CEO's Sweet Wife

Chapter 636 Proposal

Thinking like this, Luo Jiali almost bumped into the waitress who was walking towards her. She quickly dodged and stopped her politely, wanting to ask Huo Tianhua about the seat he had reserved.

But what made people feel strange was that the waiter seemed to know Luo Jiali's background and intentions. Before she could speak, he said, "Miss Luo, come with me."

Luo Jiali was taken aback, thinking that high-end restaurants are really different, even so different that she even knows her last name.

She followed the waiter suspiciously, and followed her until she was led to a seat in the middle of the hall.

The entire hall became extremely dazzling under the illumination of the huge crystal ceiling on the roof. However, unlike the legend, the business of this store today did not seem to be full of seats as usual. On the contrary, there was no one else except Luo Jiali today. Desolate, unusually desolate.

"Promise him," said the waitress in a low voice.

"Excuse me, what did you say?" The waiter's voice was really low, and Luo Jiali couldn't hear it clearly the first time, so the waiter had to raise his voice and said again: "Promise him."

"Promise to whom?" Luo Jiali asked, but the waiter had already left.

Luo Jiali looked around, she was the only one, and suddenly felt that something might happen next, but Huo Tianhua hadn't come yet, so she didn't know if it had anything to do with him.

After more than ten minutes, Huo Tianhua hadn't come yet, but the dishes had already been served. Luo Jiali looked at the time and knew that Huo Tianhua often forgot the time when talking about things, so she shouldn't disturb him at this time.

Looking at the covered plate in front of her, Luo Jiali didn't know what was inside, but she heard the waiter who served the food say to her with a smile, "Promise him."

Even though Luo Jiali still didn't know what they were talking about, she was used to it at this time, so she nodded very calmly to show that she knew.

At this moment, I only heard a familiar voice from the door: "Mom."

Luo Jiali quickly looked up, and when she saw that it was indeed her baby Ji Rui, she immediately smiled and hugged the child into her arms.

Luo Jirui wore a pink and white princess dress today, and the hem of the skirt swelled hugely, like a blooming flower.

From the moment Ji Rui was born, Luo Jiali could tell that this child was very lucky to combine all the features of her and Huo Tianhua's looks. When she grows up, she must be an extremely beautiful little princess.

"Little guy, why are you here? Did Dad bring you here?" Luo Jiali put down Ji Rui, with a hint of love in her eyes, she asked while helping the child straighten the wrinkled skirt.

"Mom, just promise him, okay." The little Ji Rui raised her head and said, blinking her big watery eyes.

"Promise what, you tell mom, is there any show today, is there any surprise, just like we were abroad before, are we celebrating some festival?"

Ji Rui shook her head, showing an innocent smile like an angel, then tiptoed, lifted the covered forehead plate on the table, and saw a bright red rose lying quietly inside.

Ji Rui took out the rose and stretched it out in front of Luo Jiali. Before Luo Jiali could react to this series of actions, she subconsciously took it.

At this moment, another familiar figure appeared in front of her eyes. Luo Jiali saw that it was really Huo Tianhua who had been missing all afternoon.

Huo Tianhua in front of him was wearing a well-tailored black suit, the corners of his mouth were slightly pursed, and he looked like a smile that wasn't a smile.

Luo Jiali only felt that her breathing stopped for a moment, which was very strange, she clearly didn't know what was going to happen, but she still felt tense for no reason.

"Huo Tianhua, are you done with your work?" Luo Jiali stood up, still holding the rose that Ji Rui gave her just now.

"Mom, you have to promise Dad." Ji Rui took Luo Jiali's hand again and kept shaking it.

"Yes." Huo Tianhua agreed lightly, and then slowly walked towards Luo Jiali.

Finally, when he walked in front of Luo Jiali, he took her other hand and held it in his palm.

"What's wrong with you today? It's so strange. Many people are very strange today. Is there a program today?"

"You guessed it right, there is a program about you. You are the protagonist here today." Huo Tianhua said, he had already knelt down in front of Luo Jiali on one knee, Luo Jiali was startled by such a sudden move, But she quickly understood all this, and also understood all the abnormalities this afternoon.

It turned out that he decided to marry himself.

No wonder all people will sincerely say to themselves: Promise him.

Everyone felt that they should promise him.

I have no reason not to agree to him.

Thousands of words rang in Luo Jiali's mind at this moment, and she also thought of her previous self, of her helpless self in the Luo family, of the isolation and suffering she had suffered since she was a child, and then looked at Huo Tianhua in front of her , and Ji Rui who was holding her hand tightly.

For a moment, she couldn't tell whether she was in reality or in her fantasy dream.

"Huo Tianhua, what are you doing?" As soon as this sentence came out, Luo Jiali suddenly had the urge to hit her.

Idiot, isn't that obvious enough? You don't have to say such idiotic things even if you're pretending to be stupid.

"Luo Jiali, marry me, will you?" Huo Tianhua kept looking at Luo Jiali with deep eyes, and Luo Jiali felt that his eyes were like a black hole that was about to attract her, and it was difficult to get out.

"Huo Tianhua, why did you propose to me? Is it because we have a child?"

Although Luo Jiali really wanted to agree to Huo Tianhua, there were some things she had to ask clearly. There was still a child between her and Huo Tianhua, so she had to determine what his feelings for her were.

"Fool, I want to thank you for giving me such a lovely daughter, do you know? You are like an angel, suddenly appearing in my life, you and your daughter have given me too many surprises."

"Actually, I hesitated for a long time to propose this time, because I was afraid that my feelings for you would be biased, so I asked myself more than once, how do I feel about you, do I really like you, or is it because you I gave birth to a lovely daughter."

"But every time I ask myself, the answer I get in the end is not absolute. Later, I realized that if there is no our daughter, maybe I can't pay attention to you, or I don't have the courage to let you stay by my side. With our daughter, I can confidently keep you by my side, and I can truly know you."

"So I really know God's favor for me, how happy I am to have you and our daughter."

"So, trust me, will you marry me?"

Huo Tianhua's words surprised Luo Jiali, she never expected that Huo Tianhua, who is usually reticent and unwilling to speak, let alone explain, would say so many things for her.

She tried to calm herself down, but the tears still flowed down her face.

Luo Jiali forgot when was the last time she cried. Maybe the experiences of these years have made her invulnerable like a steel man. She has experienced so many things in these years that she even forgot that she still has the possibility of happiness , I still have the right to be happy.

"Huo Tianhua, tell me, the picture now is real, not my dream, right?"

Luo Jiali said softly, and her tears slowly fell down her cheeks. At this moment, she saw a small remote control plane appearing out of nowhere in the hall and flying towards Luo Jiali.

Luo Jiali has been made a little dull by too many emergencies today, so she watched the remote control plane stop above her head and slowly descend until it landed in front of her eyes.

Huo Tianhua took off a black Jinrong box from the remote control plane, and slowly opened it.

I saw a ring lying inside, shining with a faint light.

"Luo Jiali, you are mine." After Huo Tianhua said this, he took off the ring and put it directly on Luo Jiali's index finger. Luo Jiali was shocked by Huo Tianhua's series of actions, so she could only let him be a little domineering. Putting on the ring for himself, Huo Tianhua brought his body into his arms in the next second and hugged him tightly.

At this moment, there was applause from all around, and Luo Jiali realized that Liao Yu, who had just said goodbye, and her best friend Liu Sisi had also appeared at the scene at some point, and they were looking at her now, Liu Sisi She even blushed with excitement.

Be happy, Luo Jiali.

After returning from the restaurant at night, Ji Rui had already fallen asleep in Luo Jiali's arms. Huo Tianhua parked the car in the parking lot, and then quickly came over to open the car door for Luo Jiali and took Ji Rui from Luo Jiali's arms.

The two returned to Luo Jiali's home today, because Luo Jiali always felt that only in her own small home could she feel at ease. Although Huo Tianhua had proposed to her now, they were not yet married, and she had been living in his home I can't justify it.

And Huo Tianhua never cared about it, what he wanted was to be with Luo Jiali and his daughter, so the best way was to follow Luo Jiali back to her small home.

In fact, Huo Tianhua has always liked Luo Jiali's small bed, because of that narrow bed, Huo Tianhua can easily hold Luo Jiali in his arms every time he rests with Luo Jiali.

Huo Tianhua was satisfied with such a feeling, all he had to do now was to be with Luo Jiali, and then implement the marriage as soon as possible.

After setting up Ji Rui, Huo Tianhua and Luo Jiali lay on the bed, Luo Jiali rubbed against Huo Tianhua's arms out of habit, and Huo Tianhua took it for granted that Luo Jiali's shoulders tightened even tighter.

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