CEO's Sweet Wife

Chapter 87 Meet Again

Soon he will face graduation, if he has the title of team leader, it will only help him, but now...

The sunlight poured into the office and fell on the potted plants on the ground in front of the floor-to-ceiling windows, and the green branches glowed with soft light.
The assistant told He Zefeng what happened to the scientific research team just now.
Hearing this, He Zefeng narrowed his long and narrow eyes slightly, flashing a hint of interest.
"If she didn't do anything, she wouldn't be Shen Wanbai. Keep staring at them, and report to me immediately if she makes any move."
The assistant nodded and left with a puzzled look on his face.
Mr. He is really weird, what are you asking him to stare at other people?
He Zefeng opened the drawer on the left, and took out a photo from it. In the photo, Shen Wanbai was smiling brightly. This was a photo she took when she joined the International Medical Association.
Her confidence and beauty attracted He Zefeng's attention.
He Zefeng's thumb touched the photo, and finally landed on Shen Wanbai's face, there was a hint of softness in his cold eyes.
If the assistant was present, he would be surprised, because He Zefeng has never shown such an expression this year.
He used to think that he would never find Shen Wanbai again, but now that Shen Wanbai is back, he will never let go!
In a blink of an eye, it was the noon break time, Shen Wanbai was waiting for Andy outside the bathroom, and a person came out from the men's bathroom on the other side.
When Wang Dalin saw Shen Wanbai, he did not leave in a hurry, but walked across to her.
He smiled politely: "Shen Wan Bai, I want to talk to you alone, is it convenient for you now?"
Shen Wan Bai frowned, she glanced into the bathroom, and nodded when she saw that Andy hadn't come out yet.
"Okay, just say it here."
There was no one around now, but Wang Dalin still cautiously looked around, and finally looked at Shen Wanbai.
His voice was deliberately lowered: "I didn't intend to make things difficult for you just now, I was also angry with me at the time, don't mind."
Shen Wan Bai was a little surprised, and then smiled: "It's okay, we are all classmates, there is no need to make the atmosphere embarrassing like a playground, it's actually not a big deal, if I do something wrong at work in the future, please bear with me. "
She thought Wang Dalin was sincerely apologizing to her, so she didn't take it seriously.
But the next moment what he said made Shen Wan Bai feel very astonished.
Wang Dalin stared at Shen Wanbai's exquisite facial features, a trace of calculation flashed in his eyes.
"I want to make a deal with you."
Shen Wanbai narrowed his eyes slightly: "What do you mean?"
The corner of Wang Dalin's mouth was still smiling, but for some reason, Shen Wanbai felt uncomfortable.
After a pause, Wang Dalin moved his body closer to Shen Wanbai. The stranger's approach made Shen Wanbai very uncomfortable, so he took a step back.
"Senior, just tell me what you have, I'll listen."
Wang Dalin's eyes were originally small, but now they are narrowed, and it is hard to see what he is thinking.
"Hehe, we are all classmates. You must help me with this task. Can you advance some funds for the project to me? I'm in a hurry."
The medical association has regulations that cannot advance funds, Shen Wanbai thought it was impossible for Wang Dalin not to know, but now he came to her...
Seeing Shen Wanbai's scruples, Wang Dalin said: "I really need it urgently. I am also a doctor now. There are many places to spend my money. I only need it for a few days. I will pay it back when the time comes."
Shen Wanbai smiled politely.
"Senior, I'm sorry, it's not that I won't help you, I can't violate the rules, no, if you really need money, I can lend it to you, and it's not impossible for you to pay me back when the time comes."
Wang Dalin was a little angry when he saw Shen Wanbai's reluctance, but he didn't show it on his face, and the smile on the corner of his mouth deepened a lot.
"Wan Bai, I know you are afraid of being found out, but we are all classmates, how could I harm you, besides, the money I need is not a small amount."
"How much?" Shen Wan Bai was a little impatient, thinking that Wang Dalin was probably here to find fault.
When she was in school, she heard from friends that Wang Dalin had a bad reputation. She didn't believe it at first, but now it seems...
Wang Dalin stared at Shen Wanbai, now he suddenly found that she was not bad, so he looked Shen Wanbai up and down without any trace.
Women's intuition is always sensitive, Shen Wan Bai couldn't help frowning.
"Senior? You haven't answered my question yet. How much money do you need? If I can help, I will definitely help."
"Not much, 20 million!"
Shen Wanbai's expression is solemn, this is not a small amount, she has been saving money for teaching fees and supporting herself all these years abroad, and now she only has [-] in her whole body.
"Sorry, I may not be able to help you either."
Wang Dalin said slowly: "Just help me this time, I swear that I will get the money back. By the way, next week I will pay the manuscript fee for my paper published in Miscellaneous. You are still worried that I will take this money?" Can the money run away?"
Shen Wanbai smiled lightly, but the smile didn't reach his eyes, and at the same time kept a distance from Wang Dalin.
"I'm really sorry, I really can't help you with this."
Wang Dalin was very annoyed, he had already talked about this, Shen Wanbai did not know good from bad.
Shen Wan Bai continued: "I still have something to do, can you go first?"
Hearing this, Wang Dalin sneered: "You are really good!"
"Wan Bai, why are you here, I've been looking for you for a long time!"
Andy's voice came from behind, Shen Wan Bai waved at her: "Here, I'll wait for you here, if you don't come out again, I plan to go eat by myself."
Andy smiled, then stared at Wang Dalin.
"What are you doing here?"
Wang Dalin left without saying anything, which made Andy confused.
"What did you all say?"
Shen Wanbai looked at his back: "He borrowed money from me, but I didn't."
Andy said angrily: "Tch, I don't know him very well, by the way, if he comes to you in the future, don't pay attention to him."
Andy leaned close to Shen Wanbai's ear, mysteriously.
"You don't know him yet. His reputation has always been bad. Anyway, I'd rather believe it. Anyway, it's good to be on guard. Just listen to me."
"Okay, I listen to you, let's go, let's go eat something quickly, I'm almost hungry."
The two of them held intimate wrists, and just about to press the elevator after entering the elevator, someone shouted in front of them.
"Wait, there are still people!"
Shen Wanbai quickly opened the elevator, looked up and saw He Zefeng and his assistant walking towards each other.
Suddenly, Shen Wan Bai was stunned, she regretted not closing the elevator.
Seeing Shen Wanbai's reaction, He Zefeng's eyes dimmed little by little.
After He Zefeng entered the elevator, Shen Wanbai quietly took a few steps back until his body was pressed against the elevator wall.

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