CEO's Sweet Wife

Chapter 657 Cooperation

When Cheng's family personally supervised him sending the girl to the airport, the old man was stunned. He saw a large number of people running towards his home from the very beginning.

Thinking there was some movement, Luan called Xu Beishan urgently, for fear of slowing down.

Zhang Tuo led someone to knock on the door of Xu's house. Looking at the old man's face of confusion, he probably knew that this matter had not been spread yet, and Miss Xu was even more embarrassed to tell the old man.

But it's still very polite, say hello to the old man first, so you have to speak slowly, it's best not to get angry with the old man.

"Mr. Xu, hello, I'm Zhang Tuo who is beside Mr. Chen. I need to talk to Ms. Xu about something today, and I hope you can cooperate."

It's not that the old man doesn't know that Mr. Chen has a secretary surnamed Zhang by his side. He usually takes pictures of some important things for him. Now it's about his granddaughter, and it's not easy for this secretary to do it. It reminded me of Xu Beishan's distraught appearance when she came back this morning.

There was a bit of doubt in my heart, but although the old man was old, his mind was still as active as a young man's, so it didn't take long to guess what happened.

There was something wrong with the look in his eyes, and he suddenly became elusive, but Zhang Tuo didn't doubt it, and he didn't panic, all he had to do was follow Chen Yushen's order.

"Young man, old man, I'm just such a granddaughter. If you want to touch him, you have to ask me if I agree?"

Mr. Xu disagrees, but what does it have to do with disagreement?People like Chen Yushen didn't always act like this when they did things to the children of the older generation. Now this time, it's all for the sake of Mrs. Chen.

Zhang Tuo smiled, still looking polite, but there was a cold light behind the lens.

"You should understand that because Ms. Xu always accompanies the old lady, Mr. Chen has been extra merciful. As long as the old man sends him away, there will be no problem. We have already prepared the air ticket, and I hope you can hand over the lady Come out, and save us trouble, other departments."

Chen Yushen fully grasped the evidence, and even found the records of the medicine.Although it is hidden very deep, it is still a trivial matter if you want to find it.

Zhang Tuo handed over the tablet he was carrying in his hand. It was full of evidence. If it was forged, it would be a model of bad intentions.

"If you think we can correct these evidences, then we will also face legal sanctions, so I hope you face the facts and don't let Miss Xu and you be further stimulated. This is not good for everyone."

This one who has been hiding in the room, shivering.He had heard the sound of the door opening downstairs and heard the quarrel between the old man and those people. He had never seen this man before, and only knew his name was Zhang Tuo.

The secretary next to Chen Yushen was haunted by Geng Qiu, which was already very uncomfortable, and even this Geng Qiu was a difficult character to deal with.

He kept biting his nails, the originally very bright color was gnawed off in an instant, and his fingers were gnawed bald.

In the end, they were sent away, and Xu Beishan couldn't believe it the moment she boarded the plane.The old man who loves me the most, sent me to the plane with his own hands.

It's not like going to some high-end place. From the moment I get the ticket, I feel stupid.Africa! ?

Go there to feed the mosquitoes?Africa is so backward, and there is no basic equipment.

right!The past is to be a volunteer!
"Thank you, old man, for your cooperation, Ms. Xu. After landing, I will definitely be a help to the team. When malaria officially breaks out in the local area, one more person will be more powerful."

After Zhang Tuo dropped these words, Mr. Xu's complexion quickly turned dark.But there is no way to hate iron but not steel.

There are very few people who know the inside story, so few have seen the video.I don't have the guts to send things out, so do I have to die?Although Xu Jia was not as good as the Chen family, he was still one of the largest families in the city.

Such a thing happened outside, Su Jingxing received the news.There is also a way to get the video.On the one hand, he was lamenting that Chen Yushen really dared to attack Xu Beishan, and on the other hand, he was also doubting.

Why did Chen Yushen care so much about Su Jingyun? If it was just because this face was exactly the same as that of his ex-wife, then there was no need.

Now that Su Jingyun is really devastated, how can she have so much free time to take care of these things.

I don't know what's wrong with this, but suddenly I have a feeling that the whole world is against me.Why can't even deal with the copier now?

Standing next to the copier, Su Jingyun was furious.I kept holding back and didn't release it to the outside world. After all, everyone present was innocent. It would be my own negligence if I wanted to spit people out like this casually.

"Why hasn't the maintenance uncle come? If he doesn't come, no one will be able to use this copier."

Su Jingyun asked the service desk. On the surface, the service desk was respectful, but behind the scenes, it was not doing anything.

It was a man who answered the phone, but according to Su Jingyun's knowledge, I know.The service desk has always called a man in our class, and all the young ladies are familiar with him.

"I'm really sorry, the master at the service desk is under maintenance, and it's elsewhere. Please wait a moment and leave your phone number and address, and we will let the master go after it is over."

The tone was extremely negligent, and one could hear how disdainful the other party was.

Su Jingyun is not a guy who can hold a boat in her stomach. She can hold a small red flag in her stomach, which is considered good.

"Then don't let the master come over, just drive this master and change to a more professional one. You don't need to go to work anymore, I still have this right."

After finishing speaking, he hung up the phone, and the people next to him also heard this sentence.No one dared to provoke Su Jingyun, what if someone fired her?
And it's still in your own department, and the service department downstairs can be opened, so wouldn't it be easier for people in your own department to open it?

Su Jingyun really couldn't handle the copier, so she just yelled in the whole office.

"Who will fix the printer for me and roll here quickly? I'll count to three seconds. If there is no one, then you all go back and rest."

Every year, people who want to join the Su Group are like Guo Jiang Zhiqing. Even if people from one department are laid off, people from the next department will fill them up.

Constantly never be afraid.

"Don't believe it. He is the only one who has the right to fire our entire department. Don't forget who is in our department. If you want to fire us, we should replace her first!"

Everyone who doesn't know who this voice is agrees with, but the only ones who agree with it are those who sneak in through the back door, that's all. Offend this big guy.

I made Roujiamo, the pie in the middle, and I was in a dilemma. I wanted to stand up and print something. If I offended the children of those high-ranking corporate officials, I couldn’t keep my position.

After thinking about it, I finally decided to go out and find a copy shop, which was also very fast.But here comes the problem, as soon as he stood up, holding a USB flash drive and a bag in his hand, he was stopped when he walked out the door.

Su Jingyun had figured it out a long time ago, but she really didn't do much research on the things. Find someone who uses it frequently to take a look and probably know what went wrong and where to connect.

"Hey, the one in the white jacket. Come here, little girl. Let's see what's wrong with this printer?"

For a moment, the eyes of the entire office today were focused on this little girl who was about to go out, and everyone in Lolo was dumbfounded.I was just about to go out, so how did I get called?What a pity.

The eyeballs were still a little frightened for a moment, flickering.Those in the back who fish, play games, fall in love and go out to eat, drink and have fun all day, threaten with their eyes that this is absolutely not allowed.

Su Jingyun didn't care at all, shouldn't it be her own project that she should care about?It was they who found fault on their own, even if they fired all the people, they couldn't blame themselves.

She looked arrogant, but there was nothing she could do about it. Who told her to be the daughter of the big boss?
"Manager, you called me." Luoluo was very wronged. She was just an ordinary girl who came to work, and it was a great luck to be able to join the Su Group.

But why do these people have to bring themselves in the struggle between them? I walked over resignedly, and the moment I saw the printer, I knew there was a problem there. .

All the problems were solved in three or two strokes. Su Jingyun knew that these people must be deliberately embarrassing herself, but now she doesn't have time to argue with them, so she has already copied things and wants to go quickly. It's just a new one. The contest of rounds has begun again.

Luo Luo also needs to use the printer, so he has been waiting by the side.

Su Jingyun was getting more and more strange, and the amount of paper for copying was getting less and less.In the end, even a complete document could not be printed out, and the copy paper that was originally placed on the side disappeared.

Luo Luo, I really don't know where to go this time, if I want to find it, I should go to the shredder to find the note!

"Manager, don't look at me like that. If you want to look for it, go to the shredder! I'm going out to find a copy shop now. I still have a very important project in my hand. The plan for this project will be released today. handed over."

In the end, he was not afraid of offending these people, Luo Luo still felt that the most important thing was to do his job well first.

Su Jingyun was a little stunned, but she didn't expect this little girl to be upright, otherwise she wouldn't want to go out with a USB flash drive to find a copy shop, or a colleague on another floor!
Seeing Luo Luo pitiful, Su Jingyun also knew that the atmosphere in their office was like this, always bullying newcomers.

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