Exclusive heroine of the Imperial General

Chapter 157: Wei Siyuan jumped off the building

Wei Siyuan walked into the elevator and was in the corner, and the other employees in the elevator moved aside when they saw her coming in.

Despondent and devoid of human appearance, this is the most suitable description for Wei Siyuan now.

Now her mind is full of the ugly face of Zheng Mingci just now, and then she slowly becomes the crazy Zheng Zining, and then there is the inner sentence that keeps playing in the loop in her mind, 'she is just a surprise that I didn't plan'.

The elevator reached the first floor and everyone went down. Wei Siyuan was the only one left in the small space. She raised her arm stiffly and pressed the button on the top floor of the Zheng Group.

The roof of Zheng's Group is the rest area for the employees. Wei Siyuan sat on the sofa, watching the slowly setting sun, and the images of her time with Zheng Mingci appeared in her mind like a movie.

Raising his hand, he broke the diamond necklace around his neck, and the pendant shone colorfully in the sun.

Wei Siyuan still remembered how happy she was when she received this necklace. She was so moved by Zheng Mingci that she almost cried.

From the initial witness of love, this necklace has now become a mockery of witnessing their love.

Wei Siyuan raised her hand vigorously, and the necklace flew out of her hand.

Gu Mengqing felt tired and wanted to go back to the bedroom to rest, but she stopped when passing by Gu Qiming's study.

The image of Gu Qiming falling on the ground appeared in his mind again, and he slowly stretched out his hand and put it on the doorknob.

Pushing open the door of the study, what Gu Qiming likes is the scent of sandalwood.Every time Secretary He arranged for someone to clean, he would specifically order to light the sandalwood in the study.

Sitting on the seat where Gu Qiming used to sit, Gu Mengqing looked at Zhao Fangqing's photo on the desk and laughed.

Leaning back on the chair, Gu Mengqing saw that everything in the study was the same as before, as if nothing had changed.

Ever since Gu Qiming's accident, she had never been in the study room, she was always afraid that once the door was opened, Gu Qiming would fall to the ground with his eyes closed as she remembered.

Unknowingly, he thought of He Lianchen again, he was the one who rescued her from this painful memory, he was the one who made Gu Mengqing feel that love was beautiful, but now it was him who shattered all her happiness.

Gu Mengqing knew that He Lianchen loved her, so she didn't believe that He Lianchen would really divorce her.

According to the plot in the dream, the instigator of all this is Zheng Mingci.

The sudden thought of the mobile phone broke the calm, Gu Mengqing picked up the mobile phone and immediately frowned when she saw that it was Wei Siyuan's call.

The bell kept ringing, and there was no intention of hanging up. Gu Mengqing thought about it, and still connected the phone, "Hello."

"Hey, it's me."

"I know." Wei Siyuan's voice sounded a bit wrong, Gu Mengqing was too lazy to talk nonsense with her, "Do you have something to do?"

"Zi Ning is crazy."

"Oh." Gu Mengqing sneered, "She deserves it."

"Gu Mengqing, she just likes Mei Yibai, why can't you help her."

"You should ask Mei Yibai, not me."

"Gu Mengqing, all of this is caused by Zheng Mingci, and he also asked me to mess with your Gu family." Wei Siyuan said all these things that were suppressed in her heart.

Gu Mengqing sat up straight, "Wei Siyuan, my dad's health was fine, you changed his medicine, right?"

"You promise me something, and I'll tell you everything." Wei Siyuan looked up at the dazzling sunset without blinking her eyes.

Although she didn't know what medicine Wei Siyuan sold in the gourd, Gu Mengqing nodded and said in a deep voice, "I promise you."

"Break Zheng Mingci, no matter what method you use, let him go to hell!" Wei Siyuan gritted her teeth, and said bitterly, "He is a beast, he even plots against his own daughter, I put all my heart on him body!
He still treats me like this. "

"I have already agreed, tell me everything you know." Gu Mengqing took the phone and turned on the screen, turning on the call recording mode.

"I changed the medicine, Zheng Mingci bribed the doctor in the hospital, and Zheng Mingci gave me the money for TJ. Marrying your father was also arranged by Zheng Mingci." Wei Siyuan stood up and walked to the edge of the rooftop Going up, I climbed over the guardrail and received it with my back facing me, "I've said everything I need to say, Gu Mengqing remember what you promised me, let Zheng Mingci go to hell."

Gu Mengqing was hung up before she could answer the phone.

Wei Siyuan threw the phone on the ground and leaned back.The constant feeling made her a little uncomfortable, and she opened her hands to feel the last trace of warmth in the world.

The tears flowing out were as beautiful as jewels, and Wei Siyuan fell to the ground, her vision blurred due to blood congestion.

After a second of bone-piercing pain, Wei Siyuan closed her eyes, and the last words in her heart were, 'I'm finally free. '

Passers-by were startled by the sudden situation, they called 120 for those who called 120, and called [-] for those who called the police.

Most of the people were taking pictures with their mobile phones. Someone committed suicide by jumping off the building of Zheng Group. This is not a small news.

"Do you think this is the wife of the chairman of Zheng's Group, Zheng Zining's mother?"

"It seems to be true."

"My gosh, this was absolutely forced."

"It must be the mistress who forced the wife to death again. The rich are rich and rich."

There were more and more people outside the company. The security guard went over and saw that he was almost scared and sat on the ground, and hurried back to the company.

He knocked on the table at the front desk and stammered, "Go quickly, go and inform the chairman, yes, someone jumped off the building."

Jayden received the notification from the front desk and hurried to tell Zheng Mingci: "Chairman, Wei Siyuan jumped off the building, and she is outside our company."

"What!" Zheng Mingci walked to the French windows and saw a group of people downstairs in the company, with a vague figure in the middle lying in a pool of blood, "Damn it, if you die, you will make trouble for me."

"You leave from the back door of the company first, and I'll deal with it right away." Jayden was very calm, and after arranging everything, he took Zheng Ming to resign from the company's underground parking lot.

The car had already started, and the driver stepped on the accelerator as soon as Zheng Mingci got up.

After passing by the crowd of onlookers, Zheng Mingci took a look inside, and Wei Siyuan fell into a pool of blood, bleeding from eyes, nose and ears.

"Go quickly!"

Gu Mengqing put down the phone and felt that something was wrong, and when she called again, no one answered.

There were thumping footsteps on the stairs. Wei Nianjin saw that the door of the study room was open, so he hurried over and handed the phone to Gu Mengqing, "Wei Siyuan jumped off the building."

"What?" Gu Mengqing took a look at the phone and realized that Wei Siyuan's call just now was her last call.

"How could someone like her jump off a building?"

Gu Mengqing thought about going to the bedroom to change clothes. Wei Nianjin followed her and grabbed the clothes from her hand: "You can't go out now."

"I'm fine, long-sleeved trousers will never catch cold."

"Gu Mengqing!"

"Wei Siyuan left me a last word, and she told me everything." Gu Mengqing took back the clothes and looked at Wei Nianjin, "Zheng Zining is crazy, I should thank her, I should go."

Gu Mengqing called Secretary He and drove to the hospital, and made contact in advance. The doctor was waiting at the entrance of the hospital early, and saw her get off the car and went to meet her a few steps.

"You haven't recovered well, so you don't need to come here in person."

"It's okay." Gu Mengqing shook her head, not taking his polite words anymore, "Where are you?"

"Knowing that you are coming over, I found a ward with a single room and put it away first." The doctor is very good at work, knowing that Gu Mengqing just lost her child and can't catch a cold, so she didn't send her to the morgue.

The impact of falling from a height of dozens of floors was too great, and Wei Siyuan's head was already deformed. Although the doctor did a simple treatment, it still looked a little scary.

Gu Mengqing stood at the door of the ward and made mental preparations, but when she saw Wei Siyuan lying on the hospital bed without anger, her heart still skipped a beat.

Secretary He did not go into the ward when he arrived at the hospital, but stood at the door waiting patiently for Gu Mengqing.

Through the glass on the door of the ward, he saw the look in Gu Mengqing's eyes, a little sad and helpless.

"I will do what I promised you, and I will take care of Zheng Zining, so let's go with peace of mind."

As soon as Gu Mengqing came out, Secretary He put the blanket on her shoulders.Gu Mengqing froze for a moment, but did not refuse.

"I've already arranged the cemetery. The environment is very good with mountains and water." Secretary He shared a skill with Gu Qiming for so many years.

You don't need them to say much, you can see through their minds and do things perfectly.

"Well, thank you for your hard work."

The two walked out side by side, Gu Mengqing tightly grasped the blanket on her body, got into the car and covered the blanket over her legs.

"What's going on in Zheng's group?"

"The reporters were in vain, Zheng Mingci must have left through the back door long ago." Secretary He started the car, "I checked the Zheng Group thoroughly in the past few days, Zheng Mingci is actually nothing, just a paper tiger.

The big one is his inner secretary, Jayden. "

Gu Mengqing recalled that the first time she met Jayden was when the Zheng Group held a reception and he came to send invitations.

He shouldn't look very old, and he looks handsome. If he doesn't make a sound, he won't notice him.

But his eyes are very different, like an eagle.In the face of He Lianchen's cynicism, he can pretend not to care, but his eyes seem to be staring at his prey.

It is inevitable, but also with some excitement.

"Has he contacted our shareholders yet?"

"I haven't met, but all three of them have remitted a large sum of money into their accounts."

Frowning and sighing, Gu Mengqing turned her head to look at the passing street outside the window.

Zheng Mingci wanted to attack TJ, it was okay to be obvious, but if he was playing tricks, then it was really hard to deal with.

In ancient times, there were 36 strategies and the art of war. Gu Mengqing remembered that Gu Qiming said to her, "The shopping mall is the battlefield. If he plays dirty, then you have to think about how to play him to death." '

"Did the news that I was kidnapped go down?"

"It was suppressed by the chairman of LA."

"You spread the news tomorrow, saying that I was kidnapped and seriously injured. It may not be long before the more serious the better." Gu Mengqing thought for a while, and then said, "You go to a private hospital and communicate with the director to arrange a hospital for me." ward, and find someone to guard outside the ward.”

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