Luo Jiali thought so, and also tried to unravel herself slowly in this process, he knew that he was also at fault, everyone has things they don't want to do, and there are people they hate.

But today, the person I want to thank happens to be the person she hates, so I don't have the right to force him, and I have to thank that person.

Otherwise, you are selfish, maybe you really are an out-and-out selfish ghost.

Thinking of this, Luo Jiali felt a little ashamed in her heart. She thought that when the man came, she must tell him well, or apologize to him. She messed up a good trip.

Maybe I should listen to him. If I stay at home like this, nothing will happen, and there will be no conflicts at night.

Tomorrow is still a day worth looking forward to. The three of them will take their wedding photos tomorrow, and then the two will spend the rest of their lives together without hesitation.

But what happened today is like a butterfly effect, just flapping one wing, a decision he made at a certain moment, affecting many things at once.

Maybe this is God's will.

Thinking of this, Luo Jiali suddenly felt very sad. She heard footsteps on the stairs, vaguely, and knew that it was the father and daughter who had returned.After a while, Huo Tianhua entered the door, walked up to her side, and pulled her into his arms.

"Are you still angry? I already know I was wrong. I have been reflecting on myself outside. I shouldn't blame. Everyone has their own ideas. All I have to do is respect you."

Luo Jiali was moved when she heard these words. He knew that the man in front of him was once domineering, but he was willing to lower his worth for himself, bow his head for himself, and make some changes for himself. These actions made her Not unimpressed.

"Don't say that. In fact, I was wrong. We should communicate well. I shouldn't drive you out. Besides, this incident has set a wrong example for our daughter. I am not a good mother. At least this time I make a mistake."

When Luo Jiali said this, her eyes suddenly turned red. For some reason, she just felt a little wronged.

"Since you've forgiven me, let's take wedding photos tomorrow as agreed, shall we?" Huo Tianhua asked for her opinion very patiently.

However, when Luo Jiali heard the words "take a wedding photo", she suddenly hesitated for a moment.

"I also considered this matter just now. I think we need to give each other some more time. Before we got along, there were no quarrels, only sweetness, but it won't always be like this in the future, it won't always be like this Yes, so we have to see our own hearts clearly, and we also need to see each other's hearts clearly, so that we have the courage to be together forever!"

After hearing this, Huo Tianhua's expression immediately changed. His eyebrows were deeply frowned, he took a deep breath, and kept working hard, restraining himself, hoping that he would not lose his temper again.

But when he heard this woman said that he had to think about it, he didn't have the courage to think about the future. This is their future, and this is the future he is looking forward to. His future can only be lived with this woman, but this woman is... hesitate.

"Are you saying you regret it? Do you regret being with me? I clearly said yes, why do you regret it now?"

Huo Tianhua's voice suddenly became extremely cold. He smiled coldly, raised his voice a little more, and asked:

"Why don't you talk? You answer me, you clearly promised, why are you going back now? It seems that you regret being with me, because I didn't give that man a good face, I have explained to you a lot Over and over, that man and I are natural enemies, sworn enemies, even if he saved you, I will not thank him."

Huo Tianhua's expression became very scary when he said this. Luo Jiali looked at the man in front of her as if she was looking at a stranger. She felt that she didn't know the man in front of her. Maybe this was a dream of her own. It's just a nightmare.

The man who dotes on himself and knows that he loves him may be lost by him.

"You don't talk anymore, you have lost your mind now, what you say is meaningless, it will only make our relationship worse."

"Worse? Is there anything worse than now? You are defending another man in front of me now, and you even gave up marrying me for him? We already have a lovely daughter, why can't you think about it? You don't know how hard it is, you stupid woman."

Luo Jiali had never seen her angry before, so she didn't know that this man was so unreasonable when he was angry, she waved her hand and said: "Okay, I am a stupid woman, yes, there is no one more stupid than me in the world , foolishly deceived, foolishly pregnant with other people's children, and foolishly give birth, you have already suffered at a young age, you have not given up on too much suffering, you are lucky, you like your daughter, and your daughter likes you too, But do you think you can get what you want?"

Although Huo Tianhua had already lost his mind, his mind and thoughts were still clear, so he heard the general meaning of the words, and enraged him even more, so he questioned:

"What do you mean? I didn't think much about it. I just want you and my daughter to be by my side. Am I wrong? I don't know anything about what happened before. I don't even know who you are. I don’t know, I’m very grateful for you guys appearing in front of me now, I think God has taken me well, so what else do you want me to do? Do you think it makes sense for us to quarrel over a man now?”

Luo Jiali also smiled coldly, she shook her head, and suddenly felt that arguing with this man was meaningless, as if this matter had consumed all her energy.

"It doesn't make sense and you're right, it's just that today's conversation made me more sure that I need to reconsider the relationship between the two of us."

"Reconsider, what do you mean by saying this? Do you think I will let you go at this point? Do you think you can leave me? Let me tell you, I will never let you leave me in my life , I believe you, I have a way to make you stay by my side for the rest of your life, stay well."

"Huo Tianhua, I just found out now that you are simply unreasonable. I really have no way to communicate with you anymore. Please go out and let me calm down. As for taking wedding photos, don't even think about it. Go and take care of yourself." Think about what you just said, think about how hurtful your words are, do you think you can cover the sky with this hand? Then you might as well give it a try, can you keep me?"

The quarrel between them became more and more intense, which was difficult. The little guy caught between them, poor Ji Rui, looked here and there for a while, they were always facing each other, a man and a woman, Not giving in to each other.

Will Mom and Dad fight?My mother is so thin and my father is so tall, so my mother will definitely lose.The little guy, thinking of this, suddenly became worried, and quickly ran in front of his mother, blocking his father.

This little guy is acting like a superhero now, looking fearless and fearless.

"Dad, why are you talking so fiercely? Will you fight with your mother? Will you beat your mother? If you do it, your mother will definitely not be able to beat you."

Huo Tianhua's heart suddenly softened when he heard his daughter's words. He sighed, then bent down, squatted beside his daughter, and said softly: "Daddy won't beat mom, dad likes mom, but now dad and mom , something needs to be dealt with, the two of us disagree, we are arguing."

"Argument? But you just spoke very fiercely. You scared me. I want to protect my mother and I don't want my father to hurt my mother."

What Ji Rui said made Luo Jiali very uncomfortable. Her daughter had to protect herself and worry about herself at such a young age, and now she still had to see herself arguing with her father.

This is not the first time, why don't I always take care of women's feelings?

"Ji Rui, come here, don't worry, mom and dad are fine, we just have two different answers in our minds, dad needs to calm down, so Ji Rui, you take dad out, okay? Let mom do the same Just be quiet."

As Luo Jiali spoke, she felt even more aggrieved in her heart.

"Two different answers, how can there be two different answers? Our teacher told us that there is only one answer to a question, and that is the only answer. If there are two answers, it is wrong."

The little guy explained to them innocently and seriously, his tone and expression were like a teacher, and the two of them were children.

"You are still young, so you don't know. Children may have only one answer, yes or no, yes or no, but adults have countless answers? It is not eternal, nor is it unique. This is your own. choose."

Luo Jiali, she said such profound words, of course this little guy doesn’t understand, she tilted her head as if thinking, but in the end she sighed, shook her head, and said: “The world of your adults, I don’t understand. I don't understand, your ideas are too complicated, I only know that mom likes dad, dad likes mom, so you should love each other instead of quarreling, I am mom, let dad get angry, dad makes mom cry, that means you If you don't like each other, you shouldn't be together, but I still hope that Mom and Dad can be together, I hope you are all by my side, kindergarten children are like this, I like this."

The little guy's words were immature, but to Luo Jiali's ears, every sentence seemed to pierce his heart.

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