Exclusive heroine of the Imperial General

Chapter 160: Muzi lost his mind, sit on your own

Muzi sat with Zheng Zining for an entire afternoon, lost in the memories and the time passed without realizing it.

The nurse in the nursing home led Zheng Zining to eat, Muzi smiled and waved to her, "Go, eat more."

Zheng Zining stood still, staring at Muzi.

"I'll be back."

Hearing Muzi's promise, Zheng Zining followed the nurse and left. After walking two steps, she turned back to look at Muzi, with a look of reluctance.

The dean came to look for Muzi, and was a little surprised and relieved to see this scene, "She is very dependent on you."

"Really." Muzi lowered his head and smiled, "Maybe I owe her."

Coming out of the nursing home, Muzi sat in the car and looked at the dark sky thoughtfully.

With a sad face, Gu Yi entered the hospital with big bags and small bags, avoided the reporters and entered the elevator, and immediately changed his face.

Before Gu Yi entered the ward, Gu Mengqing smelled the aroma of the food, and stood at the door impatiently waiting.

"The nose is good enough." Gu Yi took out the lunch boxes one by one, "There are really only a lot of reporters at the door, and the popularity of the news hasn't come down for so many days."

"This is the effect I want." Gu Mengqing opened the lid of the lunch box, and saw that the chicken soup inside immediately withered, "Why is it chicken soup again?"

"Be patient, my mother called me today and asked me to cook chicken soup for you, and it must be black-bone chicken."

Gu Mengqing sighed, picked up the spoon and buried her head in the meal, without even thinking about saying a word.

Secretary He walked in through the back door of the hospital, "Chairman, as you guessed, Zheng Mingci went directly to the company today."

"This old fox." Gu Yi put down his phone and looked at Gu Mengqing, "Shouldn't you close the net?"

"Secretary He, you are keeping an eye on the company. When Zheng Mingci will hold a shareholders' meeting, when will we close the Internet."

He Lianchen and Shenyi didn't collect much information, and they were about to leave for the Zheng Group's head office.

He Lianchen, who was rarely idle, just lay down on the sofa in the office when the door of the office was pushed open.

The secretary stood at the door and said, "Chairman, someone wants to see you. She said her name is Zhao Fangqing."

"Let her in." He Lianchen hurriedly stood up, staring at the door with hawk-like eyes.

Muzi entered the office, felt He Lianchen's hostility and didn't feel scared, so he sat opposite him: "My name is Muzi, and I'm Zheng Mingci's underground lover."

"What do you want to say to me?"

"Sure enough, she is a smart person." Muzi said with great admiration, "Your wife is also a smart person, she will be surprised to see me when she is here, but she knows that I am not her mother."

When mentioning the reception, He Lianchen looked at Muzi even more ruthlessly, "I don't hit women, you should be glad you hit Gu Mengqing, I won't just ask for it back."

"You must retaliate, sometimes you and Zheng Mingci really look alike." Muzi grinned, and took out a USB flash drive from his bag, "The things in this can help you defeat Zheng Mingci, we I know that you are going to attack the headquarters of the Zheng Group.

Of course, Zheng Mingci also knew. "

He Lianchen frowned after hearing her words, "Your words are somewhat true and somewhat false, why do you think I will believe them."

"Because if you don't believe it, then Gu Mengqing is really dead this time."

"What's the meaning."

"Do you really think Zheng Mingci believed the news that Gu Mengqing was going to die?" Muzi took out his phone and turned on a recording.

There are two conversational voices in the recording, one is Zheng Mingci and the other is Jayden.

"Chairman, I came out of the hospital. I'm not sure whether Gu Mengqing's serious injury is true or not. '

' Then there is no need to be sure, whether it is true or false, the result is still in my hands. '

'The subordinates understand. '

Muzi raised his eyebrows, "Now do you think what I said is true or false?"

He Lianchen got up and walked to the window, looking at the dark sky and lost in thought.

The relationship between Muzi and Zheng Mingci is definitely not simple. Her sudden win made He Lianchen suspicious, worried that this would be a trap set by Zheng Mingci.

"I love Zheng Mingci, but as much as I love him, I hate him." Muzi's tone was calm, and the expression on his face was gentle, "I know he loves me, but his love just makes me Become his pawn, subordinate, tool.

Among so many identities, none of them can really talk to him.I want to be his wife, but I know it's impossible in this life. "

Her words caused He Lianchen to fall into deep thought again, and after a long silence, he slowly asked, "What's your condition?"

Raising his hand to take off the necklace around his neck, Muzi looked at it and threw it into the trash can, "There is always a line in TV dramas, 'You can't die, you can't live'.

What Zheng Mingci really cares about is whether you win or lose this game. "

"Okay!" He Lianchen turned and leaned against the window, looked at Muzi and said firmly, "The Zheng Group will be transferred to the M Group, and Zheng Mingci's money status will also disappear, I promise you this. "

"It's very comfortable to talk to smart people." Muzi pushed the USB flash drive towards He Lianchen, "The neat group information that you can't find out is all in it, and I copied it from his computer."

"To help you with all this, I also have a request."

"This is a win-win situation for us, and you still have to ask me."

"Reshape your face back to what it was."

It was the first time someone said such a thing to Muzi, let her be herself.

Looking at He Lianchen's deep eyes with a sense of loss, Muzi pursed his lips and did not speak, the corners of his lips trembled slightly, holding back tears.

He Lianchen stretched out a finger and scratched his head, picked up the U disk on the table and sat down in front of the computer, explaining: "Don't get me wrong, I'm just different The face will feel sad."

It would be great if Zheng Mingci was a man like He Lianchen, Muzi thought to himself.

"I promise you, after your work is completed, I will go back to the hospital abroad and return to my original appearance." Muzi's voice became softer, and he said the inner sentence that lingered in his heart, "Be myself again."

The data in the USB flash drive is the data records of the Zheng Group since its inception, detailing the detailed transactions of each contract.

The previous data is quite normal, but He Lianchen's furrowed brows become tighter and tighter as he looks back.

On the surface, Zheng's Group is a large group with strong strength, but in fact it is a leather bag company, and the contracts signed are all fake.

Can't wait to pick up the mobile phone next to him, He Lianchen directly made a video call to Shenyi.

Just coming out of the bathroom, Shen Yi, who didn't even have time to wipe off the water on his body, thought something happened to him, so he hurried to the study with the phone.

"When will you change your habit of looking for me at night." Shenyi sat on a chair with his upper body bare, "It's really annoying."

He Lianchen switched the camera to the rear and pointed it at the computer screen, "Look carefully, what does this mean?"

A bunch of numbers made Shenyi feel upset and irritable, but when he looked at it, he realized that it was not a bunch of ordinary numbers, and he immediately realized it.

"Zheng's Group is just an empty shell, the transaction and cooperation are all made by him!"

"Not only that." He Lianchen slid the mouse down, "The funds he used to acquire TJ this time were embezzled from other projects."

"If he fails to sell this one, the Zheng Group will be completely ruined."

"It's his subsidiary in city A that's finished, not the head office. After all, his revolving profit circulation system has nothing to do with this side, and there is no gap." He Lianchen added.

Shenyi put his arms on the table against his forehead, seriously thinking about the next step.

"If there is a gap in the head office, it is to cut off his capital chain."

"That's right." He Lianchen nodded in agreement, "This just happened to meet our original plan."

Outside the study door, Li Sufei held the milk and stretched her ears, wondering what they were plotting.

Shenyi hung up the phone, Li Sufei knocked on the door and walked in, put the milk by his hand.

Sitting in his arms, he tentatively asked, "Are you going on a business trip?"

"It's Helian Chen."

"Oh." Li Sufei nodded thoughtfully, and then asked, "Did he divorce Mengqing because Mengqing cheated on him?"

Insinuating sideways, probing left and right, Li Sufei intentionally reversed what was in her heart, and waited expectantly for his answer, wanting to reveal something.

Shenyi naturally understood her carelessness, and felt that Li Sufei was extremely cute, so he turned his head to the other side and slightly bent his mouth.

But how could a cunning fox like him take the bait in the face of the little white rabbit's provocation and temptation.

"That's their business, I don't know."

"Nonsense, you must know, just don't tell me."

"Oh." Shenyi pretended to be surprised, "My wife actually found out, it seems that my husband is eating to death."

Li Sufei hit his chest with a soft fist, angrily stomped and dragged him back to the bedroom.

He Lianchen is now looking at the neon lights of the opposite building from the window, recalling Muzi's words just now, and carefully went over Muzi's expression when he spoke in his mind.

Muzi's turning point came suddenly, and he was a little pleasantly surprised. It can be said that he was Liren who could hit Zheng Mingci's vitals with one shot.

Coming out of M Group, Muzi was not in a hurry to go home, and drove on the busy street.

It was already dark when I came out of the nursing home, and it was almost eight o'clock when I came out after talking with He Lianchen.

The city has changed from hustle and bustle to excitement, and the most exciting time of the day begins slowly.

Zheng Mingci was sitting on the sofa in the living room with a glass of red wine, staring intently at the handle of the door, and rushed past when he heard the sound of the door opening.

Holding Muzi tightly in his arms, Zheng Mingci greedily smelled the perfume on her body, and closed his eyes contentedly.

Resisting the urge to lift his head and push him away, Muzi asked nonchalantly, "Why are you here with me?"

"I miss you."

"Have all the reporters been dealt with?"

"I miss you so much, I can't care about them." Zheng Mingci kissed Muzi's cheek and said fascinatedly, "You are so charming."

'But I think you're disgusting. ' Muzi swallowed the words, and changed it to, "Let me go, I'm tired, I want to take a bath."

Zheng Mingci let go of her white and tender hand, and gently squeezed it twice: "Soon, we can go back to the past."

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