CEO's Sweet Wife

Chapter 645 Safety Measures

Huo Tianhua opened the door involuntarily, and suddenly thought of something, so he told Luo Jiali to stand still, he went back to the room to pack their luggage, and then hurried back to the door.

"Let's go." After speaking, he drove away with Luo Jiali.

This action was done in one go, leaving no room for everyone to react.

The only two people who knew the truth were left looking at each other.

"Boss, what happened to them?" Liao Yu asked strangely.

"A major event in life!" Liu Sisi didn't explain much, and went back to her room to pack her things after speaking.

Without Luo Jiali and the others, there is no need for them to continue playing.

As soon as she returned to her room, she saw the little boy Luo Jirui sitting on the floor of her room playing Sudoku.

Liu Sisi never liked to dabble in this kind of high IQ game, wouldn't she make herself feel guilty?

However, Luo Jirui inherited Huo Tianhua's genes, so she likes this kind of beneficial game.

She was having a great time playing alone, and she didn't realize that her parents had abandoned her and left.

"Xiao Rui, wake up, we are going back." Liu Sisi walked to her side and said softly.

Luo Jirui raised her head, with a puzzled look on her face, "Didn't you say you want to play for a few more days? Xiaorui hasn't played enough yet."

"Your daddy and mommy are busy, so let's go back first, let's go back too." Liu Sisi coaxed patiently.

"Daddy and Mommy went back? Why didn't they take Xiaorui with them?"

Looking at her innocent little eyes, Liu Sisi naturally wouldn't tell her because she might have a little brother.So her father and mother were so excited that they forgot her existence.

"They left too hastily, let you go back with Aunt Sisi." Liu Sisi was so patient.

"Okay." There was a little disappointment in Luo Jirui's eyes.

She likes it here very much. She thought she could play for two more days, but she didn't expect that she would go back soon.

Liu Sisi brought too much luggage, so after comforting Luo Jirui, she hurried to pack it.

Fei Yi took his suitcase and went to Liu Sisi's room. He knew she had a lot of things, so he came to help.

"Little Yiyi, help me get the facial cleanser in the bathroom!"

"Little Yiyi, help me see if my cotton pad is on the dressing table."

"Xiao Yiyi, Xiao Yiyi, and my purple jacket, do you see where it is?"

Liu Sisi treated Fei Yi as her servant throughout the whole process, and she was also a hard-working servant.

Luo Jirui was stunned watching there, so she imitated Liu Sisi and grabbed Fei Yi's milk and said angrily, "Little Yiyi, although I want milk!"

Fei Yi's face was full of black lines, and he gave Liu Sisi a resentful look.

"Xiaorui, if you want to call me uncle, you can't call me like that!"

Liu Sisi said to Luo Jirui with a smirk.

"But, Aunt Sisi, why can you call Uncle Xiao Yiyi?" The innocent face was full of curiosity.

"Ahem——" Fei Yi coughed twice, and patted her head, "Children can't call adults' names like that, otherwise it's impolite."

"Then wouldn't it be impolite for adults to call this name?" Luo Jirui didn't understand even more.

This time Fei Yi is really the first and the second big.

Liu Sisi, the chief culprit, took pleasure in other's misfortune.

Over there, Huo Tianhua brought Luo Jiali to the hospital. The moment Luo Jiali got out of the car and saw the hospital gate, Luo Jiali really realized that she was suddenly a little nervous.

"Tianhua, could it be that we made a mistake, why don't we go back and buy a pregnancy test stick?" Luo Jiali looked confused.

Huo Tianhua knew that she was nervous, so he grabbed her hand and shook it tightly. "It's okay, don't be nervous, we're all in the hospital anyway, so come check it out."

Being held by him, Luo Jiali finally felt relieved.

The hospital was full of people in a hurry, filled with the smell of disinfectant.

Huo Tianhua registered and took Luo Jiali to the obstetrics and gynecology department.

Sitting with a group of pregnant women, Luo Jiali suddenly thought of her own prenatal checkup.

At that time, she was abroad alone, unlike the pregnant women around her, who were accompanied by her husband or mother-in-law.

Thinking about it, it was really the most difficult moment in her life, but it was the happiest moment. The baby in her belly was all her hope.

Huo Tianhua looked at her a little distracted, knowing that she must have thought of himself back then, a sense of guilt welled up in his heart.

But he has always been not good at words, so he can only secretly make up his mind that he must spend the rest of his life being good to her.

"Luo Jiali!" A little nurse in the specialist outpatient room poked her head out and shouted.

"Don't worry, go in." Huo Tianhua gave her a soothing look, hoping to ease her anxiety.

Luo Jiali opened the door and walked in. It was a female doctor, and she was relieved.

She was most afraid of male obstetricians and gynecologists. It always felt awkward to talk about such intimate things with a man.

"How long has it been since menstruation?"

"Ah? Oh, it's more than half a month late." Luo Jiali always liked to say "period", so at first, she didn't react.

"Then you are quite big-hearted. You are already an adult. If you haven't had your menstruation for more than 5 days, you should pay more attention."

"I used to procrastinate occasionally, so I didn't pay much attention." Luo Jiali said embarrassingly.

"Have you taken safety measures in the same room recently?"

"No, we just want a child, so..." Although Luo Jiali is the mother of one child, she is still like a novice when it comes to this kind of thing, and she is very embarrassed.

The doctor also saw it, and smiled at her, "Don't be embarrassed, we're all grown-ups, and this is Luo Xu, after all, for you girls."

"Have you ever had a baby before?"

"It's been a few years."

"How many years? You look quite young." The doctor looked in disbelief, she thought she was the first child.

"Let's go for a B-ultrasound first, and wait for the results to come out."

The doctor gave her a slip and told her to go out first.

As soon as Luo Jiali came out, Huo Tianhua rushed to meet her, "What did the doctor say?"

"Don't get excited!" Luo Jiali tugged at him, and the pregnant women beside her were all giggling.

"Young man, it's your first time to be a father. Don't feel embarrassed. My husband used to be the same."

Said a pregnant woman next to her who looked a little older.

Huo Tianhua smiled in embarrassment, because Luo Jiali's first child was not with him, so many things were unfamiliar.So he pulled her away and asked, "What did the doctor say?"

Luo Jiali shook the list in her hand, "I have to go for a B-ultrasound first. There may be a lot of people, and we still have to wait."

After Huo Tianhua heard what he said, he immediately called the dean and asked him to arrange for Luo Jiali to have a B-ultrasound right away, and then get the report as soon as possible.

But no matter how urgent you are, it is useless. Only after the examination and holding the test sheet can the doctor make an accurate judgment. Otherwise, no matter how much you do or say, it will be useless.

When Luo Jiali came to the B-ultrasound room with the list, she realized that there was no one queuing outside her own B-ultrasound room.It seems that this is the so-called VIP treatment.

This is the second time for her to come to this place. The first time was abroad. At that time, because she was alone, her mood was very different from now.

Huo Tianhua watched her go in. Although they didn't speak, they felt the same anxiety and anticipation in their hearts.

In fact, Huo Tianhua wanted to have another child, not because of any other reasons, such as the ancient feudal thought of patriarchal patriarchy, but because, in his heart, he always had a regret, that is, he did not accompany Luo Jiali when she needed her. by her side.

He could imagine that when she was pregnant with Luo Jirui, she went outside alone with her big belly, went to the maternity check-up, went shopping alone, and endured strange looks from others, and went to the hospital with her big belly to earn money for milk powder. Work, all cold-eyed.

How difficult her life was at that time, I am afraid that others will not be able to understand it, only the person involved can feel the most profound.

But in Luo Jiali's heart, the child in her womb is all support, giving her the courage to live and the goal to strive for.

Huo Tianhua had missed many of the most important moments in her life, so he very much hoped that he would have the opportunity to let him accompany her to start over again.

Therefore, the moment he heard that she was pregnant, he felt apprehensive, but more joyful, and even felt a little overwhelmed as if he had just become a father.

When I knew that Luo Jirui was my daughter, she was already very big, not from the embryo in the stomach, so the feeling was very different, but no matter what the difference was, they were all him in this world, favorite person.

When Luo Jiali came out of the B-ultrasound room, Huo Tianhua had recovered his composure, and was no longer as excited as a little boy.

"I told the dean, let me know as soon as the report comes out, we don't have to wait until the afternoon to get the report, wait here, and then they will take out the report." Huo Tianhua explained.

Luo Jiali has been in a daze ever since Huo Tianhua took her away to the hospital. All of this seemed unreal. Suddenly, she thought of one thing, and it was the only thing she was worried about, "Tianhua, you said that if I got pregnant, Xiaorui and her Will you be unhappy?"

"How could it be! Xiaorui is a good child, she must also hope to have a little brother or a little sister. In the future, she can be a companion, so that she won't be too lonely." Huo Tianhua is very confident in his daughter, so he won't think that She is so narrow-minded.

"I think she is a child after all. We have a new baby, so we will inevitably ignore her feelings. What if she thinks we don't want her?" Luo Jiali asked worriedly.

"You think too much, no, even if you have a new baby, Xiaorui will always be our baby girl, our bowl of water is flat, she is so sensible, she doesn't think so much, maybe she really hopes There is a brother and sister!" Huo Tianhua comforted.

In fact, he didn't know much about it, he just felt that the boat would be straight when it reached the bridge, and it was too early to think about it.

There is actually a reason why Luo Jiali thinks this way. She is an orphan and lacks the love of her parents since she was a child.Later, she was adopted thinking that she could get some family affection, but because her adoptive parents had Zhang Mei, her biological daughter, she became redundant again.

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