqing's arms, and said, "It hurts to death, I'm so handsome, I seem to have a concussion."

Seeing He Lianchen like this, the reporters almost dropped the camera, their mouths widened in shock and their jaws fell to the ground.

Who can tell them what kind of He Lianchen, who is like a little milk dog, is.

Facing the camera from the front with a cold face, no matter which artist he is taking pictures with, no matter whether it is male or female, the inner He Lianchen is expressionless, is it fake?

Seeing the expressions of the reporters, Li Muyan covered her mouth and smiled, and explained to them: "The newlyweds are just the time to be sweet and bored."

"Are they also like this in the film crew?" Wei Nianjin pouted, feeling something in his stomach turning upwards.

"Maybe He Lianchen in the crew has been restraining himself so much, anyway, the wife protection mode is always on."

"Tsk tsk tsk, the sour smell of love."

Mei Yibai has filmed action scenes before, received some training, plus he usually does fitness exercises, so his strength can keep up.

Almost all the movements are demonstrated by the coach and explained the main points, and Mei Yibai can learn it after practicing a few times.

Zheng Zining sat beside her and looked at Mei Yibai's sweaty appearance full of admiration.

Holding the mobile phone to record the movements under the banner of learning after the foot injury has healed, the camera has been following Mei Yibai.

Occasionally, she would put down her mobile phone to learn the movements of her hands, pretending to be eager to learn. After all, Li Muyan and the reporter were watching, so she had to market her personality well.

He Lianchen's secretary stood at the door of the company, and saw the car coming from a distance and straightened his clothes.

The car stopped and went forward to open the door: "Morning, sir."


He Shengjun got out of the car, looked up at the familiar yet unfamiliar company in front of him, and sighed with emotion.

Walking into the gate of the company, the front desk staff saw He Shengjun quickly put down the work at hand and stood up, bending down: "Hello, old chairman."


The employees passing by will also stop to say hello to him. Although the new employees don't know him, they will naturally know who he is when they hear other people calling him that.

But just looking at the looks of the two people, one can almost guess it. He Lianchen and He Shengjun seem to be carved out of the same mold. Even their walking postures are somewhat similar.

After taking the elevator to the top floor, it became quiet all of a sudden. There was no one else on this floor except He Lianchen and the secretary's office.

The furnishings in the office were hardly changed. He Shengjun sat down at the desk and returned to the feeling he had before retirement.

Raising the corner of his mouth, he smiled and sighed, "I'm really old, how many years have I been retired."

"Where are you, you are not old at all."

The secretary was right. Although He Shengjun is over 40 years old, the years are very friendly and did not leave marks on his face. It just took away the childishness of youth and left the calmness of middle age.

"Show me the latest company documents."

The secretary turned on the computer and retrieved all the recent contracts and financial statements.

He Shengjun scrolled the mouse and looked down bit by bit. Since he gave the company to He Lianchen, the stock price has been rising steadily, and the companies he cooperates with are also strong.

Nodding in satisfaction, He Shengjun asked again: "Is there any cooperation between M Group and TJ?"

The secretary thought about it and shook his head: "No, but M Group has now given TJ [-] million as a shareholder."

He Shengjun frowned: "How much do you know about TJ's recent situation?"

"TJ is the largest company in City A besides our group, and it's very powerful. But." The secretary paused, and then said, "After the chairman's wife had an accident at home, the stock price has been falling all the way, and the companies that we cooperate with have also gone away a lot. , the capital chain has been vacant for a while, and the situation has improved recently after filling it in.”

TJ He Shengjun heard about it before, but after going abroad, he seldom cared about the company's affairs.

"How much do you know about He Lianchen's marriage?"

The secretary didn't know the answer to the question, and lowered her head with her lips pursed.When he saw the news of He Lianchen's marriage, he literally dropped his mobile phone to the ground.

He always thought that He Lianchen didn't like women.

"Why don't you speak?"

"Hmm..." The secretary racked his brains before opening his mouth, "It's a good thing that the chairman is getting married. The two companies have joined forces, and the happiness is the best."

"Okay, it's easy for you, go down."

"Call me if you have anything to do." The secretary hurried out as if fleeing, and heaved a sigh of relief after closing the door, hoping he hadn't said the wrong thing just now.

After listening to the secretary's words just now, she decided that Gu Mengqing married He Lianchen to fill up the company's capital chain.

He Shengjun got up and walked to the French windows, looking at the long-lost City A, thinking about how to get He Lianchen and Gu Mengqing to divorce.

M Group is now a shareholder of TJ, and it will not be so easy to get out of the funds invested in it, so the current relationship can only be maintained.

How should He Lianchen and Gu Mengqing draw a clear line.

It definitely won't work from He Lianchen's side, so we can only start with Gu Mengqing.

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