Thinking about the fact that there will be people waiting for him to come home every day in the future, I can't help but feel happy.

very nice.

Zhao Yue helped her forehead, sighed, and said: "Well. That's how it is, I will pay you a regular rent every month." However, she couldn't help but like He Zi, after thinking about it, she nodded in agreement, and her heart There is still a little bit of ninety-nine.

He Zi raised her brows with joy, and as she spoke, she wanted to go in and help Zhao Yue tidy up together, but Zhao Yue stopped at the door with a blushing face: "It's better not to come in to see a girl's room."

The underwear she washed last night is still hanging on the balcony, if He Zi saw it, it would be embarrassing.

He Zi was stunned for a moment, but she also sent it, nodded, and stood at the door like a big loyal dog, earnest and well-behaved.

Sitting in the car, Xiaotuanzi quietly looked at the two people at the door, tilted his head, with a hint of understanding on his expression: "Is this what my sister told her I like?" Dad likes the teacher.

The appearance of a little ghost is also cute.

Zhao Yue simply didn't have many things, one suitcase was packed, and the rest of the things were not hers, so there was no need to take them away.

Sitting in the co-pilot's seat, looking at the constantly receding scenery outside the window, there was a trace of confusion.

This, has it moved?
Xiao Tuanzi was quite bored seeing the one in front of him driving intently while the other was concentrating on watching the scenery.

Suddenly said: "Dad, do you like teacher?" Xiaotuanzi asked, Zhao Yue's body tensed up suddenly, this answer unexpectedly attracted people's attention.

He Zi was a little embarrassed, but couldn't help but look at the people around him. The people around him didn't seem to hear him, and continued to look out the window, which made him a little disappointed.

What I heard when I was drunk that day, is it really a lie?But he still forced a smile, and gently answered Xiaotuanzi behind him: "Then do you like Teacher? If you like it, I like it too."

Xiaotuanzi is excited, her favorite woman is the teacher, that is to say, Dad also likes it, right?Is it possible for the teacher to become her mother?
Thinking about the teacher playing with her every day, teaching her to do homework, dressing her, she couldn't help but show her little canine teeth: "I like it, I like the teacher the most."

There is a sense of loss in Zhao Yue's heart, is it just like this?
He Zi did not speak, with a feeling of tension.

Zhao Yue smiled lightly, and answered Xiaotuanzi's words, as if she didn't take He Zi's words into her heart at all: "I also like Lele the most."

Alright, now Lele is happy, showing her sweet canine teeth, with the baby voice of a child.

The two people in front of them had different thoughts and were not in the mood at all.

Looking at Yue'er beside her, He Zi asked, "Yue'er, do you have someone you like now?" It seemed casual, but she was looking forward to the answer.

Zhao Yue was stunned, and nodded randomly, yes, how could there not be, isn't the person I liked since childhood, right in front of me?But he was timid by nature and didn't say it.

He Zi didn't speak, looked at the road ahead, concentrated on driving, and said after a while, "That's it." He didn't dare to ask who she liked, so he could only carefully hide his small thoughts.

After being together every day in the future, he didn't believe that Zhao Yue would still fall in love with someone else.

It takes a long time to see people's hearts, he still has a little confidence in himself.

Speechless all the way.

When she arrived at the place, she was pulling her luggage, and she couldn't believe it for a moment. She was really going to live with He Zi in the future.

The nanny had already tidied up the house, and she still had a little impression of this girl. That day she looked at the little lady, a very careful girl, but she was abducted by the young master.

On the contrary, it was enthusiastic, and wanted to help her tidy up, and also wanted to introduce her to the environment, which made Zhao Yue feel quite embarrassed.

Lying in the house, the equipment inside is all available.It's also convenient.

After thinking about what He Zi asked in the car, he didn't know what to think, and fell into a deep sleep.

It was Lele's knock on the door that woke her up.

It's been a long time since I slept so comfortably.Rubbing his eyes, the prime location really wasn't built, it was quiet and undisturbed, much better than the original place.

She got up in a daze, changed her clothes, washed her face and brushed her teeth, and when she fully woke up, she saw He Zi looking at her with a smile all over her face.

In front of the table, there was breakfast. He Le, who was eating milk with his hands, saw Zhao Yue, and called teacher indistinctly.

"Come, let's eat." He Zi greeted, and for a moment, she felt like an old married couple.

Zhao Yue looked at her watch, it was getting late, but she was a little worried about being late.

If you are late, your salary will be deducted, and she will be the one who will be cold at that time.

As if seeing through Zhao Yue's thoughts, He Zi smiled: "It's okay, just eat, you will get stomach problems if you don't eat breakfast." He didn't remember at all, and he never paid attention to these things a long time ago.

Looking at He Zi's smiling eyes, she couldn't help but sit down, her heart was sore, it seemed that she hadn't had breakfast since a long time ago.

I was disturbed by the busy life every day, and basically had no time to eat, which led to the development of a habit. In my memory, no one asked her to eat for a long time.

Satisfied, she held the soy milk in front of her, but saw He Zi looking at her nervously, took a sip, and felt very comfortable.

"How does it taste?" He Zi asked, looking at the two contented ones, one big and one small, in front of her, and smiled.

Zhao Yue had bread in her mouth, soy milk in her hand, and a half-eaten egg on the plate.Quite rich, like a greedy cat, nodding.

He Zi smiled and explained: "I made this, I'm afraid you won't be used to it if it tastes bad."

Uh, this may be a big misunderstanding, not used to it? How could it be not used to it? He Zi grew up in an orphanage, so of course she has cooking skills, and after she came to Mu's house, she was used to cooking by herself , How could cooking be bad.

Lele squinted her eyes, and there were only half-grown children on the left and right, and the previous malnutrition had recovered a lot in a few days.

In addition, everyone around her loves her, and basically leaves the best for her, so now she basically has flesh on her face, which is so white and soft that people like it.

Holding a glass of milk and drinking slowly, looking at the teacher and father.Feeling quite happy.

The previous life seems to have become the past, and now she is a little princess spoiled by everyone.

Zhao Yue was quite surprised, but her heart was filled with depression and warmth. She didn't expect that He Zi would cook the breakfast. Thinking about the exquisite breakfast in front of her, He Zi must have wasted a lot of effort when she got up early in the morning.

Thinking about it, even with He Zi, there is a kind of joy.

Driving Lele and Yue'er to school and work, I feel like a family of three in a trance.

He took Lele's hand and entered the classroom. The children in the class were almost here. Seeing her coming, the children rushed over excitedly.

"Teacher, teacher, I studied hard yesterday."

"Teacher, why did you come here with Lele?"

"Teacher, you haven't hugged me yet today."


Surrounded by a bunch of children, it can be seen how popular Zhao Yue is among this group of children.

Zhao Yue was also patient, smiling and looking at the little treasures surrounded by them, coaxing them back to their seats, and the class was about to start.

He Zi, who was not far away, felt a little bitter in her heart. She treats the child so tenderly, and she can't treat him better.

Seeing that Zhao Yue was about to start class, she thought about the things the company hadn't dealt with, and drove away reluctantly.

On the desk, there was a manuscript designed by Zhang Mei, and a very cautious assistant stood beside her.

He Zi waved her hand, asked the assistant to go out, sat on the office chair, and looked at the documents.

Because the manuscript has not passed through other people's hands, you can still see the traces of Zhang Mei's revisions, but it is also hard work.

The more you look at it, the more you feel that something is wrong. Generally speaking, this kind of small project would not go through He Zi's hands, but if it wasn't for a whim, it would not have thought of coming to pay attention to these things.

At first glance, the design is really perfect, but after careful observation, it can be seen that in some details, it is very similar to a work of a well-known foreign designer a long time ago, because it is a foreign country, so if it is really It is designed in a short period of time and released to the country, it is difficult for anyone to notice.

But after a long time, it may not be so. Although the loss is not big, the company's reputation will definitely be affected. This design is indeed serious, but the seriousness is not the place.

He Zi didn't understand why Zhang Mei did this, what exactly she was trying to figure out, and doing so would have some impact on her.

The assistant came in at this time, holding a cup of coffee, looking at the restless Mr. He, wondering what happened.

"You go to the design department and tell Zhang Mei that she doesn't have to come back in the future." He Zi thought for a while, then said to the assistant.

If this company is only his own, he can also give her some compensation for the sake of their acquaintance for so many years, but this company does not belong to him alone.

She can't be allowed to continue to be presumptuous.

The assistant was also depressed and didn't understand what was going on, but he went downstairs anyway and informed him.

But not long after, he came up again, with a look of embarrassment on his face, followed by several shareholders.

Shareholders also don't understand why a person is fired for no reason. Although this kind of thing can be done with his ability, he arranged the person.

It’s okay if Zhang Mei’s ability is not good, but the key is that Zhang Mei’s ability has been experienced in the past few months. They have outstanding ability, perfect appearance, and they are high-achieving students who have returned from studying abroad. Which company is not rushing to accept him? of?
There must always be an explanation for this matter. Could it be because of the last competition? But people walking by the river, how can people not get their shoes wet? This kind of thing is normal.

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