CEO's Sweet Wife

Chapter 623 Perfection

Grandma came over to see if the two little girls were awake, but as soon as she entered the house, she saw her little granddaughter holding another little girl's hand and preparing to go out.Looks like he should be looking for her.

Smiling, she walked forward, seeing the two little girls' obedient appearance, she couldn't help being surprised.

"Let's go, grandma will take you to wash your face and brush your teeth and then eat." As he spoke, he led the two little girls from left to right, feeling that his life was perfect for a moment.

Considering that the other little girl didn't have anything prepared, she took out a new toothbrush and thought about whether to go out and buy some clothes for the two little girls.

Not long after Xiaobao came here, the old man took her to buy two clothes, and he didn't know what to think, red or not, purple or not, she would despise her at such an age, let alone a Where is the little girl?
After thinking about it, he made up his mind, took the two little babies to buy some beautiful little skirts, and let the old man keep watch on the phone at home, and punished him for not telling her when he took Xiaobao out last time.

When Lele fans came over, they found that they had arrived in a strange place. I remember hearing in a daze last night that my father said that he was going to find the teacher and asked her to stay here and wait for her to come back.

I gave her a phone number, and looked for it in a panic, but found that the phone was not in her hand, and burst into tears.

The little girl Luo Jirui next to her was anxious, why did her sister cry?Are you missing your parents?It's all her fault, what a dream, it's all right now, it scared my sister to tears.

Wrinkled a small face, looking at the whole person is pitiful, grandma saw that, also worried.

This child should be born.

Holding little friend Lele in his arms, coaxing: "Don't cry, Dad will pick you up in two days. Dad has something to go out, don't cry, why don't you tell grandma and little sister, okay?" It hurts to wipe the tears off He Le's face.

Lele sobbed: "Mobile phone..." If you lose your phone, you won't know what your father is calling.

The grandma understood, looked at the child in her arms who blamed herself for failing, and rubbed the girl's head: "It's okay, don't cry, the phone was charged by the grandpa, and I will tell you as soon as a call comes, okay? "It's so distressing, how can the children of today be more sensible than the other?

Little girl Luo Jirui pinched the little sister's face, thought for a while, and asked, "Little sister, do you miss my sister?" She remembered very clearly that the last time we met, the little sister didn't know how to speak, so I still don't know what my little sister's name is.He asked again: "What's your name? You didn't tell me last time."

He Le looked at the person in front of him, and seemed to think of something, huh?How did you meet Miss Sister here?She also felt like she was dreaming.

She sniffled her little nose and didn't worry about the phone any more. She nodded vigorously and hiccupped and replied, "I name is...Lele." All of a sudden, the strangeness of this place disappeared.

Huo's mother was not surprised that the two little girls would know each other. After all, their father was a good brother of the same company, and they didn't see each other. How could the two have never met.

I felt relieved, put down Lele in my arms, and said to the two children solemnly: "I'll go and see grandpa, you two play first, don't fight, you know?"

Little girl Luo Jirui nodded, quite helpless, fighting is obviously something that children do, and she likes her little sister so much, how could she quarrel.

Looking at the red circles under the little sister's eyes, she couldn't help but smile, took her little hand, and couldn't stop chattering like last time.

He Le listened, nodded from time to time, and didn't say much. She was worried about her father, but she also liked her sister.I could only think about my father and listen to my sister talking, but it made her so fascinated.

Little girl Luo Jirui didn't think the little sister was boring, she was still quite interested. Although she hated the kids in the class, but for some reason, in her eyes, the little sister was different from those idiots.

Those idiots can only cry and have a runny nose, but my sister is different. She will listen carefully (fog) and is the best listener.

When Luo Jiali woke up, she felt the darkness around her, thinking about what happened, how could she know something, she must have been deceived.

She didn't have He Zi's app, but when she was about to get off work that day, she suddenly received a friend message.

Clicking on it, it was He Zi. At that time, she was still wondering why He Zi added her, but after thinking about the project, it made some sense.

It didn't say much in it, it just told her to wait for him somewhere after get off work, is there anything that can't be said in the company?
At that time, she directly refused, but the message said that she was afraid that someone would see it and it would be difficult for Huo Tianhua to explain it, because this project was more important, so he wanted to discuss it with her.In addition, it doesn't take too much time, so after thinking about it, she agreed.

After thinking about Huo Tianhua's invincible jealousy, he believed it a little bit. After all, Huo Tianhua was jealous, but it didn't matter who it was.

After get off work, seeing that Huo Tianhua hadn't contacted her, he went to wait at the place He Zi had agreed upon.

The more she walked, the more she realized that something was wrong, because the number of people around her had gradually decreased. When she realized it, a group of people had already blocked her way, and she had no direction to go forward or backward.

He took out his mobile phone to call the police, but a group of men in black covered his mouth and nose. Immediately afterwards, his consciousness disappeared.

When he woke up, the surroundings were pitch black, and although he was screaming inwardly, his face was still as calm as before.

She didn't know who tied her here, but she believed that she would know soon.

The strength of the fascination/drug has not yet passed, and she can clearly feel that at this moment, she is on the weak side.

My mind was dim, and I had no energy. Then, there were two very familiar footsteps.

As soon as the light came on, it was clear that it was Zhang Mei and Luo Chuchu who hadn't met for a long time.

The two familiar faces made her feel a little disgusted. The reason why she appeared here this time must have something to do with them.

"You are not afraid of kidnapping me like this. Huo Tianhua will find out something, and then you will be finished." With raised lips, he looked at the two people in front of him rather angrily.

I have to say, the two of them really like each other, although I don't know how they got together, but I really had to remind her of a sentence, green tea with flowers is really good.

Zhang Mei didn't care too much, the current Luo Jiali was tied here by her, and she didn't let her dispose of her.When Huo Tianhua found out, Luo Jiali was long gone.

When the time comes, Huo Tianhua will already belong to her, so are you afraid that he will punish himself for a dead person?
Luo Chuchu looked at Luo Jiali, who was tied to the ground in a mess, proud, but also disgusting. Luo Jiali was really shameless. She knew she liked Huo Tianhua, and she shamelessly seduced her. The Luo family had supported her for so long.

Raising a dog is closer than raising her.

But Luo Chuchu never imagined how the scumbag Luo Jiali talked about in college was seduced by her, what did she say at that time?
The two of us really love each other and cannot be separated.How long has it been?But I got tired of playing.

Luo Jiali looked at the two people mockingly, what could she say?You should never try to reason with a fool because she will never understand.

Luo Chuchu hooked Luo Jiali's chin and laughed.

"Don't worry, I don't need to worry about my sister." She looked smug, a bit hideous, because there was no one else, so Luo Chuchu didn't care about her own image.

Looking at Luo Jiali who was slaughtered by others, the old sense of superiority returned.

What's so great about Luo Jiali? All the men basically revolve around her. Basically, where there is Luo Jiali, others can't feel her existence at all.

She just likes to grab Luo Jiali's things, so what?It's just a dog adopted by her father. If her father hadn't given her a home, she still doesn't know which small corner she would live in.

Growing up, as long as she likes someone, without exception, she will basically fall in love with Luo Jiali. She doesn't understand, what is so good about Luo Jiali? Apart from being pretty and capable, she also Nothing appealing.

When she was a child, she snatched the toys Luo Jiali liked by all means and threw them into the trash can. Even if Luo Jiali liked to eat them, she didn't want to show them to Luo Jiali.

When Luo Jiali is unhappy, those are her happy days.

But later, this sense of superiority gradually disappeared, and Luo Jiali was not at all as she expected, she was hit to nothing by her.

Instead, he worked hard to get into university by himself, and gradually escaped from the Luo family's control.

She talked about a boyfriend who was just average in appearance. She went up to hook up, basically without much effort, and he was already put into bed by her. At that time, when she saw the scars under Luo Jiali's eyes, she felt I couldn't hide my joy.

Luo Jiali's chances of going back to Luo's house are getting less and less, and her life is quite boring. Luo Jiali's so-called boyfriend is not worth liking, and she didn't know what Luo Jiali liked about him at the beginning.

One day, Luo Jiali came back and said that she was pregnant, and begged her father to help him. Looking at Luo Jiali's appearance, she thought to herself, look, even the gods don't want Luo Jiali to have a better life.

It's just a dog. The moment Luo Jiali was kicked out of Luo's house, she couldn't help laughing.God is helping her.

But things quickly derailed.

Luo Jiali is very stubborn abroad, she sent someone to inquire, and heard that she is already a well-known designer abroad, but she has never heard anything about Luo Jiali's child.

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