CEO's Sweet Wife

Chapter 60 Fighting to the End

Seeing that the slap was about to fall, Shen Wan Bai subconsciously closed his eyes, but the expected pain never came.
"She is my woman. If you dare to touch her hair, even if I use up all my possessions, I will fight you to the end!"
"Ahhh! Let go!"
Mother He screamed, twisting her facial features because of the pain.
He Zefeng snorted coldly, his dark eyes were full of disgust.
As soon as Shen Wanbai opened her eyes, what she saw was He Zefeng's cold eyes. This was the first time she experienced the feeling of being protected, and her heart felt warm.
"Mr. He, let go. This is a hospital. If things get serious, it won't be good for you."
Shen Wanbai's eyes were full of concern, He Zefeng couldn't help being taken aback, and then let go of his hands.
Song's mother, who was relieved, stared angrily, very unwillingly.
"He Zefeng, don't go too far!"
He Zefeng stared at the two people opposite, with a bloodthirsty arc raised at the corner of his mouth.
"As I said, you can come to me for revenge, and I will accompany you at any time, but my ugly words can be said first, and I have a bad temper. If you accidentally miss, don't blame me then!"
His eyes fell on Song Haotian who was lying on the hospital bed through the two of them.
"And him, remember to tell him after he wakes up, if he doesn't know how to restrain himself, I will break his leg next time."
The smile on the corner of his mouth became brighter and brighter: "I'm not just talking..."
Shen Wan Bai didn't know how she left the ward, when she came to her senses, she was already sitting in the car.
The man beside her had a cold face, and she couldn't help but look out the window, not daring to say a word.
To be honest, the He Zefeng just now was really terrifying, as if he was a different person.
After an unknown amount of time, the car stopped and they had already returned to the villa.
A ray of sunlight fell through the gaps in the leaves and fell into the yard, adding a bit of warmth.
But Shen Wan Bai suddenly saw a person sitting at the door, she was wearing a warm yellow skirt and a sun hat.
Shen Wan Bai's footsteps stopped.
He Zefeng frowned slightly: "Why did you stop?"
Shen Wan Bai pointed to the front and said in a low voice, "There is a person over there."
He Zefeng looked in the direction she pointed, and really saw a figure sitting there.
So he quickened his pace, and Shen Wan Bai followed.
"Ze Feng! You're back!"
Song Meiyi smiled like a flower, and immediately stood up excitedly, her eyes were full of obsession.
"Why are you here?" He Zefeng was obviously a little impatient, he remembered telling the security that no one else was allowed in without his permission... It seems that he didn't listen to his words!
Shen Wanbai took a step back embarrassingly, in this case it's better for her not to come forward.
"Where are you going?"
Shen Wan Bai's body froze, she stood there dumbly, not knowing what to say.
However, He Zefeng didn't seem to intend to let her go, and grabbed her wrist and brought her to his side.
"You are not allowed to leave without my order."
Shen Wan Bai pretended to be obedient and nodded: "En."
Song Meiyi, who was ignored, was furious. She had been waiting here for so long, why didn't Ze Feng take a look at her, and cared about her for a while.
"Ze Feng, my legs are a little numb." Song Meiyi pursed her lips aggrievedly, as if she was acting like a spoiled child.
Shen Wanbai couldn't help but want to retch, but he still held back, thinking that Song Meiyi really could do anything for He Zefeng.
But... Will He Zefeng talk to her?
In fact, she had already guessed the answer, but she still couldn't help but want to see his reaction.
"I'm tired, go back where you came from."
Song Meiyi stared in disbelief: "I know you hate me, but I really have something to discuss with you this time, so I'll only delay you for 2 minutes, okay?"
He Zefeng stared at the people around him, and his tone was full of indulgence: "Did you hear a mosquito making noise?"
Shen Wan Bai was stunned, and blurted out: "Mosquito?" She didn't see the mosquito.
The corner of He Zefeng's mouth twitched, this woman really didn't know how to cooperate at all.
Well, let him do it himself.
Song Meiyi suddenly had a bad premonition in her heart.
Suddenly, Shen Wanbai's body lightened, and she was suddenly picked up. She stared at He Zefeng's jaw.
"Put me down!"

The door of the villa was closed, and Song Meiyi stood at the door dully.
He Zefeng actually shut her out!
"I'm not done with you!"
Song Meiyi left with a dark face, and the security guard immediately hid in fright when seeing her expression.
In the room, Shen Wanbai was very speechless about what He Zefeng did, he was really childish like this.
"You can let me down now."
At the entrance, He Zefeng stared at her: "Oh? But I haven't played enough yet."
There was a vague smile in his eyes, as if he was very satisfied with Shen Wanbai's current expression.
"I... came to that today..."
After finishing speaking, Shen Wanbai's face immediately turned red. She was telling the truth, but she was very embarrassed.
He Zefeng originally just wanted to tease her, but he was a little surprised that she would say such a thing.
As a result, the smile on the corner of his mouth became brighter and brighter, his smile was like the sunshine in midsummer, which dazzled people.
He Zefeng stepped up the ladder step by step with Shen Wanbai in his arms.
During this period, Shen Wan Bai's whole heart was lifted up.
Didn't she already say that she came to that?Why doesn't he let her go? Is it true that he wants to...
Shen Wanbai couldn't accept it in her heart. Although she lived with He Zefeng, he was still a stranger to her.
Perhaps it was because of her experience from childhood that she became unwilling to trust someone easily.
With a character like her, maybe she shouldn't have love.
He Zefeng freed one hand to open the bedroom door, and when he heard a click, Shen Wanbai's body began to become extremely stiff.
It seems to be afraid.
She raised her eyes to look at He Zefeng, and said softly, "Don't do this, I..."
Before she finished speaking, He Zefeng stopped and interrupted her.
"What do you think I want to do to you?"
Shen Wan Bai was completely puzzled: "I..." She suddenly became dumb, unable to speak a word.
"Oh, what's on your mind? I carried you upstairs because I saw you were tired."
There was playfulness in He Zefeng's eyes, Shen Wanbai knew he was playing tricks on her!
"Put me down!"
Shen Wanbai struggled hard, and finally He Zefeng let go of his hand in desperation.
Shen Wan Bai stabilized his body, stared at him, and said angrily: "Please get out, I want to rest!"
He Zefeng's face was full of interest: "Our wedding will be in a few days. Are you planning to sleep in the same bed alone for the rest of your life?"
"The wedding hasn't started yet, anyway, I just want to sleep alone now!"
Shen Wan Bai immediately went all out, she was like a wild cat, she looked very cute and well-behaved on the surface, but she hid her sharp claws in the dark, making it impossible to guard against at critical moments.
The next moment, she stepped on He Zefeng's foot vigorously.
Suddenly, He Zefeng's face became very ugly.
This woman's courage... is getting bigger and bigger!
Before he could react, Shen Wan Bai had already pushed him outside the door, and then the door was closed.
He Zefeng raised his hand and wanted to knock on the door, but after thinking about it, he gave up.
The cold white light shines on the corridor, making the corridor very long.
Finally, his back merged with it and disappeared.
Shen Wan Bai leaned against the door, feeling very terrified of what she did just now, she must have gone crazy just now!
Thinking of He Zefeng's man-eating expression, she immediately wanted to find a place to hide forever.
Impulse is the devil, she now fully understands the meaning of this sentence.
Time flies, and there is only one day in the countdown to the wedding.
This day, Shen Wanbai was restless. She looked at the calendar with trembling fingers.
"what do I do……"
Fear took hold of her, and she was terrified of marriage.
In the past, she always fantasized about being able to stay with the one she loves for the rest of her life, but now... she wants to marry someone she doesn't like, and a man who bought her.
No matter how rich the other party is, she would rather be poor for the rest of her life than marry He Zefeng.
"Butler, where is Mr. He?"
Hearing this, the butler nodded: "The young master has gone out."
Shen Wan Bai was taken aback for a moment, then remembered that he still had to work in the company.
It seems that she is the only one who has the most leisure now.
"Housekeeper, I want to go out for a stroll, can I?"
The housekeeper was in a dilemma: "This can't be done. Tomorrow is your wedding day. If you make a mistake, you will have to skin me after the young master comes back."
"But... I just want to get out and get some air..."
The butler's attitude was very firm: "No, you have to get the young master's permission to go out."
Shen Wanbai was so angry that she went upstairs directly, took out her mobile phone, and called He Zefeng directly.
"Is something wrong?"
When the familiar voice came from the phone, she suddenly swallowed back the words that came to her lips.
There was a few seconds of silence in the air.
He Zefeng couldn't help frowning, wondering in his heart: "Why don't you talk anymore?"
"Beep beep."
In the conference room, He Zefeng had a dark face, staring fixedly at the black screen of the mobile phone.
Woman, how dare you hang up on my phone.
The people around immediately silenced, not daring to breathe out, thinking what's wrong with Mr. He?
The assistant lowered his voice and called softly: "Mr. He... the meeting..."
He Zefeng raised his eyes, which were completely dark.
Everyone couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief, just now, they thought He Zefeng would lift the table and leave.
Shen Wan Bai stared blankly at the phone, she thought her brain must have been flooded.
In the past few days, she and He Zefeng hadn't met a few times at all, and even if they did, they would just glance at him lightly, and then what should they do.
They are like a pair of familiar strangers to each other.
After the meeting, He Zefeng rushed back to the villa directly.
At this moment Shen Wan Bai was drinking afternoon tea, when she heard the sound of the door opening, she immediately stood up from her chair.
Sunlight poured down from the window and fell on her.

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